
It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

author:Bu Xiao Nuan said notes

As the saying goes, "no book is not a book, no fate is not a couple", everything in the world has a certain philosophy.

There is also a certain metaphysics in being able to be a husband and wife, just like my husband likes to eat cucumbers, I also like to eat cucumbers, he hates coriander, and I don't like it either.


Let's take a look at the comments of netizens

It's also sweet, it's up to the sugar level today, please don't bother me again

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

Now it's complete, there are big and small, you can eat whatever you want

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

Why don't you just buy them separately? There is no one else in this tacit understanding

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

The collision of the North and South Poles, I really don't know what brought you together?

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

If you don't understand, just ask, just know and tell the payment password? Take precautions and get to know it

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

I'll be a good person and help you destroy it, at most I'll give the postage as well

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

Hahaha, it's okay now, you have to eat hard

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

It can't be said that it is exactly the same, but the situation is somewhat comic

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

I just want to ask, why is it 5 cups, and there is a problem with that link?

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

My family won't, I said hungry, he said he was sleepy

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

You're really a watermelon, are you sure you're not playing with memes?

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

This fairy family does have arrogant capital

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

Mom and Dad want to take the first step and break the Cold War

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

I think it's better to complement each other, otherwise it's all acute, and it will be a big problem

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

Happiness, I believe in love again

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

Your husband os: It's the greatest luck of my life to marry you

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

This boss is nice and responsible, and the average one will definitely not tell you

It turns out that being able to be a husband and wife is really a bit metaphysical, netizens: It's not that a family doesn't enter the door

Write to the end

There are indeed many coincidences and unexplained phenomena in life, and some people believe that this is a force behind us.

These coincidences may seem deliberately arranged, but in reality they can be a precursor or foreshadower of some important event in our lives.

Everyone's life is unique, and our life experiences and destiny are also influenced by many factors that shape our life trajectory and destiny.

We should keep an open mind and believe in the existence of fate, but also believe that our own abilities and efforts can change our destiny.
