
has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

author:Grape micro-reading
has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

In 1987, the crew of "Contemporary Soldiers" was in full swing. On this ordinary set, an unknown young actor Lu Jianmin staged a fateful encounter with Hu Yue, a hot singer at the time.

In the following years, Hu Yue became famous with the song "Loess High Slope", frequently appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and became a well-known singer. However, Lu Jianmin's acting career has always been tepid, supporting his wife's career behind the scenes in obscurity.

35 years have passed, how did this husband and wife, who are very different in the eyes of outsiders, go through the ups and downs of life hand in hand? Their stories may bring us new thoughts on love, career and life.

In 1963, Lu Jianmin fell to the ground in Shanghai. During his childhood, the divorce of his parents cast a shadow over his young mind. 12-year-old Lu Jianmin lived with his mother and experienced the hardships of life.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

The mother wants her son to master a skill and find a stable job. With a grateful heart to his mother, Lu Jianmin followed the advice and entered the technical secondary school to learn steel rolling technology.

However, fate always likes to play jokes on people who have dreams. During his time at school, Lu Jianmin joined the drama club by chance, and was deeply attracted by the charm of acting when he performed on stage for the first time.

The spotlight on the stage seemed to illuminate his innermost desire, and from that moment on, he knew that his love for acting was irrepressible.

After graduation, Lu Jianmin entered the factory according to the original plan. However, the monotonous life of 9 to 5 made him feel suffocated, and his inner theatrical dream was like a spark that could never be extinguished.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

In 1984, the news of the enrollment of Beijing Film Academy came, which was tantamount to a rain from heaven for Lu Jianmin.

In order to chase his dream, Lu Jianmin made a bold decision. He lied about his injury, took half a month off, and studied hard to prepare for the exam. In the past half a month, he forgot to sleep and eat, just to stand out in the exam.

In the end, his efforts were not in vain, and he received an admission letter from Beijing Film Academy as he wished.

With a vision for the future and an apology for his mother, Lu Jianmin stepped on the train to the north. On the campus of Beiying, he was eager to learn acting skills and try to make up for his shortcomings.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

With his excellent appearance and the spirit of hard work, Lu Jianmin soon made a name for himself when he was a student and began to get involved in the film and television industry.

However, the path to graduation has not been easy. Although Lu Jianmin has received many roles with his handsome appearance and solid acting skills, such as the movie "On the Mountain" with Jiang Wenli in 1991, the TV series "Missile Brigade Commander" starring in 2002, and the role of Wei Qing in "The Emperor of Han Wu" in 2005, etc., his popularity has never made a big breakthrough.

In the face of the ups and downs of his career, Lu Jianmin was not discouraged. He knows that acting is his passion, and fame is just an accessory. It is this pure love for acting that supports him to keep moving forward on the road of acting.

1987 was an ordinary but special year for 28-year-old Lu Jianmin. On the set of "Contemporary Soldiers", he played an inconspicuous supporting role, completing his work in obscurity.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

However, fate arranged a meaningful encounter for him on this ordinary set.

At that time, the new singer Hu Yue became famous for the song "Yellow Earth" and was invited to sing the theme song for "Contemporary Soldiers". Her arrival was like a fresh breeze, instantly attracting the attention of everyone on the set, including Lu Jianmin.

Looking at the radiant Hu Yue, Lu Jianmin's heartbeat involuntarily accelerated.

However, in the face of this dazzling star, Lu Jianmin could only watch from a distance, not daring to approach rashly. Luckily, his expertise on the guitar created an opportunity for the two to intersect.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

In the world of music, they found a common language, and Lu Jianmin's gentle personality and love for art slowly moved Hu Yue.

After plucking up the courage to confess, Lu Jianmin was politely refused. Hu Yue said frankly that he is currently paying more attention to career development, which makes Lu Jianmin's heart feel like he has knocked over a five-flavor bottle. However, fate always comes unexpectedly.

An unexpected letter delivery incident made the relationship between the two go further.

During a dinner together, they opened their hearts and exchanged ideas. Lu Jianmin's sincerity and dedication to art deeply touched Hu Yue, and Hu Yue's talent and tenacity also made Lu Jianmin even more fond of him.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

The two hearts got closer and closer under each other's attraction, and finally walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, the marriage was not all smooth sailing. There are constant doubts from the outside world, and some people ridicule Lu Jianmin as a "little white face", thinking that the fate of this couple is difficult to grow. In the face of all kinds of criticism, Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue chose to use practical actions to prove their feelings.

In 1988, Hu Yue's "Loess High Slope" swept the country, and she not only won the championship of the National Environmental Song Invitational Competition, but also became a frequent guest of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.

At the same time, Lu Jianmin's acting career has always been tepid.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

In the face of his wife's success, Lu Jianmin was not jealous, but fully supported Hu Yue's career development. He often silently prepares hot water for his wife and arranges clothes in the background, becoming the most competent backstage supporter.

This kind of selfless dedication deeply moved Hu Yue, and the relationship between the two became deeper and deeper.

Soon after their marriage, they ushered in the crystallization of love - a lovely daughter. In order to take care of his family, Lu Jianmin took the initiative to choose to fade out of the entertainment industry, so that Hu Yue could focus on career development.

Although this decision made Lu Jianmin temporarily shelve his acting dreams, he did not regret it. In his opinion, the happiness of the family is the most important thing.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

The story of Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue interprets a simple but profound truth: sincere love requires mutual understanding, support and dedication. They have proved with practical actions that even in the face of the disparity in career development, two hearts that truly love each other can still walk hand in hand and face various challenges in life together.

With Hu Yue's "Loess High Slope" becoming popular all over the country, her career is in full swing, and she frequently appears on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala and has become a well-known singer. In stark contrast, Lu Jianmin's acting career has never been able to break through the bottleneck, and his popularity is far less than that of his wife.

Faced with such a situation, Lu Jianmin did not choose to be jealous or complain, but fully supported his wife's career with an admirable attitude. He often silently prepares hot water for Hu Yue in the background, sorts out his clothes, and becomes the most competent agent.

Whenever he sees his wife radiant on the stage, Lu Jianmin's eyes are always full of pride and happiness.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

In 1996, the crystallization of their love came to the world, bringing infinite joy to the family. However, the arrival of a new life also means more responsibility.

Faced with the choice of career and family, Lu Jianmin made a surprising but reasonable decision.

He took the initiative to take care of his family, allowing Hu Yue to focus on his career development. In those years, Lu Jianmin almost faded out of the showbiz. But instead of feeling regret or loss, he found new value in life in the process of taking care of his daughter and supporting his wife.

As his daughter grew up, Lu Jianmin began to try to return to the screen. However, the entertainment industry is changing rapidly, and he can only receive some inconspicuous supporting roles. Faced with such a situation, Lu Jianmin was not discouraged.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

He still takes every role with the utmost seriousness, interpreting his love for acting in his own way.

In this process, Hu Yue has also been silently supporting her husband. She often encourages Lu Jianmin not to give up on his dreams, and the two support each other to face the ups and downs of life together.

This mutual understanding and support makes their relationship deeper and deeper.

Lu Jianmin once said in an interview: "Acting is my passion, but family is my harbor." This sentence expresses his philosophy of life - to achieve greatness in the ordinary, and to reap happiness in silent giving.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

For his wife's success, Lu Jianmin never hesitated to praise him. He often said: "Hu Yue's success is the result of her talent and hard work, and I am proud of her." This appreciation and support is the secret of their long-term marriage.

Lu Jianmin's story tells us that the value of life lies not only in the success of the career, but also in how to balance career and family, and how to realize self-worth in ordinary life.

He used his actions to interpret what true love and family responsibility are, and also showed an actor's persistent pursuit of art.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue have gone through more than 30 spring and autumn together. Although the doubts from the outside world have never stopped, their relationship has become deeper and deeper, like an old wine, which lasts for a long time.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

At a certain Lantern Festival party, Hu Yue and Lu Jianmin performed on stage together, and this scene was surprising and moving. On stage, they looked at each other affectionately, as if they had returned to the set where they first met.

Although Lu Jianmin is not a professional singer, in the company of his wife, his performance is natural and sincere, which won warm applause from the audience. This performance not only showed their affection, but also demonstrated their tacit understanding and support for each other.

Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue in life also maintain a state of sweet affection. They often walk hand in hand along the neighborhood's boulevards or cook together.

Even in ordinary daily life, they can find their own happiness. Lu Jianmin always thoughtfully prepares his wife's favorite flower tea, while Hu Yue gives professional advice to her husband during rehearsals.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

In the face of reporters' interviews, Lu Jianmin always smiled and said: "There is no special secret to our relationship, which is to respect and support each other." Hu Yue, on the other hand, looked at her husband affectionately and added, "What's more, we all maintain our love for life and the pursuit of art."

Their story tells us that true love is not a vigorous confession, not the glory of fame and fortune, but mutual support in ordinary days, perseverance and companionship in the long river of time.

Lu Jianmin and Hu Yue have used more than 30 years of mutual affection to interpret the true meaning of "holding the hand of the son and growing old with the son".

Looking back on Lu Jianmin's 36-year acting career, his name may not be as loud as expected. However, his life was shone by his dedication to his family and his dedication to art.

has not exploded in the 36 years since her debut, but her wife has relied on a song for 35 years, and now she has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala

In the interview, Lu Jianmin often smiled and said: "Acting is my passion, but family is my harbor." This sentence expresses his philosophy of life - to achieve greatness in the ordinary, and to reap happiness in silent giving.

For the success of his wife Hu Yue, Lu Jianmin never hesitated to praise him. He often said: "Hu Yue's success stems from her talent and hard work, and I am very proud of her."

This appreciation and support is the secret of the longevity of their marriage.

Today's Lu Jianmin still maintains his love for acting. "As long as there's a role for me, I'm going to put my heart and soul into it," he said. The profession of an actor does not care how famous you are, but how you interpret the role and convey emotions.

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