
The 32-year-old female model is crazy about love, and in order to please men, she spends millions of broken bones to increase her height and become long legs!

author:Han Xiaoxian

For love, Eason Chan can be crazy about love, and a love song has become popular all over the country.

Compared with men's love, women are relatively introverted and only dare to bury love deep in their hearts. But once they go crazy, women are definitely more obsessed than men, and even do some outrageous behaviors.

The 32-year-old female model is crazy about love, and in order to please men, she spends millions of broken bones to increase her height and become long legs!

Recently, foreign media reported that a female model in Germany spent 1.17 million yuan in eight years to increase her height from the original 169 cm to 183 cm in order to please her ex-husband, all because her ex-husband likes long legs.

It's really crazy, whether it's money or time, it's really difficult for ordinary people to do, and broken bones can be a painful surgery. It can be seen how much she is infatuated with her ex-husband.

The 32-year-old female model is crazy about love, and in order to please men, she spends millions of broken bones to increase her height and become long legs!

The female model's name is Fischer, 32 years old, from Hamburg, Germany.

When she was 24 years old, her ex-husband sneered at her height, believing that 169 could not be brought home to her parents, and her ex-husband suggested that she have a height increase surgery. Fischer was saddened, and in order to satisfy her ex-husband's demands, she decided to suffer as much as possible to get the broken bones high.

The 32-year-old female model is crazy about love, and in order to please men, she spends millions of broken bones to increase her height and become long legs!

All of this stems from his ex-husband's special hobby, he likes long-legged babes, and often says to Fischer that you are nothing without me. Occasionally, she also had a spiritual PUA on Fischer, which made her addicted to it and couldn't extricate herself.

For the sake of love, Fischer was wronged and tortured. She was wheeled into the operating room, her tibia was broken, her calf muscles were torn, and doctors had retractable devices installed in it that creaked every time she used it.

The 32-year-old female model is crazy about love, and in order to please men, she spends millions of broken bones to increase her height and become long legs!

For this reason, she spent a total of 162,000 US dollars (1.17 million soft girl coins) before and after, and the money was spent and suffered, but fortunately, the operation was quite successful. When he was discharged from the hospital, Fischer was in a wheelchair with a worried face and a bandage on his legs.

The ex-husband looked excited and did not show any distress at all. Fischer was slightly displeased, but soon became obsessed with the illusion of love.

The 32-year-old female model is crazy about love, and in order to please men, she spends millions of broken bones to increase her height and become long legs!

In the next eight years, Fischer increased her height by 14 centimeters, reaching an astonishing 183 cm, a long-legged beauty.

After satisfying his vanity, the ex-husband got tired of playing and watching, and finally empathized and filed for divorce. Maybe the ex-husband didn't think about the future of the two from the beginning, and a normal person would never let his wife go for height enhancement surgery.

The 32-year-old female model is crazy about love, and in order to please men, she spends millions of broken bones to increase her height and become long legs!

The body has suffered so much, and now that the man has also left, Fischer has endured a lot of suffering, and has been plagued by depression for a time. She said on social platforms that women still have to love themselves first and then love others, and what happens to them is the end.

At the same time, she also said that until recently, she had only recently pulled out the metal steel nails in her legs, and she would form a family with her new boyfriend in the future.

The 32-year-old female model is crazy about love, and in order to please men, she spends millions of broken bones to increase her height and become long legs!

It's good to wake up early, otherwise I will be embarrassed by my ex-husband. Long legs are good-looking, but you can't try it casually, in case there are any sequelae, it will be a shadow for the rest of your life.

Hopefully, the new boyfriend will bring solace, and I wish Fischer to find his true love. Finally, I also warn the majority of friends, love is like arsenic sprinkled with sugar crystals, retreat quickly, don't miss your good youth.

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