
Pre-lung cancer is not painful or itchy, if the body has these 3 conditions, don't worry!

author:Dr. Ng of the Department of Respiratory Medicine

In the vast and complex "kingdom" of our body, the lungs are like "oxygen factories" that work silently, delivering the "breath" of life to the whole body day and night. However, the terrible "demon" of lung cancer often invades silently, almost unnoticeable in the early stage. But when there are certain conditions in the body, it is like a warning "red light", reminding us to be extra vigilant.

Pre-lung cancer is not painful or itchy, if the body has these 3 conditions, don't worry!

First of all, that endless, unaccompanied cough is like a strong "alarm" from deep in the lungs, warning us of a health crisis. Normally, coughing is a self-protection mechanism for the body to expel a foreign body or respond to a stimulus, like a brief "storm" after which it will calm again. But if the cough drags on for weeks, even months, and we don't know why, for example, if it's not caused by a cold or allergies, then we have to be vigilant, because it could be a warning sign of lung cancer. It is like a stubborn "bell ringer", constantly ringing the alarm bell, trying to get our attention.

Let me tell you a story that really happened, restore a vivid case scene for you, and take you into this real and fascinating narrative. Mr. Liu, he, is a middle-aged worker, who has to work hard every day, with a lot of things at hand and a lot of pressure, as if he is carrying a big mountain.

Pre-lung cancer is not painful or itchy, if the body has these 3 conditions, don't worry!

A few months ago, Mr. Liu suddenly had a little cough, his voice was soft, he thought it was a small cold, he didn't take it too seriously, so he took some medicine casually, thinking that he would get better in a few days. As time passed, the cough did not lessen, but became more severe, especially at night, when the violent coughing broke the silence of the night, as if to cough out his heart and lungs. But Mr. Liu still felt that it was just because he was too tired from work, until one day, he coughed up blood, so he woke up like a dream and hurried to the hospital for examination.

However, the brutal truth hit him like a hammer in his heart – the news that he had lung cancer and that it had progressed to the middle stage of the disease sent him and his family into deep despair. If Mr. Liu had paid attention to it when he was coughing and went to the hospital earlier, his condition might not have deteriorated to this point, but unfortunately, it was too late to say anything now.

Pre-lung cancer is not painful or itchy, if the body has these 3 conditions, don't worry!

Secondly, chest pain is also one of the possible manifestations of lung cancer, this pain is like an invisible "devil's claw", tightly gripping the chest. Sometimes the pain is faint and continuous, like a dark cloud; Sometimes it's sharp and sudden, like lightning streaking across the night sky. If a patient with lung cancer has chest pain, it is likely that the tumor has invaded surrounding tissues, nerves, or touched the pleura. It is like a "saboteur" hidden in the shadows, quietly eroding the body's defenses.

Pre-lung cancer is not painful or itchy, if the body has these 3 conditions, don't worry!

Finally, dyspnea is like setting up a lot of barriers for the "breathing passage" of life. When lung cancer blocks the airways, or causes the lungs to function impaired, breathing becomes laborious, like a person struggling through a narrow passage, and every breath seems so precious. What used to be easy and natural breathing becomes as difficult as climbing a peak, and every inhale and exhale requires a tremendous effort.

Mr. Zhao is a young man who loves sports and is usually physically strong. But at some point, he started to feel out of breath while running, and at first he thought he was overexercising and needed to rest. However, even after rest, the symptoms of this dyspnea do not improve, but gradually manifest themselves in daily life. Even if he simply climbed a few flights of stairs, he would feel out of breath, as if the air had become thin. When he finally went to the hospital for a check-up, the diagnosis of lung cancer left him and his family in a state of great shock and grief.

Pre-lung cancer is not painful or itchy, if the body has these 3 conditions, don't worry!

Although the pre-lung cancer stage is not painful or itchy, these 3 signals sent by the body are like an early warning beacon for the boat of life before the storm. We cannot turn a blind eye to these signals. Only by always being vigilant and paying attention to every subtle change in the body can we detect and take effective measures in time before the "demon" of lung cancer shows its hideous face, so as to win a precious chance for our health and life.

Let's think of the body as a castle that needs to be carefully guarded, and every abnormal signal is a beacon fire on the city walls, reminding us to strengthen our defenses against the invasion of disease. For lung cancer, early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment are the key weapons for us to defeat it. Don't wait until the disease is already in the city to regret not paying attention to those faint distress signals in the first place. Take care of your body, start by paying attention to every subtle change, and let health always accompany us in our life journey.