
Only money in sight? Naturalized international players are absent from the Chinese Super League without reason, or leave the team at the end of the year, fans: ungrateful

author:Eager to learn the spring breeze

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Only money in sight? Naturalized international players are absent from the Chinese Super League without reason, or leave the team at the end of the year, fans: ungrateful
Only money in sight? Naturalized international players are absent from the Chinese Super League without reason, or leave the team at the end of the year, fans: ungrateful
Only money in sight? Naturalized international players are absent from the Chinese Super League without reason, or leave the team at the end of the year, fans: ungrateful
Only money in sight? Naturalized international players are absent from the Chinese Super League without reason, or leave the team at the end of the year, fans: ungrateful
Only money in sight? Naturalized international players are absent from the Chinese Super League without reason, or leave the team at the end of the year, fans: ungrateful
Only money in sight? Naturalized international players are absent from the Chinese Super League without reason, or leave the team at the end of the year, fans: ungrateful
Only money in sight? Naturalized international players are absent from the Chinese Super League without reason, or leave the team at the end of the year, fans: ungrateful
Only money in sight? Naturalized international players are absent from the Chinese Super League without reason, or leave the team at the end of the year, fans: ungrateful

Title 1: Twists and Turns and Reflections on the Road to Naturalization: The "Golden Yuan" Experiment of Chinese Football

In the long journey of Chinese football, naturalized players were once regarded as the "golden key" to save the national team from fire and water. However, when a river of money and expectations converges on the talented footballers who have come from afar, we have to face an awkward reality: the road to naturalization is much more rugged than we imagined. Fernando of Shandong Taishan is a controversial name among these many naturalization cases. His story is not only the ups and downs of his career, but also a mirror of China's football naturalization policy.

Fernando's path to naturalization was accompanied by doubts and expectations from the very beginning. As a "star of hope" introduced by Chinese football, he carries the dreams and sustenance of too many people. However, reality has repeatedly poured cold water on this expectation. From not being able to play for the national football team for a long time, to escaping at critical moments, Fernando's behavior undoubtedly chilled the fans who supported him. What's more, his carefree life in Brazil and his disregard for the national team call-up once became the laughing stock of international football. Such a contrast makes people ponder the naturalization strategy of Chinese football: can money really buy loyalty and love?

Title 2: From the Edge to the Core, Fernando's "Rebirth" and Controversy

Just when everyone thought that Fernando's career would be over, the Shandong Taishan team reached out to him. This is not only a redemption for a player, but also a reassessment of China's football naturalization policy. Under the careful cultivation of the Taishan team, Fernando gradually regained his form, and even became an important chess piece on the team's offensive line for a time. Every time he plays, he tugs at the heartstrings of countless fans; Every time he scores, he gives a glimpse of hope for naturalized players. However, just when everything seemed to be on the right track, Fernando was once again on the cusp of the storm due to contract issues.

At a critical moment in the Chinese Super League, Fernando's unexcused absence undoubtedly caused great trouble to the team. Especially when the team is full of injuries and is in urgent need of manpower, his "passive slacking" behavior has made fans and coaching staff feel angry and disappointed. Although the team officially responded to the matter lightly on the grounds of "team situation", anyone with a discerning eye can see the real reason behind this - money. Fernando's demand for a contract extension with a high salary can be understood to some extent as a professional player's pursuit of self-worth; But the question is, does he remember how he got out of the trough and who gave him the chance to prove himself again?

Title 3: Ungrateful? Fernando's choice and future

In the face of Fernando's request for contract renewal, the Shandong Taishan team is undoubtedly in a dilemma. On the one hand, they are well aware of the importance of Fernando to the team; On the other hand, the team's limited financial resources are difficult to support its high salary requirements. Such a contradiction not only tests the wisdom and determination of the club, but also tests Fernando's professionalism and gratitude as a professional player.

In a way, Fernando's actions do make people feel "ungrateful". If it weren't for the timely help and patience of the Tarzan team, he might have disappeared in the Brazilian football desert. However, now that his contract is about to expire, he has chosen to fight for his own greater interests in this way. Such an approach undoubtedly made the fans who once supported him feel chilled and disappointed.

Title 4: Reflections and Prospects on the Road to Naturalization

Fernando's story is just a microcosm of China's football naturalization policy. In this process, we see the power and limitations of money, and also see the profit-seeking nature of professional players. More importantly, however, we need to learn from this experience and learn from it. In the future, Chinese football may still need naturalized players to supplement its strength and enhance its competitiveness; But we must be more cautious and rational in choosing who to naturalize. We should not only pay attention to the technical ability and game experience of the players, but also pay attention to their professionalism and gratitude. Only in this way can we avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and make the path of naturalization further and more stable.

At the same time, we should also see the potential and hope of Chinese football itself. Through the continuous improvement of the youth training system, the continuous improvement of the league level and the in-depth popularization of football culture, we have reason to believe that in the future, more outstanding local players will emerge in Chinese football to represent the national team in the international arena. At that point, naturalized players may no longer be our only option; And a story like Fernando will also become an episode and a warning in the long river of history.

Fans' voices: Fernando's choice and the future of Shandong Taishan team

As a fan who has been following and loving Chinese football for a long time, I am full of mixed emotions about the recent Fernando incident that happened to Shandong Taishan. This is not only a simple player contract dispute, but also a profound reflection on China's football naturalization policy, club management and player professional ethics.

From hope to disappointment, Fernando's path to naturalization

When Fernando joined the Chinese football family as a naturalized player, I, like countless fans, had high hopes for him. We look forward to him being able to bring a boost to the Chinese team like other successful naturalized players and help us achieve better results in the international arena." However, reality has poured cold water on us again and again. Fernando's long-term inability to integrate into the national team, and even chose to avoid it at critical moments, undoubtedly disappointed and angry. But what makes me even more heartbroken is that the Shandong Taishan team, as his new club, gave him the opportunity to be reborn, but he didn't seem to cherish it.

The perseverance and helplessness of the Shandong Taishan team

Shandong Taishan team, as a veteran powerhouse in Chinese football, has always been known for its steady style and profound heritage. When Fernando needed help the most, it was the Tarzan team who reached out to him and gave him the stage to prove himself again. The team not only supported him technically and tactically, but also gave him psychological encouragement, which helped him gradually regain his form. However, when the team faced a difficult situation and urgently needed him to step up, he chose to remain silent and escape. Such behavior not only made the team's coaching team and teammates feel cold, but also made the majority of fans lose trust in him.

As a fan, I understand that players have the right to pursue high salaries, after all, football is a highly commercial sport. But I also think that professional players should take into account the interests of the team and the feelings of the fans while pursuing their own interests. Fernando's choice to do so in the most difficult moment for the Tarzan team is undoubtedly a betrayal of the team and the fans. This ungrateful behavior not only damaged his image in the hearts of fans, but also cast a shadow on his future career.

Reflections on Naturalization Policy and Future Prospects

The Fernando incident has once again triggered us to reflect on the naturalization policy of Chinese football. The original intention of naturalized players was to improve the strength of the national team, but in practice, they faced many challenges and difficulties. How to choose the right naturalization object? How can I ensure that naturalised players are truly integrated into national teams and clubs? These are all questions that we need to think about seriously. I believe that in the future, when implementing the naturalization policy, we should pay more attention to the professionalism and gratitude of the players, rather than just their technical ability and commercial value.

At the same time, we should also see the potential and hope of Chinese football itself. With the continuous improvement of the youth system and the improvement of the league level, we have emerged a group of potential young players. Although they are still young, they have already shown great strength and potential. As long as we can give them enough support and training, I believe they will be able to become the future stars of Chinese football.

Conclusion and discussion

The Fernando affair, while disappointing and painful, is also a wake-up call. As fans, we should maintain a rational and objective attitude, not only to see the efforts and dedication of the players, but also to dare to point out their shortcomings and mistakes. At the same time, we should also pay more attention to and support the development of Chinese football, and contribute to the rise of Chinese football.

Here, I would like to bring up a topic of discussion: how to balance the individual interests of players with the interests of the team in the tide of commercialization of professional football? Should the player's discretion be fully respected, or should there be more restrictive clauses in the contract to govern the player's behavior? This is a question that deserves to be explored in depth. I believe that only through continuous discussions and exchanges can we find more reasonable and effective solutions and contribute wisdom and strength to the healthy development of Chinese football.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: Naturalization, the dilemma of loyalty and righteousness

Naturalization Chronicles

Return to China like an arrow, and turn rain and spring breeze into greenery.

Jin Ge Iron Horse once chased dreams, where is the silver saddle white horse looking now?

tried his best to seek a victory, and fought in the south and north for a long time.

How many people have become passers-by, leaving empty hatred in the world.

Mount Tai stands majestically, and the heroes in the team have many tribulations.

The affection is heavy in the same boat through thick and thin, and adversity is connected with common heart.

Who would have thought that the world would be changeable, and it would be difficult to understand the fame and fortune in the world.

How much pride has come to naught, and Nan Ke wakes up from a dream and is cold.

It is useless to say more, and sigh, and the young beard is gray-haired.

The way back is long, where is the butterfly fluttering around the flowers.

The situation is unpredictable, and the world is always impermanent.

Record the sorrows and joys here, and leave them for future generations to say in the past.

The stadium is like a battlefield, and the flames are rising in the sky.

Naturalization is not easy, and loyalty and filial piety are difficult to achieve.

With great effort, he fought in the south and in the north.

There is a lot of fate, and few people know pity.

The mountains and rivers are still there, and there are a lot of personnel.

Where the heart goes, the shadow turns into the dust.

The wind and clouds disperse, and the clouds open to see the moon.

Record history and leave history in order to warn future generations.


This ancient poem is subtitled "Naturalization Record, the Dilemma of Loyalty and Righteousness", which aims to summarize and sublimate the complex emotions and profound reflections behind the Fernando incident and the naturalization policy of Chinese football. At the beginning of the poem, the word "naturalization" is pointed out, and through images such as "returning to the heart like an arrow" and "turning rain and spring breeze", it depicts the expectations and visions of naturalized players when they first enter Chinese football. Subsequently, the pen turned around, revealing the hardships and challenges of the road to naturalization with words and phrases such as "painstaking" and "fighting in the south and in the north".

In the middle part, through the depictions of "Taishan Towering" and "Together Through Thick and Thin", it shows the tenacity and unity of Shandong Taishan team as a club, and also implies criticism and disappointment in Fernando's behavior. Then, the phrase "who knew that the world is changing" led the topic to a deep reflection on naturalization policy and the personal choices of players.

In the second half of the poem, words such as "too many words are useless" and "the long way home" express the helplessness and emotion of the Fernando incident and similar situations. At the same time, sentences such as "unpredictable changes" and "the impermanence of the world is always concerned" also reveal the complex and unpredictable feelings of the football world.

Finally, the purpose of "recording history and leaving history in history, and posterity of the police" is aimed at emphasizing the value and significance of this history, hoping that future generations can learn lessons from it and contribute to the healthy development of Chinese football. The whole poem is ancient and elegant, affectionate, and shows the fans' deep thinking and complex emotions about the Fernando incident and the naturalization policy of Chinese football.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】