
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?

author:Mountains and rivers have met - there will be a period later
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?
Wedding bride price in various provinces, collect it and see, how much is it in your province?

In the ancient Chinese Dynasty, although the marriage customs were different in various places, they all used the bride price as a medium to conclude a good relationship. The bride price is not only the man's respect and gratitude to the woman's family, but also a good wish for the future married life. However, in this prosperous Chinese Dynasty, the amount of bride price in various provinces has become a topic of conversation after dinner.

The protagonist of the story is a young man named Lu Zixuan. He came from a prosperous Kyoto family, read poetry and books, and was a young talent in the eyes of everyone. However, Lu Zixuan had an unknown trouble in his heart - he was about to marry Su Wan'er, who was far away in the water town south of the Yangtze River, but the difference in the bride price between the two places made him feel pressure.

In Kyoto, the bride price is gold, silver, jewelry, and silk brocade, which symbolize wealth and prosperity. Although Lu Zixuan's family is wealthy, it not only takes a lot of money to send the bride price from Kyoto to Jiangnan, but also takes several months. The bride price in Jiangnan pays more attention to the meaning and heart, mainly silk, tea, porcelain and other items, implying the harmony and happiness of marriage.

Lu Zixuan knew that if the bride price was prepared according to the rules of Kyoto, it would not only bring a heavy burden to the family, but also may cause disgust among the Jiangnan people. But if you follow the rules of Jiangnan, you may be ridiculed by Kyoto people as stingy. He was caught in a dilemma and was anxious.

One day, Lu Zixuan met an old man who traveled all over the world in the market. The old man saw Lu Zixuan's worried face, so he took the initiative to ask. Lu Zixuan told the old man about his troubles, and the old man laughed when he heard it, and said, "Young man, do you know the true meaning of the bride price? ”

Lu Zixuan shook his head, and the old man continued: "The bride price is just a formality. A true marriage is built on two hearts that love each other. No matter how much the bride price is, it is impossible to measure the feelings between the two. You should choose the most suitable bride price according to your own heart to express your love for Wan'er. ”

After hearing this, Lu Zixuan suddenly realized that he decided to prepare a special bride price according to his own wishes. He personally selected the finest silk and tea leaves from Kyoto, and invited a master craftsman to make a pair of fine porcelain. He packed the items in a delicate box, attached his own handwritten letter, and sent them to Jiangnan.

In the letter, Lu Zixuan wrote: "Wan'er, I know the importance of the bride price, but I know your mind even better. This bride price is not luxurious, but it is my deep love for you. May our marriage be as soft as this silk, as fragrant as this tea, and as strong as this porcelain. ”

Soon, Lu Zixuan received a reply from Wan'er. Wan'er said in the letter that she deeply felt Lu Zixuan's heart and was willing to spend her life with him. She wrote: "Zixuan, I have received your heart. This bride price is not gorgeous, but it is more precious than any treasure. I am confident that our marriage will be as happy as you wish. ”

Lu Zixuan and Wan'er's wedding was held as scheduled. Although the amount of the bride price has aroused people's discussions, the deep relationship between the two has made people feel the true meaning of marriage. Their wedding became a good story of the Chinese Dynasty and has been passed down to this day.

This story tells us that the amount of the bride price does not measure the relationship between two people. True marriage is built on loving each other. As long as we are sincere and heartfelt, no matter how much the bride price is, we can conclude a beautiful marriage.

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