
The decline in ovarian function can not only be treated, but also treated, and many people do not understand it and miss the good time

author:Director of the Department of Gynecology Ha Hong

Nowadays, more and more people are experiencing premature ovarian failure, which often makes them feel hopeless and think that their condition is incurable.

Many people miss out on the best time for treatment due to a lack of knowledge. In fact, with the right treatment, premature ovarian failure is completely curable.

But unfortunately, many people choose to take hormones for long-term treatment, which eventually leads to deterioration of physical condition, and a series of problems such as stomach problems and liver damage. Therefore, seeking the right treatment is the key to curing premature ovarian failure.

The decline in ovarian function can not only be treated, but also treated, and many people do not understand it and miss the good time

Let's take Ms. Han, who gave me the good news, for example, she had amenorrhea half a year after marriage at the age of 32, checked amh0.27, and has been maintained by hormones, but she only has a little withdrawal bleeding every month, and she has not been pregnant for a year.

There is only one option left, but the conditions at home are not very good, and there is no guarantee of success, so I still want to try it myself and ask if there is a way for Chinese medicine.

After a detailed examination and diagnosis, it was found that Ms. Han often felt. Her constitution is relatively weak. These symptoms are typical manifestations of kidney deficiency and renal insufficiency. For people who have been trying to conceive for a long time but have no results, this is the case nine times out of ten.

Dingjing soup: dodder seed, white peony, angelica, big ripe, yam, white poria cocos, mustard ear, bupleurum

The decline in ovarian function can not only be treated, but also treated, and many people do not understand it and miss the good time

After a period of time, the self-reported backache and back pain have been relieved, and menstruation has also come but the amount is a little less, but the body is much more comfortable than before, which shows that her kidney essence has been replenished, which has laid the foundation for her future pregnancy.

Some time ago, she had not had a period for another month, and it was suggested that she rule out the possibility of pregnancy first. Unexpectedly, the B-ultrasound results showed that she was pregnant early in utero! So excited! She immediately shared the good news with me, and I'm really happy for her!

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" has a cloud: For women, the liver is the innate foundation, and the kidney, as the mother of the liver, is mainly responsible for blood storage and excretion functions. Therefore, stagnation of liver qi, lack of liver blood, and deficiency of kidney essence can all lead to decreased menstrual flow, amenorrhea, or cycle disorders.

The decline in ovarian function can not only be treated, but also treated, and many people do not understand it and miss the good time

It can be seen that kidney deficiency is the main factor leading to the instability of the menstrual cycle, so the first link in regulating menstruation must be "tonifying the kidney". In this process, three herbs – rehman, cuscuta and yam – play a key role.

On this basis, as long as the flow of qi and blood is smooth, menstruation will come on time. With the help of the blood-nourishing and softening effect of white peony and angelica, supplemented by a small amount of bupleurum and nepeta, it can take into account both liver nourishment and liver soothing.
