
Regression! The Chinese women's volleyball team exposes its biggest shortcomings, and the blocking net is not as good as Japan, what is the problem?

author:Eager to learn the spring breeze

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Regression! The Chinese women's volleyball team exposes its biggest shortcomings, and the blocking net is not as good as Japan, what is the problem?
Regression! The Chinese women's volleyball team exposes its biggest shortcomings, and the blocking net is not as good as Japan, what is the problem?
Regression! The Chinese women's volleyball team exposes its biggest shortcomings, and the blocking net is not as good as Japan, what is the problem?
Regression! The Chinese women's volleyball team exposes its biggest shortcomings, and the blocking net is not as good as Japan, what is the problem?
Regression! The Chinese women's volleyball team exposes its biggest shortcomings, and the blocking net is not as good as Japan, what is the problem?
Regression! The Chinese women's volleyball team exposes its biggest shortcomings, and the blocking net is not as good as Japan, what is the problem?

The shortcomings of the Chinese women's volleyball team: exposed problems and deep thoughts

1. Behind the results: a significant decline in the ability to block the net

The Chinese women's volleyball team, a team that once attracted the attention of the world, seems to have gradually lost its former glory in the international arena in recent years. When we take a closer look at their performances, it's not hard to see a significant problem – a decline in their ability to block the net. Especially in the competition with the Japanese women's volleyball team, this problem was even more exposed. Although the Japanese women's volleyball team is generally short, their ability to block the net is exceptionally good, and they have successfully blocked the attack of the Chinese women's volleyball team many times.

Blocking, as an important technique in volleyball, plays a vital role in both defense and counterattack. However, the performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team in this link was not satisfactory. Facing opponents who are generally taller than themselves, the players of the Chinese women's volleyball team do not seem to have the air advantage they deserve. This begs the question: do our players pay enough attention to the improvement of blocking skills in training? Did we use blocking tactics effectively in the game?

2. The linkage between serving and blocking: the inspiration of the Japanese women's volleyball team

Compared with the Japanese women's volleyball team, the Chinese women's volleyball team's performance in the two links of serving and blocking is obviously insufficient. The Japanese women's volleyball team disrupted the opponent's offensive rhythm by serving, creating favorable conditions for blocking the net. Their serve is not only threatening, but also targeted, pinpointing their opponents' weaknesses. This linkage tactic of serving and blocking allowed the Japanese women's volleyball team to take the initiative in the game.

In contrast, the serve of the Chinese women's volleyball team appears to be more conservative and lacks sufficient threat and targeting. This makes it difficult for our players to be passive when blocking the net, and it is difficult to effectively block the opponent's attack. In addition, the players of the Chinese women's volleyball team also have certain problems with the jumping and movement when blocking the net, which greatly reduces their blocking effect.

3. Speed and height: the dilemma and choice of the Chinese women's volleyball team

In volleyball, speed and height are two important factors. However, for the Chinese women's volleyball team, it seems difficult to have both. Our players generally have a height advantage, but are relatively slow in terms of speed. This puts us at a disadvantage against speed-based opponents.

Under the coaching of Coach Cai Bin, the Chinese women's volleyball team tried to make up for this deficiency by increasing its speed. However, this change does not seem to have brought about the desired effect. Our team members often sacrifice the height and effectiveness of the net while pursuing speed. This dilemma puts the Chinese women's volleyball team in a dilemma: should they continue to insist on their height advantage, or try to increase their speed to meet the challenges of their opponents?

4. Reflection and Forward: The Future of the Chinese Women's Volleyball Team

Faced with the decline in the ability to block the net and the dilemma in the game, the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to seriously reflect on its own problems. First of all, we need to strengthen the training and improvement of blocking skills to improve the ability and effectiveness of the players. Secondly, we need to improve our serving tactics, increase the threat and targeting of our serves, and create favorable conditions for blocking the net. In addition, we need to find a balance between speed and height, both to maintain the height advantage and to increase the speed to meet the challenges of our opponents.

Of course, these changes take time and effort. But as long as we make unremitting efforts to train and improve our tactics and playing style, I believe that the Chinese women's volleyball team will be able to return to its peak state and become the leader of the world women's volleyball team again. As fans, we will continue to support the Chinese women's volleyball team, cheer for them, and believe that they will be able to create a more brilliant future!

Fans' perspective: deep thoughts and expectations under the shortcomings of the Chinese women's volleyball team

As a loyal fan of the Chinese women's volleyball team, I have witnessed their glory and glory on the international stage, as well as their recent ups and downs and challenges. Especially in the recent games, the shortcomings of the Chinese women's volleyball team have become more and more prominent, which not only makes me deeply regretful, but also makes me full of worries and expectations for the future of the team.

1. The mark of splendor and glory

The name of the Chinese women's volleyball team carries the pride and expectations of countless Chinese people. From the five consecutive championships in the 80s of the last century to the World Cup and Olympic champions in recent years, they have written the legend of the Chinese women's volleyball team with sweat and hard work. Every time they win, we like the fans are excited; Every time they lose, we also feel heartbroken. But in any case, the Chinese women's volleyball team has always been the hero in our hearts, and their spiritual strength has always inspired us.

2. Blocking Shortcomings: Problems and Challenges

However, in recent games, the shortcomings of the Chinese women's volleyball team have become more and more prominent. In the face of opponents who are not as tall as themselves, our players are unable to block the net. Especially in the match with the Japanese women's volleyball team, the Chinese women's volleyball team's ability to block the net was completely suppressed by the opponent, which made us fans feel very disappointed.

Judging from the process of the game, the Chinese women's volleyball team performed poorly in the two links of serving and blocking. The lack of threat and specificity on the serve allows the opponent to easily organize an effective attack; When blocking the net, it is too passive and difficult to put enough pressure on the opponent. This situation makes the Chinese women's volleyball team always in a passive position in the game, and it is difficult to give full play to its advantages.

Third, the root of the problem: the dual dilemma of technology and tactics

So, where is the problem of the Chinese women's volleyball team's blocking board? I think there are both technical and tactical reasons for this.

From a technical point of view, the players of the Chinese women's volleyball team still need to improve their blocking skills. They have certain problems in terms of jumping, movement and judgment, which makes it difficult for them to accurately find the opponent's offensive line and rhythm when blocking the net. In addition, the players of the Chinese women's volleyball team also need to strengthen their training in serving and improve the threat and pertinence of their serves.

From a tactical point of view, the coaching staff of the Chinese women's volleyball team also has certain problems in the layout and implementation of blocking tactics. They seem to rely too much on the individual abilities of their players and ignore the importance of teamwork. In the game, they did not effectively use the height advantage of the players to develop targeted blocking tactics; At the same time, when the opponent launched a quick attack, they were not able to make effective adjustments in time to respond.

4. Expectations and prospects: the road ahead

Faced with the problem of blocking the net, the Chinese women's volleyball team needs to seriously reflect and seek solutions. First of all, they need to strengthen their training and improvement in blocking skills; At the same time, there is also a need for more training on the serve to improve the threat and targeting. Secondly, the coaching staff needs to develop more effective blocking tactics and strengthen teamwork training. In the game, it is also necessary to make timely adjustments according to the characteristics and changes of the opponent.

I believe that with the joint efforts of the coaching staff and players, the Chinese women's volleyball team will be able to overcome the problem of blocking the net and return to its peak state. As fans, we will continue to support and cheer for them, and believe that they will be able to create a more brilliant future!

5. Discussion and reflection

The problem of the Chinese women's volleyball team's blocking shortcomings is not only a technical problem, but also a problem of tactics and team cooperation. As fans, we can't help but wonder: how can we strengthen teamwork while maintaining individual technical characteristics? How to make timely and effective adjustments according to the characteristics and changes of the opponent in the game? These are all questions that we need to think about and discuss together. At the same time, I also hope that the fans can give more understanding and support to the Chinese women's volleyball team, and I believe that they will be able to get out of the trough and return to the top!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Poetry sighs women's volleyball team: Fenghua is still waiting to be revived

Sub-heading: Poetry and Sigh Women's Volleyball

The river flows eastward, and the women's volleyball team has a style.

In the past, it won five consecutive championships, and its prestige shocked all directions.

Leap like a swallow, smash like thunder.

The net is like an iron wall, and the defense is like a copper wall.

In today's arena, the shortcomings are undoubted.

Although the height is superior, it is difficult to block the net.

There is no sharpness in the serve, and the opponent smiles.

Tactics need to be adjusted, and the team needs to be focused.

The glory of the past is there, and the present is waiting to be revived.

The spirit of the women's volleyball team is there, and the unyielding fighting spirit remains.

Sweat sprinkled on the field, tears hidden in the bottom of my heart.

But when it comes to rising again and recasting its glory.

All the generals will work hard, and the training will not stop.

Technology needs to be improved, and tactics need to be innovated.

Cooperation must be tacit and concentric to win.

Recast a brilliant dream and live up to the country's feelings.

The elegance is still waiting to be revived, and the spirit of the women's volleyball team will be inherited forever.

The glory of the past is still remembered, and the glory of the future is to be won again.

May my Chinese women's volleyball team show its majesty again and shake the Quartet.

Fans are looking forward to the good news and celebrate the victory.

This ancient poem attempts to summarize the current challenges of the Chinese women's volleyball team and the expectations of fans in the form of traditional poems. The first two sentences recall the glorious achievements of the women's volleyball team in the past, and then express concerns about the current problems of the women's volleyball team by describing the difficult situation on the field. Subsequently, through sentences such as "the glory of the past is there, and the present is to be revitalized", it showed the fans' expectations and confidence in the re-emergence of the women's volleyball team. Finally, with "the elegance is still waiting to be revitalized, the spirit of the women's volleyball team will be inherited forever" as a summary, emphasizing the importance of the spirit of the women's volleyball team and the firm support of the fans. The whole poem not only expresses the nostalgia for the past of the women's volleyball team, but also conveys the expectations and wishes for the future of the women's volleyball team.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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