
The finale of "Haitian Eagle" is the most outrageous finale I have seen this year

author:Xiao Fei said entertainment

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In terms of plot development, the drama "Haitian Eagle" has a huge gap with the audience's expectations. The audience is looking forward to a passionate and uplifting climax, but what they actually see is the plot going outrageous and absurd. The wonderful plot, which was originally expected to be high, became illogical and unreasonable, leaving the audience confused and disappointed in the process of watching the drama.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle" is the most outrageous finale I have seen this year

From the perspective of subject matter, the transformation of the show is even more surprising. At first, it was promoted as a hardcore military drama, attracting many military enthusiasts and audiences who yearn for military life. But as the plot progressed, it gradually evolved into a story with love as the main line, and the military element was greatly weakened. This shift from the original intention has left viewers who are looking forward to seeing the intense and exciting military operations, rigorous tactical deployments, and the iron-blooded demeanor of the soldiers.

In terms of character setting, problems are also endless. Qin Dadi was portrayed as "the poorest officer in history", which was seriously inconsistent with the treatment of soldiers in reality and the actual situation, which aroused strong doubts from the audience. This unrealistic setting not only makes it difficult for the audience to resonate, but also destroys the authenticity and credibility of the entire plot. At the same time, the display of military life also seems out of touch with reality. The screenwriter seems to have a misunderstanding of the real life of soldiers, resulting in the life of soldiers presented in the play being far from the superior treatment and strict norms in reality, making the audience unable to feel the real military atmosphere.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle" is the most outrageous finale I have seen this year

The absence of military content in the play is also a big failure. There are few substantive military elements, and the portrayal of military strategies, weapons and equipment, training scenes, etc., is too superficial to satisfy the desire of military fans for professional knowledge and wonderful scenes. And too many love clues, especially the love story of Xie Zhenyu and Chu Xia, occupy a lot of space, making the whole series more inclined to the style of idol dramas, and losing the seriousness and solemnity that military dramas should have.

The image of the actor Xie Zhenyu has also been criticized. He is set up as a rebellious teenager whose behavior seems out of place in such a disciplined environment as the military. Xie Zhenyu failed to show the perseverance, bravery and responsibility that a soldier should have, but instead gave people the impression of immaturity and irresponsibility.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle" is the most outrageous finale I have seen this year

Behind this series of problems, it reflects the loss of direction of the creative team. Although the actors may have put in the effort in their performances, there are serious deficiencies in the script itself, which greatly affect the quality of the overall work. The creators seem to have forgotten the core value of military dramas, and have not focused more on how to truly and profoundly present the lives and sacrifices of soldiers.

Looking at "Haitian Eagle" from a more rational and objective perspective, we can find that the failure of this drama is not accidental. It reminds us that when creating military-themed works, we must respect the facts, have an in-depth understanding of the life and spiritual world of soldiers, and not deviate from the theme in order to cater to the market. At the same time, the audience's expectations for military dramas should not be ignored. We are eager to see more excellent works that can truly show the demeanor of Chinese soldiers and convey positive energy. Only such a military drama can truly inspire the resonance of the audience and win the love and respect of the audience.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle" is the most outrageous finale I have seen this year

I hope that future military dramas can learn the lessons of "Haitian Eagle" and return to the essence of military dramas. You must know that a real and credible character must be based on an accurate grasp of the environment and professional characteristics of his position. The unreasonable setting of Qin Dadi's character makes it difficult for the audience to have a sense of substitution when watching, and it is impossible to really enter the inner world of the characters and feel their joys, sorrows, and growth process.

Moreover, the over-rendering of love elements in the play, although it can increase the emotional conflict of the plot to a certain extent, seems to be a bit inverted in such a special theme as a military drama. The core of military life should be the mission, responsibility and honor of soldiers, and love can be an embellishment, but it must not become dominant. When the love story occupies a lot of space, the heroic fighting, teamwork and loyalty to the country that the audience expects are weakened, making the whole drama lose its original sense of heaviness and depth.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle" is the most outrageous finale I have seen this year

In addition, the comparison between Xie Zhenyu, the leading actor, and the classic role also allows us to see the gap in the creation of current military dramas. Xie Zhenyu's image creation not only did not show the demeanor of a soldier, but made the audience misunderstand the image of a soldier. This also reminds creators that when creating characters, they should not only pursue superficial personalities and conflicts, but also pay attention to exploring the inner spiritual qualities and values of the characters.

From a production perspective, the problems of "Haitian Eagle" are not limited to the script. In terms of shooting techniques, scene layout, and post-production, there may also be some places that are not detailed and rigorous enough. For example, the restoration of military scenes is not realistic enough, and the special effects processing is not in place, etc., which affect the audience's viewing experience to a certain extent.

The finale of "Haitian Eagle" is the most outrageous finale I have seen this year

We can't lose confidence in the entire military drama market because of the failure of "Haitian Eagle". After all, there are still many excellent military drama works that have shocked and moved us. At the same time, the criticism and dissatisfaction of the audience are also the driving force for the progress of the industry. I hope that the producer can listen carefully to the voice of the audience, reflect on their own shortcomings, and treat every link more rigorously and seriously in their future creations.

I believe that in the future, we will see more high-quality military drama works. They will show the demeanor of Chinese soldiers and convey positive energy with more real stories, more exciting plots and better character building, so that the audience can be deeply educated and inspired while appreciating. Let's look forward to that day together, and look forward to the military drama being able to shine again as it deserves.

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