
Messi: At the peak of Barcelona, you had to keep running even if you didn't have the ball!

author:Poetry says sports

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Messi: At the peak of Barcelona, you had to keep running even if you didn't have the ball!

Messi's Cosmos Memory: Endless Running Under the Art of Ball Control

In the vast starry sky of football, there are always some moments that are like bright stars, forever engraved in the hearts of fans. Messi, the Argentine genius, has used the glorious chapters of his career to weave us one story after another about dreams and glory. When it comes to the peak of his career, he has to mention the feared "Cosmos Team" - Barcelona. In a recent interview, Messi fondly looked back on those glorious days, let's walk into his memories and feel the days when he walked opponents with possession and weaved a net of victory with running without the ball.

The art of ball control, the winning weapon of the Universe team

When it comes to the Cosmos, the first thing that comes to mind is the breath-taking ability to control the ball. Messi recalled that under Pep Guardiola's careful construction, every player in Barcelona seems to be incarnated as a magician on the field, using delicate footwork and tacit cooperation to interpret football into a flowing symphony. He singled out the national derby against Real Madrid, where Barca's tactical system reached unprecedented heights when Pep Guardiola decided to put him in the role of a false nine. On the field, they seem to always have one more person, through exquisite passing and running, the opponent is tired, and finally completely conquers the opponent with the art of ball control, and also conquers the world football. Messi admits that he was not fully aware of the historical value of this team at that time, but that desire to win and pure love for football allowed him to write a glorious chapter belonging to Barcelona with his teammates.

Running without the ball, invisible wings of victory

In Team Cosmos' tactical system, running off the ball also plays a pivotal role. Messi recalls that even when not holding the ball, his teammates would go out of their way to create space and opportunities for the team. This spontaneous and visceral competitive mentality makes every player an indispensable part of the field. Messi knows that this high-intensity off-ball running is not only a test of physical fitness and will, but also the ultimate display of football wisdom and team spirit. He said that it is this desperate desire to win that makes every game of the Cosmos team full of unknowns and possibilities, and also allows fans to witness countless reversals and miracles.

Competitiveness, a flame that never goes out

As the heart of the Cosmos team, Messi's competitive spirit is well known. He admits that this desire to win is innate, and he doesn't want to give up easily, whether it's against the world's top teams or a little game at home with his own children. Messi said with a smile that he would even deliberately keep the children from it, just to stimulate their fighting spirit and the spirit of not admitting defeat. In his opinion, his competitive spirit is what drives him forward and is the key to his numerous victories in his career. However, Messi also knows that failure is an integral part of the road to growth. He shared the change in his mentality after becoming a father, from the self-isolation to the calm face now, it is the children who gave him the courage to re-examine and accept failure.

The value of failure is the only way to grow

In Messi's football career, although he has received countless honors and praises, he has also experienced a lot of bitterness of failure. He admits that he still doesn't want to look back on some failures, but it is these failures that have taught him how to face challenges with greater resilience and how to find a turnaround in the face of adversity. Messi said that failure is a stepping stone to success, and every fall is to get back up stronger. He encouraged all fans and young people to learn to face their failures, learn from them and keep improving themselves. As he said: "After having my first child, my attitude after losing also changed. I used to close myself off, but now, I go home with a smile on my face because I know that home is my safe haven forever. ”

Messi's words are not only a deep reflection on his career, but also an encouragement to everyone who loves football and pursues their dreams. Behind the glory of the Cosmos Team, there are countless runs and hard work, an infinite desire for victory, and a deep understanding and acceptance of failure. This is Messi, a great player who interprets life with football and writes legends with victory and defeat.

The Glory of the Cosmos Team and My Football Dream - A Footballer's Affectionate Retrospection and Reflections

As I sat in front of the TV and the story of the Cosmos team, FC Barcelona, was playing on the screen, I couldn't help but feel an indescribable sense of excitement and emotion in my heart. As a long-time football fan, I have witnessed every important moment of this team from rise to the top, and today, I would like to share in the first person the days I have spent with the Cosmos team in those years, and my endless love and reflection for this team.

The first glimpse of the universe, the place where dreams begin

I remember it was a sunny afternoon, and I happened to turn on the TV, just in time for the national derby between Barcelona and Real Madrid. At that time, my knowledge of football was limited to simple rules and the names of some stars, but at that moment, I was completely conquered by Barcelona football. Their pass-and-control football is like a cloud of peers, and every precise pass, every tacit run, I am dizzying, as if I am in a choreographed dance. Especially Messi, the figure who shuttles around the field like an elf, ignited my football dream with his talent and passion. At that moment, I knew that I had fallen in love with this team and the intoxicating style of football.

The peak years, the glory witnessed together

In the years that followed, Team Cosmos reached their peak. Under the leadership of Pep Guardiola, Barcelona not only won consecutive championships in the domestic league, but also won many Champions League trophies in Europe. At that time, Barcelona seemed to be synonymous with invincibility, their every attack made people's blood boil, and every defense was as solid as a rock. I vividly remember that whenever there was a Barcelona game, I would stay in front of the TV early for fear of missing a moment. Every time the team scores, I can't help but cheer as if I've become one of the players on the pitch. In those years, Barcelona not only gave me endless joy and excitement, but also made me deeply appreciate the charm and power of football.

Running off the ball, the brilliance of team spirit

In Messi's interview, he specifically mentioned the importance of running off the ball for the team. This is indeed a point that I feel deeply about. In the tactical system of the Cosmos team, running without the ball is not only a competition of physical strength, but also a manifestation of wisdom and team spirit. Players create more space and opportunities for their teammates to attack through constant movement and positioning. This tacit understanding and cooperation make Barcelona's attack more three-dimensional and varied, and it also makes the opponent elusive. I often think that if everyone can run and cooperate selflessly on the pitch like the Barcelona players, then our society and life will definitely become better and more harmonious.

In the face of failure, the only way to grow

Of course, there are no winning generals on the football field. Team Cosmos has also suffered setbacks and failures at certain moments. But as Messi said, failure is a stepping stone to success, and every fall is to get back up stronger. I have witnessed Barça's perseverance and hard work in the face of adversity, and I have also felt their calmness and courage in the face of failure. This spirit not only made me admire and love this team even more, but also taught me how to face difficulties and challenges in my own life. I know that only by constantly working hard, constantly learning, and constantly surpassing myself can I continue to move forward and create new brilliance on the road of life like Barcelona.

Conclusion: Eternal Football Dreams, Ongoing Discussions

Today, although the glory days of the Cosmos team are gone, the love and pursuit of football will remain in my heart forever. When I think back to those years with Barcelona, I feel extremely happy and satisfied. Football is not only a sport, but also a spirit, a culture, and a way of life. It taught me how to face wins and failures, how to get along with people, and how to pursue my dreams. I believe that in the days to come, no matter where I go, no matter what work I do, no matter what difficulties I encounter, I will be like Barcelona, maintaining a love for football, maintaining a desire to win, and maintaining a spirit of never giving up.

Finally, I would like to lead to a discussion: in today's fast-paced, high-pressure society, can we still maintain a pure heart to love a sport and pursue a dream like Barcelona players? Can we still be like them, indomitable in the face of failure and courageous in the face of difficulties? I believe that everyone has their own answers and choices. But in any case, I hope that we can be like Barcelona, with our enthusiasm and hard work to light up the world and create our own glory!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Dreaming back to the Universe Team, the green love is not over

The green is a long song

In the past, the universe shook the world, and Barcelona reflected the sun.

Dream back to the intersection of red and blue, a new chapter of heroic composing.

The ball is controlled like a cloud cloth, and the pass is like the smoke of dawn.

Messi is alone, and the stars shine in the sky.

Running without the ball is as fast as electricity, and teamwork is connected.

Sweat is like rain on the green field, and there is a lot of meaning between victory and defeat.

Victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged, and the brave are not afraid to break through the heroic level.

The years go by, and the football dream lives on forever.

The silver saddle and white horse come to the wind, and the court is heroic and talented.

Victory and defeat are commonplace, but hard work has never changed.

Looking back on the glorious road of the past, we will continue to cherish the green future.

The Cosmos team is famous all over the world, and the football spirit will never fade.

There are talented people from generation to generation, each leading the way for hundreds of years.

Although Barcelona is no longer what it used to be, the spirit of football lives on.

The fans have no love in their hearts, and they dream back to the universe to remember the past.

The love on the green field is inexhaustible, and the long song sends Chanjuan.

This "Green Long Song Walk" uses the rhyme of ancient poetry to tell the glory days of the Universe team, FC Barcelona, and the eternal inheritance of the football spirit. The poem depicts Barcelona's heroic posture on the green field in the past, with ball control like weaving, passing like electricity, and stars such as Messi standing alone and leading the team to create countless legends. At the same time, it also emphasized the importance of running without the ball and teamwork, as well as calmness and perseverance in the face of victory and defeat.

In the passage of time, although Barcelona is no longer as invincible as it used to be, the spirit of football is like an inextinguishable flame, burning forever in the hearts of fans. We dream back to the glory days of the Cosmos team, which is not only a nostalgia for the past, but also an infinite admiration and inheritance of the football spirit. On the green field, we have witnessed the rise and fall of countless heroes, but the desire to win and the love of football will never change.

Finally, may we all be like Barcelona, moving forward bravely and never giving up on the field of life; May the spirit of football always inspire us to continue to move forward and create brilliance on the road of pursuing our dreams!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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