
Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

author:Intermountain University Hall
Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?
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Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

In 2016, there was a turbulent storm within Deyun Club. A shocking announcement caused an uproar inside and outside the cross talk circle: Guo Heming, a genius disciple who was once known as the "royal musician of Deyun Society", was expelled from the school for "bullying the teacher and destroying the ancestors, and the means were despicable".

This news was like a bombshell, and everyone was caught off guard.

What's even more embarrassing is that Guo Heming went from the peak of Deyun Club to the bottom in just ten years. This experience of ups and downs has become an embarrassing legend in the history of Deyun Club.

Let's uncover this dusty past and explore the truth behind the turning point of Guo Heming's fate.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

In 2006, a young man named Guo Longfei stepped into the door of Deyun Club and started his legendary cross talk journey. This young man who is only 20 years old, with his incomparable love for quyi and extraordinary talent, quickly emerged in Deyun Club.

Guo Degang gave him the new name "Guo Heming", and placed high hopes on him, hoping that he could spread his wings like a crane and become a blockbuster in the cross talk world.

Guo Heming's talent is multifaceted. As a graduate of the Accompaniment Department of the Northern Quyi School, he is proficient in a variety of forms of quyi, including Taiping Lyrics, Shandong Kuaishu, Bamboo Board Book and Lotus Fall.

Not only that, but he can also skillfully play a variety of musical instruments such as sanxian, erhu, pipa, shengguan, flute and so on. With such a comprehensive skill, he quickly became an indispensable talent in front of and behind the scenes of Deyun Club, and won the reputation of "Deyun Club's royal musician".

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

Guo Heming's talent is not only reflected in his skills, but also in his excellent on-the-spot adaptability. Once, during a performance, the three strings in his hand suddenly broke two strings, but he was in danger and used the only remaining string to support the whole performance, and the audience was unaware.

This feat made Guo Degang full of praise, and it also made Guo Heming's position in Deyun Club more stable.

The 2011 Deyun Club sealing performance is the pinnacle of Guo Heming's talent. In the performance of "Painting a Fan", when the other brothers and sisters were in chaos due to mistakes, Guo Heming successfully transformed the chaos into order and saved the whole performance with a stable typhoon and exquisite skills.

This experience not only showed his professionalism, but also earned him more respect within Deyun Club.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

Guo Heming's rise to prominence has been smooth sailing. He is the only apprentice in Deyun Club who was given a name by Mr. Zhang Wenshun, and he is also the second person after Mr. Zhang Changji to sing Xihe for Guo Degang.

Guo Degang once praised him for "almost omnipotent", which shows how much is expected of him.

However, just when everyone thought that Guo Heming would become the leader of the new generation of Deyun Club, fate played a cruel joke on him.

Guo Heming's talent is indisputable, but it is this talent that makes him begin to have his own ideas. As an avid fan of Harry Potter, he came up with a bold idea: to adapt this magical tale that has taken the world by storm into the traditional Chinese form of storytelling.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

The idea excites him, and he believes that this innovation will bring a new audience to Deyun Club.

With great enthusiasm, Guo Heming proposed this idea to his master, Guo Degang. However, to his surprise, Guo Degang did not support this idea. Perhaps out of his insistence on traditional art, or perhaps fearing that this innovation would cause controversy, Guo Degang politely rejected Guo Heming's proposal and warned him not to be too obsessed with it.

This decision is undoubtedly a blow to Guo Heming. His heart was full of loss and incomprehension, but what shocked him even more was what happened next. Despite his clear opposition to Guo Heming's creation of a commentary version of Harry Potter, Guo Degang personally adapted the work and assigned another apprentice, Li Yuntian, to perform it.

The loss in Guo Heming's heart instantly turned into anger. He believes that this idea originally belonged to him, and Li Yuntian's interpretation deviated from his understanding of the original work.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

The unwillingness and resentment in his heart began to breed, and he began to sneer at Li Yuntian, and even expressed dissatisfaction with Guo Degang's decision offstage.

This dissatisfaction accumulated over time, and eventually led Guo Heming to make a decision that changed the trajectory of his life: to leave Deyun Club and tell his own version of "Harry Potter" alone.

This decision was like a bomb and caused an uproar within Deyun Club.

Guo Degang could only reluctantly acquiesce to this. Perhaps in his opinion, this is just a momentary impulse of young people, and they will eventually change their minds. However, what he didn't expect was that this disagreement turned out to be the beginning of Guo Heming's break with Deyun Club.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

After leaving Deyun Club, Guo Heming began to develop independently outside. However, as time went on, his behavior became more and more disturbing. He began to secretly accuse Guo Degang of the notoriety of "Voldemort", which not only shocked Deyun Club, but also made the outside world question Guo Heming's character.

Why did this rising star of Deyun Club, who once had high hopes, make such a distressing choice? His behavior not only made him lose the big stage of Deyun Club, but also disappointed many fans who supported him.

Guo Heming has become a case worth pondering in the development of Deyun Club, and it has also sounded the alarm for the entire cross talk industry.

After leaving Deyun Club, Guo Heming's behavior became more and more disturbing. He is no longer the beloved celebrity of Deyun Club, but has gradually embarked on an embarrassing road of betrayal.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

First of all, Guo Heming repeatedly used the notoriety of "Voldemort" to mock Guo Degang. This behavior not only shows his disrespect for his former mentor, but also makes the outside world begin to question his character.

The fact that a former genius disciple is now using such inferior means to attack his master undoubtedly makes many people feel cold.

But Guo Heming's betrayal didn't stop there. He made a move that shocked the entire cross talk world: worship Jia Qinghua, a big man in the cross talk world. You must know that Jia Qinghua's status in the cross talk world is very important, even Guo Degang's master Jin Wensheng has to call him "uncle" when he sees him.

Guo Heming's move is undoubtedly a heavy blow to Guo Degang, which has attracted many doubts and criticism. People began to accuse him of "mocking his teacher" and "betraying his teacher", but Guo Heming didn't seem to care about these voices.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

However, Guo's betrayal is far from stopping. At an internal meeting of Deyun Club, he secretly recorded the entire process, trying to sell it privately for profit.

This behavior is undoubtedly a major betrayal of Deyun Club, and it also makes Guo Heming's situation in Deyun Club worse.

When all this was revealed, Guo Degang and the entire Deyun Club were shocked and angry. A disciple who had once had high hopes now behaved in such a heinous manner.

The disappointment in Guo Degang's heart can be imagined, and Guo Heming's reputation has also fallen to the bottom.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

In 2016, Deyun Club finally made a decision: to expel Guo Heming from the division. In the public approval, Guo Degang sternly pointed out: "Guo Heming, a person from Hebei, was formerly known as Guo Longfei.

Born on January 8, 1986, he deceived his teacher and destroyed his ancestors with his bad methods, and he has been expelled from the school.

This decision shocked the entire cross talk world. Once known as one of the most talented disciples of the Deyun Society, he has now been reduced to the point of being expelled from the sect.

Guo Heming's encounter became an important turning point in the history of Deyun Club, and it also sounded the alarm for the entire cross talk industry. It reminds every artist that talent is important, but character and loyalty to the teacher are also indispensable.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

Guo Heming's story may become a warning to the new generation of disciples of Deyun Society. But for Guo Heming himself, how will this betrayal affect his future? Will he regret his actions? After being expelled from the school, what will happen to him? These are these questions, perhaps only time will tell.

After being expelled from Deyun Club, Guo Heming's life trajectory took a dramatic turn. The once beautiful celebrity of Deyun Club has now become a prodigal son with nowhere to go.

However, instead of sinking, he began his own wandering journey.

In February 2012, Beijing Tingyunxuan opened, and Guo Heming joined the new group led by Cao Yunjin. Here, he reunited with a group of brothers who also left Deyun Club.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

This seems to be a new starting point, but it turns out that after leaving the big platform of Deyun Club, it is not easy to gain a foothold in the cross talk industry. As the contradiction between Cao Yunjin and Guo Degang became public, the development of Tingyunxuan was also in trouble.

Guo Heming, who was unwilling to sink like this, switched to He Yunwei's door and participated in the performance of the Starry Night Crosstalk Club. But He Yunwei's situation is not optimistic, and his behavior of calling Guo Degang "Guo Gang" in the live broadcast caused widespread controversy, and finally fell into a predicament.

Seeing that the elder brother He Yunwei could not save the situation, Guo Heming decided to set up his own door and created a cross talk club called Yanchun Society. However, despite the low ticket price of 20 yuan, there are still very few spectators.

This talented man who used to shine on the stage of Deyun Club now has to face the cruelty of reality.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

During these wandering days, Guo Heming had to face the challenges of reality. The former glory is gone, and now he can only struggle to survive on the edge of the cross talk world.

This experience made him deeply realize how difficult it is to gain a foothold in the cross talk industry after leaving the big platform of Deyun Club.

Guo Heming's experience also makes people reflect: how to balance the relationship with teachers while pursuing personal development? Can the aura of genius shine forever? When he loses the strong backing of Deyun Club, can Guo Heming rise again with his talent? These problems are not only what Guo Heming needs to face, but also what the entire cross talk industry needs to think about.

Today's Guo Heming has returned to his original starting point - focusing on storytelling performance. The once controversial Harry Potter review is now his staple work.

Guo Heming's "low means of bullying teachers and destroying ancestors", after Deyun Jiaozi was expelled from the school, what is the current situation?

In order to make ends meet, he opened an online store to sell commentary CDs, and at the same time broadcast live on major audio platforms to maintain exposure.

However, the former glory is gone. There is a large loss of fans, and the popularity is not as good as before. Guo Heming's case has sparked a widespread public discussion about the ethics and professional conduct of artists.

His story is a vivid reminder to everyone who pursues art: talent is important, but virtue and gratitude are also indispensable.

Guo Heming's experience may become a warning for the new generation of artists in Deyun Club, and it also sounded the alarm for the entire cross talk industry.

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