
Who is healthier to boil your own water or buy bottled water?

author:Xiaomei said popular science


According to the Health Times, people were shocked by the results of a group of studies, in fact, people have not dared to summarize, the question is that people who boil water for a long time and often buy bottled water, who is healthier?

I'm sure everyone has their own judgment, but is that really the case?

Recently, a study done by University College London and the National Institute of Oceanography in Korea has attracted public attention, and they found that bottled water contains a lot of microplastics, which means that every time you buy a bucket of water, you are basically adding a nanoplastic to yourself.

So what is the impact of such a plastic on the human body, I guess many people are very concerned about this issue.

There are 240,000 nanoplastics per liter of bottled water.

In this day and age, everything is inseparable from plastic.

From everyday items to furniture, plastic can be seen everywhere.

With the improvement of people's living standards, people's requirements for water quality are getting higher and higher, and many people buy a bottle of bottled water when eating out as a drink, which is not only a waste, but also has an impact on health.

According to statistics, the amount of microplastics contained in bottled water is staggering.

In some popular brands of water, the United States, China and India have consulted and contrasted.

They collected a total of 259 bottles of bottled water from all over the world for research, and the study showed that the bottled water in the mainland is much better than that in other countries, and they calculated that the amount of nanoplastics in China's bottled water is as high as 25,916 nanoplastics per liter of water.

Then there are India and the United States, in the process of research, they thought that it is impossible for India and the United States to have less nanoplastics in water than us, because their market and technology are much stronger than China, but when they came to the conclusion, they were very incredulous.

The nanoplastics in the bottled water in the mainland are 21,052 per liter at the least, and 25,916 per liter at the most, but India does not have as much water as we have at the most, and they only have 21,777 nanoplastics per liter at the most, and the purity of nanoplastics in the bottled water in the United States is slightly higher.

Who is healthier to boil your own water or buy bottled water?

At its peak, they only had 22,205 nanoplastics per liter, but even that was a lot different from China's bottled water, and the more than 2.6 million detectable nanoplastics were not something that would not have an impact on human health.

Each liter of bottled water contains about 240,000 nanoplastics.

You may ask, don't these things get broken down?

But these impurities are not like ordinary microorganisms, it will not be broken down at all.

It is possible that man-made things are man-made plastics, and once formed, it will accompany people until the extinction of mankind.

The current level of science and technology has not reached the point where nanoplastics can be decomposed, so don't think that a small amount of nanoplastics will not have an impact on human health.

Scientists visited hospitals and research institutes across the country, observed patients with cancer or formation disease, and found that the employees had one thing in common: they had bottled water in their homes.

There is an aura of technology everywhere in people's lives, but on the other hand, there will be many small crises, some of which are caused by ourselves, and some of which are forced to happen.

People will do everything they can to protect themselves for their health and even their own lives, but there are some things that we are not aware of.

People drink water every day, some people drink water and buy water purifiers to burn themselves, and there are other people who buy bottled water and bottled water directly.

What is the difference in the number of nanoplastics in bottled water and bottled water?

In order to make the research results more objective and fair, the researchers not only had to collect some water samples themselves, but also went to the special market to buy some regular products.

The water samples they collected were basically some brands.

They first carefully collected these water samples with nano-scale outline, and then they filtered these water samples, and in the process of filtration, they also thought of a better quantitative filtration method, and they specially prepared more than 20 water samples for testing.

As long as these water samples have been filtered, they can take them to the experimental equipment for examination, but they must not only check the filtered water samples, but also check the unfiltered water samples.

Their results were staggering, with filtered and unfiltered water samples far different from those containing up to 250,000 particles per liter of water.

Who is healthier to boil your own water or buy bottled water?

But the filtered water samples are much less affected, but even then there are more than a thousand nanoplastics to examine.

These samples are all common microplastics, but the researchers found that there are other microplastics during the examination, and these new microplastics have not been studied in detail.

These unknown microplastics may affect the body's lungs and intestines and other vital organs, so some researchers believe that these unknown microplastics may have a greater impact on the human body than other common particles, so if these microplastics are sucked into the human body one day in the future, it may induce some serious diseases.

Who is healthier to boil your own water or buy bottled water?

Drink at least 2L of water a day by putting your body in the trash can.

According to the results of the study, if the number of particles contained in bottled water is compared, it will be found that boiling water is still good, because if the hot water is compared with bottled water, the nanoplastics will only be less, not more.

Because in the process of boiling water, the temperature of the water will rise, and the density of nanoplastics will become smaller, so that if it is small, volatilization will naturally occur, thereby reducing the content of nanoplastics.

Although the nano microplastics will be reduced after boiling water, they will not be small at all, and there are still not many nanoplastic microplastics that can be volatilized.

But even so, no one can deny that hot water is certainly much better than bottled water.

But water is indispensable in life, everyone should drink water every day, scientists recommend that everyone drink at least two liters of water a day, so as to ensure that their body is not a trash can for everyone.

Most people will choose bottled water as their daily drinking water, which is understandable, because they are afraid of impurities in the water, in fact, this is also a shot to the first bird of this kind of thing, people have not avoided the problem of nanoplastics, but in order to fight against "poisonous water", they changed their methods to fight against "poisonous water", and finally created a new stalk of "bottled water can be used as a garbage can".

This behavior did play a role, but what they didn't expect was that there was more and more relationship between bottled water and nanoplastics.

Because through the comparison of researchers, bottled water is also pure water, but there must be more nanoplastic particles than boiled water, which is also a point that scientists are very curious about, and they ask themselves why a bottle of ordinary pure water also contains nanoplastic microplastics?

Who is healthier to boil your own water or buy bottled water?

In this way, in order to avoid "poisonous water", people can only rely on drinking bottled water to protect their health, but in this way, people are more likely to come into contact with nanoplastic particles, which is like people are avoiding the joke of stealing chickens and rice, and finally keep running away like this, and it will develop a cancer.

Who is healthier to boil your own water or buy bottled water?


Despite the rapid development of today's society, people still have to get along with various objects in order to live, and these objects sometimes eat people.

Especially when some microplastics now "love to eat" people, so people must not only learn to use the advantages of technology, but also pay attention to some inconspicuous small details, after all, even a small particle of dust may have an impact on human health.