
The son I raised with all my hard work wanted to cut off relations with me for the sake of a woman

author:The Coco story

Our old Zhang family, but the old residents in this black land, the roots of our ancestors are rooted here. I, Mr. Zhang, have never moved my nest in my life, and I live on those few acres of thin fields and my wife. Our family is Zhang Qiang, the only seedling, since I was a child, I have treated him as a baby, I am afraid of melting in my mouth, and I am afraid of falling in my hands. Zhang Qiang's kid has been clever since he was a child, and he has always been among the best in his studies. Our old Zhang family is looking forward to him getting ahead, jumping out of our ravine, and going to the big city. Zhang Qiang's kid didn't disappoint us, and was admitted to the university in the provincial capital, and at that time our village was boiling, and they all said that there was green smoke on the ancestral grave of our old Zhang family.

In the years when Zhang Qiang was in college, our family had a tight life, and everything delicious was close to him first, and my wife and I made do with nibbling on some bud rice flour cakes. At that time, I was thinking, when Zhang Qiang graduates, find a good job, and our family will be able to live a good life. But who would have thought that after Zhang Qiang graduated, he talked about a girlfriend in the city, and the girl was very handsome, but why are we so unsightly? She's a southerner, and she speaks softly, and it's hard for us to listen. Not to mention her pampered temperament, she can't do any work, so she knows that she supports us Zhang Qiang. Our Zhang Qiang, I don't know what the devil is, so I fell in love with that girl and was determined to marry her. The two of us were so good at talking, so we sent him to kneel, but he just didn't get in the oil and salt. In the end, we had no choice but to watch him marry that southern girl.

On the day of marrying his daughter-in-law, our Zhang Qiang smiled like a flower, and when we looked at his joy, our hearts were like a knife. Let's think about it, this daughter-in-law has married into the door, and she is also a member of our family, so we have to be kind to her, so that she can live more comfortably in this situation. But who knows, after the southern girl married into our family, she never gave us a good look. She thinks we are poor, and she thinks we are here, and she clamos all day long to go back to the south. Our Zhang Qiang, it's like being fascinated by that girl, and he listens to her. The two of us watched the two of them toss around in our house. There was a time when our Zhang Qiang quarreled with us for that girl. He said we didn't understand him and didn't respect his choice. In our hearts, there are mixed tastes, which is really an indescribable taste. Hey, the fire in our hearts at that time was like adding fuel to the fire, we worked hard to pull him up, didn't we just want him to live a good life, but why did this kid not appreciate it so much? After that, our Zhang Qiang has become more and more separated from us. He hung around the girl all day long, and he didn't even say hello to us. The two of us, just squatting on the kang, looking at the moon outside the window, the bitterness in our hearts, I can't say it.

The son I raised with all my hard work wanted to cut off relations with me for the sake of a woman

One day, our Zhang Qiang suddenly came back, still holding a divorce agreement in his hand. He said that he couldn't get along with the girl anymore and wanted a divorce. Our heart, it's like being pinched, let's think, this divorce is not a joke, what does our Zhang Qiang think? Let's ask him, "Qiangzi, what's wrong with you?" Good days, but do you have to get a divorce? Zhang Qiang glanced at us, and that look was like looking at a stranger. He said, "Dad, Mom, I can't get along with her anymore." She picks and chooses all day long, and she always quarrels with me. I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to divorce her. "At that time, our hearts were like pins and needles. Let's ask him: "Qiangzi, you are divorced, what will you do in the future?" Zhang Qiang glanced at us and said, "Dad, Mom, don't worry about my future affairs." I'll take care of it myself. "At that time, my heart was cold. Let's think, this son, why is he so ignorant? We worked hard to bring him up, just to let him live a good life, but why didn't he cherish it so much?

Since then, our Zhang Qiang has completely cut off contact with us. He didn't even go home, so he moved away with the girl. The two of us, just squatting on the kang, looking at the moon outside the window, the bitterness in our hearts, I can't say it. Let's just think, why is this son so ruthless? We worked hard to bring him up, why did he cut off relations with us just for the sake of a woman? Hey, the way of the world has really changed. Our old Zhang family, our ancestors have been eating on this black soil for generations, but our son, why is he so ignorant? Let's just think, how will we live in the future? Our old Zhang family, I used to always look forward to my son's appearance, hoping that he could mix in the big city and expand the lintel of our house. Oh, that's a heart-wrenching thing. I thought that at the beginning, our son Zhang Qiang was so promising, but why did he suddenly change? Since he divorced the southern girl, the whole person seems to be a different person, and he doesn't call anymore and doesn't return home. The two of us are old, sitting on the kang every day, looking at the green crops outside the window, and our hearts are empty. The two of us are beating drums in our hearts, has this son forgotten about the two of us?

The son I raised with all my hard work wanted to cut off relations with me for the sake of a woman

One day, an uninvited guest suddenly came to our house, a young man dressed like a dog, and carrying a gift box in his hand. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang, I am a friend of Zhang Qiang, and he asked me to come and see you." "At that time, we were bumped into by something, Zhang Qiang's friend? When did our Zhang Qiang have this friend? Let's ask him: "Young man, what does you have to do with Zhang Qiang?" Why didn't he come back on his own? The young man sighed and said, "Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang, Zhang Qiang...... He's lying in the hospital right now. At that time, the two of us felt as if they had been struck by lightning, and hurriedly asked, "What?" Hospital? What's wrong with him? "The young man told us that Zhang Qiang got seriously ill after the divorce and has been lying in the hospital. He was afraid that we would be worried, so he kept it a secret. Now that the condition is serious, I have to tell the two of us. At that time, the two of us felt like we were being pressed by a big stone, and it was hard to breathe. Let's ask him, "What happened to the strong son now?" Can it be cured? The young man shook his head and said, "Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang, to tell you the truth, Zhang Qiang's illness ...... Not so optimistic. He has only one breath left now, and he wants to see you. "At that time, our hearts were like a mess. Let's just wonder, this son, why is it so worry-free? We worked hard to pull him up, why didn't he cherish his body so much? We didn't care about anything else, so we immediately packed up our things and followed the young man to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, Zhang Qiang was lying on the hospital bed, his face as pale as paper. As soon as we saw him, tears flowed uncontrollably. Let's ask him, "Qiangzi, what's wrong with you?" Why is it like this? Zhang Qiang glanced at us, squeezed out a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Dad, Mom, I'm fine." "At that time, the feeling in our hearts was really mixed, and it was indescribably uncomfortable. Oh, don't worry about it. "At that moment, I felt uncomfortable in my heart. We asked him, "Qiangzi, why didn't you tell us earlier?" We can still support you. Zhang Qiang's young man sighed and said, "Dad, Mom, I really don't want you to worry about it." Besides...... Besides, I'll talk to you...... We don't have anything to do with each other anymore. "At that moment, our hearts felt like someone had cut us with a knife. We asked him, "Son of the Strongman, how can you say that?" We've worked hard to pull you up, how can you cut off relations with us? Zhang Qiang's young man closed his eyes and didn't say anything more. Let's just stand there, the taste in our hearts is really mixed.

Let's think, why is this son so hard-hearted? We worked hard to bring him up, why did he cut off relations with us just for the sake of a woman? At that time, we sat in front of Zhang Qiang's hospital bed and watched him all night. Let's just look at him, and I remember those things when he was a child. At that time, he was always following behind our ass and asking questions. Let's just hold him and tell him the story of our childhood. In those days, although it was a little hard and tiring, my heart was always warm. But now, why are you so aggrieved these days? We worked hard to bring up our son, why is he so ignorant?

The son I raised with all my hard work wanted to cut off relations with me for the sake of a woman

Let's just think about it, how will we live in the future? The next day, Zhang Qiang left. He walked peacefully, as if he had fallen asleep. Let's just sit there, looking at his pale face, and our hearts will be empty. Let's just ponder, this son, why is he so ruthless? He left, and left without even saying hello. At that time, we were sitting on the bench in the hospital, thinking about Zhang Qiang's childhood. Let's just think about it, how cute he was at that time. He's always following behind us, asking questions. Let's just hold him and tell him the story of our childhood. In those days, although it was a little hard and tiring, my heart was always warm. But now? We are sitting on the bench in the hospital, and our hearts are empty. Let's just think about it, how will we live in the future? Our son, just left, without even saying hello. Oh, this heart, it's like hollowing out, empty. Let's just sit there, don't think about anything, just watch the sky get darker and darker. The one in our hearts, thinking about our son, is called a mixed taste, sweet, sour, bitter, spicy and salty, all kinds of tastes. We were so stunned, thinking about it, thinking about it, my head hurt, but I just couldn't think of a clue. Our son, hey, it really breaks our hearts.