
The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?

author:The world is big

It was not easy to repair this deep passage, and it took 7 years to complete. I thought it would be more convenient to go to Zhongshan in Shenzhen after the opening of traffic, but I didn't expect it to be blocked into a parking lot on the day it was opened. What a surprise, what the hell is going on? Let's gossip about it!

Background of the opening of the Shenzhong Channel

Mangzhong Passage has been tossed like this for seven or eight years, and it will barely drive until June 30, 2024. At first, I thought about how fast this line would go from Shenzhen to Zhongshan, but it turned out to be really clear, and it was blocked like something, which was really disappointing!

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is not just for transportation, but most importantly, it will make the economy of our Greater Bay Area more developed. Linking the east and west sides of the Pearl River Delta will definitely contribute greatly to the construction of our Greater Bay Area! However, this good thing encountered a little twist and turn at the beginning.

Traffic jams on the first day of operation

On June 30th, the anxiously waited Shenzhong Passage was finally opened! Hey, there is a parking lot on the whole road, full of cars, and the Gaode map is also difficult, and it is blocked everywhere.

It's a really annoying day on the road! It's all to see the bridge open. A bunch of people drove over, and the road was blocked. Before the bridge was officially opened, many people rushed in and crowded until it exploded. I saw a video on the Internet, there were all cars, all kinds of cars, private cars, gossip, big trucks, cars, etc., and I was dazzled by it.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?
The gap between the experts' predictions and reality

I heard that everyone is speculating about what will happen to the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor next year? Some people think it's going to be a rush, especially during a holiday like this. But there are also some people who think differently than I do. Yes, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage was already congested on June 30, when it was first opened!

The predictions are so far from the reality that I begin to wonder if these so-called experts are confused. Are they too blindly optimistic? Or is our traffic problem seriously broken? It's a question that should be thought about.

The future outlook of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor

Traffic jams are indeed a bit annoying, but we also have to see the benefits of the Shenzhong Channel. After a few hours, the government will definitely solve the traffic problem and the congestion situation will improve. You can't let these little annoyances delay such a big project!

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?
The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?

After the Shenzhong Passage is built, it is so convenient to go to Zhongshan! Then the economy can definitely go to the next level. In this way, isn't it helping the integration of the Pearl River Delta? It seems that our economy here is going to reach a new level

Public reaction versus media coverage

The traffic jam began not long after the Shenzhong Passage opened, which was really a surprise! The Internet has also fried the pot, and there are constant heated discussions.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?

There was a lot of noise about this, some people thought it was hard to build roads, and some people had long been looking forward to solving the congestion. As soon as this news came out, it was as noisy as if it had exploded, and everyone was guessing when the Shenzhong Passage would not be jammed?

Traffic management problems in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor
The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?

As soon as the Shenzhong passage opened, there was some trouble, indicating that I had not made a detailed plan before. Have you ever thought about such a thing as a possible traffic jam? It is hoped that the relevant departments will sum up the lessons and lessons learned.

The traffic is really annoying, and it must be improved as soon as possible. After the opening of the Shenzhong Passage, everyone will have to work harder and worry more! In the future, we will have to change the way we manage traffic, improve our ability to respond to emergencies, and make the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor unimpeded.

The social impact of the Shenzhong Corridor
The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?

The Shenzhong channel has been opened, which is really good, but now it is a little blocked. Some people feel that this threshold does not have much impact on our daily lives.

The Shenzhong Passage was originally intended to build a highway that Shenzhen and Zhongshan people are happy about, but it turned out to be a super large parking lot as soon as it was used. Let's talk about what's going on.

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?
The long-term value of the Deep Middle Channel The public expectation of the Shenzhong Channel

The opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor has made us on both sides excited, saving time and convenience in commuting to and from work, which is more conducive to stimulating the economic growth of the two places. But the question is, the queue has just been opened, is this road really so easy to use?

The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?

Don't block the Shenzhong Passage, think of more measures, such as tidying up the traffic and improving the ability to deal with emergencies. In this way, the passage will be smoother, and we will be comfortable to use.

Traffic optimization suggestions for the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor

The bridge from Shenzhen to Zhongshan is about to burst this morning! Give you a few tricks: first, the traffic police should pay more attention, figure out what problems will occur, and take precautions in advance; Then, see if you can adjust the traffic lights to make the car go faster; Again, we have to increase publicity efforts to tell everyone not to run around in the morning rush hour, and try to bypass the blockage; Finally, establish good connections with other transportation hubs and share information so that the road is smooth.

After learning these tricks, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan channel will be a lot more awesome, and it will be super easy to play in Shenzhen and Zhongshan in the future!

Future challenges of the Shenzhong Corridor

The Shenzhong passage is very good, but it is also a problem if there are too many cars. Therefore, we have to do a good job in traffic management and reduce traffic jams! Also, if the road is wider, the traffic can be smoother. That's all we have to deal with.

Public participation in the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor
The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was seriously congested on the day it opened, why did experts predict that it would fail?

Don't hesitate to sign up! Let's work together to ensure the smooth passage of Shenzhong! I hope the government can listen to the voices of our ordinary citizens and brainstorm to make this project even better!