
My father-in-law was sick and hospitalized, but my husband asked me to take a leave of absence to take care of him full-time, and I directly refused

author:The Coco story

In our Northeast Gada, life is always so sincere, but it is not easy. Our family's affairs are a little uncomfortable to talk about. The old man in my family has always been very strong, but who would have thought that one day he would suddenly fall ill and have to be hospitalized. The old man usually talks like my husband and his father, straight to the point, and his temper is stubborn like something. His illness caused chaos in his family.

My husband, who was a filial young man, heard that the old man was sick, and he was so anxious that he rushed to the hospital with the ants on the hot pot. But these days, how can we revolve around only one person? I still have to go to work, my children have to go to school, and I have to worry about my family. When the old man was hospitalized, my husband ran to the hospital every day, and he couldn't take care of his work, and the family affairs were even more chaotic.

One night, he sat on the sofa, looked at me with a tired face, and said to me, "Daughter-in-law, my father's illness will not get better for a while, can you take a leave of absence and go to the hospital to take care of him full-time?" As soon as I heard this, I chuckled in my heart, didn't this make me leave my job and my home to serve an old man? I immediately became angry and replied to him directly: "You said it lightly, I ask for leave?" What should I do if I take a leave of absence from work? What about the child? What should I do with all this lot of things at home? Your dad is your dad, but I'm also a human being, and I also have my life and responsibilities! ”

My father-in-law was sick and hospitalized, but my husband asked me to take a leave of absence to take care of him full-time, and I directly refused

My husband was also anxious when I said this: "Why can't you be considerate and considerate of me?" My dad is so old, what he needs most now is the companionship and care of his family, can't you sacrifice it for him? As soon as I heard this, I was even more angry. We Northeast people speak straight, and I don't hide it: "I understand you? I understand that you have to put myself in it? Your dad is a dad, I'm a human being, and I have my own difficulties. If you ask me to sacrifice for him, who will be considerate of me? Who cares if I live or die? ”

The two of us quarreled like this, and in the end, neither of us could convince anyone. During that time, there was always a depressing atmosphere in the house. My husband goes out early and returns late every day, goes to the hospital to take care of his father, and when he comes back, he looks tired, and I don't bother to take care of him. The relationship between us is like a layer apart, and we can't get close. At that time, I got off work, and as soon as I entered the house, I saw my family sitting on the sofa in a daze. I walked over, patted him, and asked, "What's going on?" He sighed and said, "My dad told me today that he felt like he was dragging us down." He said that if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be so tired. When I heard this, my heart was sour. We know that although our father has a stubborn temper, he still hurts us in his heart. I sat next to him and said, "My dad is old and his health is not good, so we can't do anything about it." As children, it is our duty to take care of him. But we have to have our own lives, don't we? Let's do it, let's divide the work, you go to the hospital to take care of our dad during the day, and I'll go at night, so you can relax. When my family heard this, a flash of gratitude flashed in their eyes. Since then, we have been working shifts to take care of my dad at the hospital. Although life is tight, the atmosphere at home is much better. My family is not so tired and panicked, and our relationship is slowly warming up. My dad stayed in the hospital for several months and finally recovered. On the day he was discharged from the hospital, he looked at the two of us, his eyes full of gratitude and relief. He said, "You two are really my good sons and daughters, and with you here, my old man will be worth it no matter how hard and tired I am." As soon as I said this, my heart warmed. We know that although we have experienced so many difficulties and quarrels, our feelings have become deeper because of this. This is the emotional story of our Northeast people, although sometimes life will make us feel helpless and tired, but as long as we are willing to understand each other and support each other, we will be able to get through the difficulties. Our days, although a little bitter, are also full of love and warmth.

My father-in-law was sick and hospitalized, but my husband asked me to take a leave of absence to take care of him full-time, and I directly refused

Since we decided to take turns to take care of my dad, the atmosphere at home has been much more relaxed. During the day, my family would prepare meals in advance, and then rush to the hospital to chat and watch TV with our dad to ensure that he had a full and happy day. In the evening, I took over, brought my father's favorite fruits and snacks, listened to his stories from the past, and spent the long night with him. Although our father has recovered physically, his spirit is not as good as before. He often sat on the hospital bed, looking out the window in a daze, as if recalling the bits and pieces of the past. We Northeast people speak straight, and this matter has to be so neat: at that moment, I sat in front of him, accompanied him without saying a word, and when he came to his senses, he grinned at me and accosted me. One night, I went to the hospital to see my dad as usual. He looked a little tired, but his spirit was not bad. I peeled an apple for him, cut it into small pieces, put it on a plate, and handed it to him. He looked at me, a flash of gratitude flashed in his eyes, and said slowly, "Girl, you have worked hard these days. I know, because of my illness, you and your husband have a lot to worry about. I smiled and said, "Dad, what are you talking about?" You are the elder of our family, and we should take care of you. As long as you are in good health, we are all down-to-earth. When my father heard my words, tears flashed in his eyes, and he took my hand and said, "Girl, you are a good daughter-in-law, and I will remember you all my life." "At that moment, my heart was going up and down. My father's words touched me and made me feel a sense of responsibility. I know that as a daughter-in-law, I have to take care of my family and my father's physical and mental health. Since then, I have taken care of my dad more attentively and tried to make him feel the warmth and love of home. As the days passed, my father's body slowly recovered. He began to be able to get out of bed and move around, and even cooked for himself. Looking at the changes in our father, my husband and I are happy. We know that this is inseparable from our efforts and dedication. But just when we thought everything was going to be okay, something happened. One night, I went to the hospital as usual to see my dad. As soon as I entered the ward, I saw my father lying on the bed, his face pale and panting. I was terrified and hurried to call the doctor. As soon as the doctor examined us, he told us that our father's condition had suddenly deteriorated and that he would have to be operated on immediately. My husband and I were dumbfounded when we heard the news. We didn't expect our dad's condition to be so serious. Let's quickly inform our families and wait together at the door of the operating room. At that time, our hearts were full of worries and prayers. Let's hope that our dad can survive this and get back on his feet. The surgery was done for hours and finally ended. The doctor came out and told us that the operation was successful, and we were all relieved. Oh, our old father's body has to be adjusted slowly, and it will take a lot of time. As soon as this thing comes out, we must continue to serve him until he can stand up on his own and smile. These days, we have to pay more attention to him, and we have to serve him comfortably.

Let's take shifts to exercise with him, rub his shoulders, and beat his back, so that his pain can be relieved. I also have to take him out for a walk from time to time, breathe in the fresh air, and feel the beauty of nature. Under our careful care, the old father's body slowly improved, and the smile on his face was more radiant.

In the end, the old father was fully recovered, and he was able to walk the aisle by himself, cook by himself, and help us with some housework. Looking at his changes, we are so happy in our hearts, not to mention how relieved. We know that all of this is the result of our family working together and working together.

My father-in-law was sick and hospitalized, but my husband asked me to take a leave of absence to take care of him full-time, and I directly refused

After this incident, we also have a deeper understanding of the true meaning of life. We understand, home, that is our most valuable wealth, is our strong backing. No matter what difficulties and challenges we encounter, we must support each other, care for each other, and carry it through together. Only in this way can we have a happy family and a good life.

Looking back on those difficult days, although we have experienced a lot of hardships and pains, we have also gained growth and insight. We have learned to cherish, to be grateful, and to remain strong and optimistic in the face of difficulties and setbacks. These experiences have become valuable treasures and memories in our lives.

My father-in-law was sick and hospitalized, but my husband asked me to take a leave of absence to take care of him full-time, and I directly refused

This is the emotional story of our Northeast people, real, simple, but full of power. Life is sometimes frustrating and exhausting, but as long as we understand each other and support each other, we can get through the difficulties and meet a better tomorrow.