
The dust has settled! George joined with a maximum salary of 212 million in 4 years, and the new version of the Big Three was released, aiming for the championship

author:Eager to learn the spring breeze

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The dust has settled! George joined with a maximum salary of 212 million in 4 years, and the new version of the Big Three was released, aiming for the championship
The dust has settled! George joined with a maximum salary of 212 million in 4 years, and the new version of the Big Three was released, aiming for the championship
The dust has settled! George joined with a maximum salary of 212 million in 4 years, and the new version of the Big Three was released, aiming for the championship
The dust has settled! George joined with a maximum salary of 212 million in 4 years, and the new version of the Big Three was released, aiming for the championship
The dust has settled! George joined with a maximum salary of 212 million in 4 years, and the new version of the Big Three was released, aiming for the championship
The dust has settled! George joined with a maximum salary of 212 million in 4 years, and the new version of the Big Three was released, aiming for the championship

George joins the 76ers, and a new version of the Big Three is poised to go

As the curtain of the NBA free market opened, signing dramas were staged one after another. Among them, the signing of Paul George is undoubtedly one of the most eye-catching focuses. The former All-Star, after years of battles and ups and downs, finally reached a four-year, $212 million maximum salary contract with the Philadelphia 76ers, announcing the official release of the new version of the Big Three, aiming for the championship.

George's decision: Return to the East and join forces with Embiid

George's decision to sign didn't happen overnight. During his time with the Clippers, there were constant disagreements between him and the team over contract issues. George was eager for a long-term max contract, while the Clippers wanted to keep their salary bills under control, and the two sides never came to an agreement. With the opening of free agency, George quickly became a hot target for teams to pursue. After contact and discussion with several teams, George finally chose to return to the East and join the Philadelphia 76ers.

This decision is not unfounded. In George's view, the 76ers have a super center like Embiid and a young talent like Maxey, and the team as a whole is strong and has the potential to challenge for a championship. And George himself is eager to prove his worth again in the latter stages of his career, and teaming up with Embiid and Maxey to challenge for a championship is undoubtedly a great opportunity.

The new version of the Big Three: Strength Improvement, Sword Aiming for the Championship

With the addition of George, the 76ers' new version of the Big Three is officially released. Embiid, as the heart and leader of the team, has maintained an excellent individual performance. George's arrival will further enhance the team's offensive firepower, and the inside and outside cooperation between him and Embiid will be a big killer for the team. Maxi, one of the best of the young players, will also play an even more important role in the new season.

In addition to the Big Three, the 76ers also made a series of reinforcements in the offseason. They have signed strong players such as veterans Eric Gordon and Drummond, further improving the overall strength of the team. At the same time, the team also negotiated with Maxi to extend his contract to ensure the stability and development of the team in the future.

On paper, the 76ers already have what it takes to challenge for a championship. However, in the highly competitive NBA arena, strength is only the foundation, and it also requires tacit cooperation between players and tactical guidance from the coaching staff. Therefore, the 76ers in the new season need to show more excellent team spirit and competitive form to have a chance to realize the championship dream.

The outside world questioned: Can George regain his strength?

Although the 76ers' new version of the Big Three is highly anticipated, there are still some doubts about George's joining. George is now 34 years old and while still in good form, age and injury issues remain uncertain about the future of his career. In addition, George's performance in the playoffs has been inconsistent and has also raised some doubts about his ability.

However, George himself did not care about these doubts and concerns. In a meeting with 76ers management, he pledged to do his best to contribute to the team's championship contention. At the same time, he also said that he will show a better competitive state and spirit in the new season. For the 76ers, what they need is not only George's personal ability, but also his ability to integrate into the team's overall tactical system and form a tacit cooperation and cooperation with players such as Embiid and Maxey. Only then will they be able to achieve better results and performances in the competitive NBA arena.

In short, George's arrival has injected new vitality and hope into the 76ers. Although there are some doubts and concerns from the outside world, I believe that with the tactical guidance of the coaching staff and the joint efforts of the players, the 76ers will show more outstanding strength and performance in the new season. Let's look forward to their best performances in the new season!

Fan perspective: George joins the 76ers, and the new version of the Big Three sets sail

As a long-time basketball fan, I couldn't have been more emotional when I learned that Paul George was joining the Philadelphia 76ers on a four-year, $212 million max contract. Not only does this mean that a new championship contender has been born, but it also means that we fans are about to witness a new era.

George's joining: the beginning of a dream

George, the one-time MVP candidate, has won the hearts of countless fans with his all-round skills and excellent leadership. Every breakthrough he made on the court, every shot, made our blood boil. However, over the past few years, George's career seems to have hit a low point due to injuries and contract issues. But now, he has chosen to join the 76ers, which is undoubtedly another important turning point in his career.

For the 76ers, George's arrival is undoubtedly a great asset. They have an experienced and well-rounded superstar who has also injected new energy and hope into the team. What's more, George's arrival gave the 76ers the strength to challenge for a championship. He will form a new version of the Big Three with Embiid and Maxey and will be one of the most competitive combinations in the league.

The new version of the Big Three: strength and tacit understanding coexist

Embiid, known as the "modern center", has become a pillar of the team with his excellent under-the-basket skills and defensive ability. Maxey, on the other hand, is a young and promising shooting guard whose speed and projection ability make opponents unguardable. The addition of George has given this team more options and possibilities on the offensive end.

Each of the three stars plays a different role on the pitch, but their chemistry and team spirit will be key to the team's success. I believe that under the careful guidance of the coaching staff, the new version of the Big Three will be able to exert their maximum power and lead the 76ers to glory.

The future of the team: Challenges and opportunities

However, as with all great causes, the future of the 76ers is fraught with challenges and opportunities. First of all, they need to face competition from other strong teams. In the NBA, where there are so many masters, every team aspires to win a championship. Therefore, the 76ers need to be constantly vigilant and constantly improve their strength.

Secondly, there is also a certain amount of adjustment and run-in within the team. Although the new version of the Big Three is very good in terms of individual ability, how to better integrate them and get the most out of them will require the coaching staff and players to work together. I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, the 76ers will be able to overcome these difficulties and meet the challenges of the future.

What the fans are looking forward to: to witness the birth of a legend

As fans, we look forward to seeing the new Big Three in action on the pitch. We look forward to seeing them show their chemistry and skill in the game to lead the team to victory after victory." We look forward to sharing the joy of success and the pain of failure with them and spending this unforgettable basketball time together."

At the same time, we also want the team to maintain the qualities of humility and tenacity. In their quest for the championship, they will encounter all sorts of difficulties and challenges. But as long as we maintain faith, unite and move forward, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize our dreams.

Final Discussion: Fan Voices

Fans have mixed opinions about George's joining the 76ers. Some people think it's a very good deal, as George's arrival will greatly boost the team; There are also concerns that George's age and injury issues will have an impact on his performances. But in any case, we should respect the choice of the team and the players and cheer them on.

Finally, I would like to say that as fans, we should cherish this unforgettable basketball time and grow and fight together with the team. Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of the new version of the Big Three on the pitch and cheer them on!

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In the new chapter, the heroes reunite

The ancient rhyme is melodious, and it continues in today's prosperous era. Paul George, who was bold and dry, jumped east to 76 and led the Big Three to thunder. Embiid, powerful in all directions, the overlord under the basket is invincible; Maxi is in his prime, like lightning breaking through the sky.

It is rumored that the three heroes gathered, and the wind and clouds changed color. Looking back on the past, there are many heroes, each leading the way; Looking at today, the new version of the Big Three, who will compete?

Fu said:

"The heroes gathered on the edge of Philadelphia, and George came to be even stronger.

Embiid shook the world, and Maxi was as fast as lightning.

The three English fought side by side in all directions, aiming for the championship.

Fans are looking forward to the good news, and a new chapter is beginning. ”

There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years. George's bravery, Embiid's might, and Maxey's speed are all heroes of the world. They work hand in hand to seek great causes, and will surely create a new glory for the 76ers.

Back then, heroes and heroes were their masters, fighting on the battlefield, and winning and losing each other. Now, the three heroes have come together to work together for a great cause. This is the will of God, and it is also the desire of the people.

Fans are eagerly awaiting the new version of the Big Three on the pitch. They believe that as long as the three heroes work together, they will be able to lead the 76ers to victory and realize their championship dreams.

At this moment, let's cheer for the new version of the Big Three, and look forward to their better strength and style in future competitions. At the same time, let us cherish this unforgettable basketball time, grow and struggle together with the team.

In the new chapter, the heroes reunite

In this new era, we are witnessing the reunion of heroes. With their own glory and dreams, they embarked on a new journey together. We believe that under their leadership, the 76ers will usher in a more brilliant tomorrow. Let's look forward to this day together and cheer for each of their victories!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】