
Perkins: The Warriors don't want Thompson, so what is Curry doing?

author:Poetry says sports

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Perkins: The Warriors don't want Thompson, so what is Curry doing?

The Warriors are back on the rise: Thompson's departure and Curry's silence

In the vast starry sky of the NBA, the Golden State Warriors used to be like a bright star, leading the league's small-ball trend, and the "Splash Brothers" - Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson are the brightest twin stars in this star. However, with the passage of time and the changes on the basketball court, it seems that the once golden pair is facing an unprecedented test. Recently, rumors of Thompson's imminent departure from the Warriors have not only sparked emotion among fans, but also sparked many deep discussions about loyalty, friendship and career choices.

Gemini Falls: Thompson's Warrior Years

Looking back, Thompson's relationship with the Warriors can be traced back to that glorious season - from 2014 to 2015, they teamed up with Curry to sweep the league with a stunning three-pointer rain and win the championship. At that time, the "Splash Brothers" were the beliefs in the hearts of countless fans, and their tacit cooperation and unsolvable projection became the cornerstone of the rise of the Warriors dynasty. However, the years did not forgive, and injuries gradually eroded the sharpshooter's career. The consecutive seasons have made Thompson's performance on the court much worse than before, and the former edge seems to have been smoothed out by time. Faced with such a dilemma, Warriors management had to make the difficult decision to consider rebuilding the team's future. Thompson's name began to be associated with teams such as the Lakers, Mavericks, and Clippers, which marked the end of his glory days with the Warriors.

Curry's Silence: A Friendship and Career Choice

After the news of Thompson's imminent departure, Stephen Curry, as a former teammate who played side by side, was particularly silent. In front of the public, we rarely see Curry's direct statement on this matter, which can't help but make the outside world think. As the leader of the Warriors, Curry played a pivotal role in the team's decision-making, but he chose to remain silent in the face of Thompson's departure. Such an attitude, in the eyes of some, seems to lack support and retention for teammates. Perkins and other celebrities have been even more vocal in their criticism of Curry and Green, arguing that they are not working hard enough to keep Thompson. Perkins' remarks were poignant, but they also touched on the softness of the hearts of fans - how much is camaraderie and loyalty worth in the commercial NBA?

Loyalty meets reality: the helplessness of professional footballers

In fact, the friendship between Curry and Thompson is by no means easy for the outside world to speculate. They have experienced countless games together, and witnessed the glory and trough of the Warriors together. However, in the harsh realities of professional sports, personal emotions often have to give way to the interests of the team and long-term planning. Warriors management is thinking about the team's future competitiveness and the rationality of the salary structure, and Thompson, as an injury-plagued veteran, has a lot less market value than it once was. In this context, the breakup of both parties seems to have become a helpless choice. Although Curry has the intention to keep it, in the face of the team's overall layout and financial pressure, he can only bury this reluctance deep in his heart.

Looking to the future: we're all right and looking forward to seeing each other together

Although Thompson is about to leave the Warriors, it does not mean that his relationship with Curry and the Warriors is over. In the uncertain arena of the NBA, player transfers and reunions have long been commonplace. Perhaps one day in the future, when we see the "Splash Brothers" fighting side by side in another arena, the long-lost emotion will come back to our hearts. And before that, let's wish Thompson can find his form in the new team and continue to write his own legend; It is also expected that Curry can lead the Warriors out of the trough and create brilliance. No matter where they are, they are the eternal "splash brothers" in our hearts, and they are the indelible memories of youth.

As a long-time Golden State Warriors fan, my feelings were mixed and heavy when I learned that Klay Thompson might be leaving the team that had accompanied me for countless days and nights, bringing me countless laughs and tears. This is not only a simple reaction to the departure of a player, but also a deep regret that a glorious period may come to an end.

1. Reluctance and nostalgia: Thompson's indissoluble bond with the Warriors

Recalling Thompson's youthful appearance when he first entered the league, and then he fought side by side with Curry to jointly create the "Splash Brothers" era, every moment is vivid. His three-pointers rained down, his defense was rock-solid, and his tenacity and rise in the face of adversity were all the best examples of the Warriors' spirit. More than just a player, Thompson is part of the Warriors' culture and a hero to countless Warriors fans. His departure is undoubtedly a major blow to our emotions, and people can't help but sigh that time flies and the years are ruthless.

2. Reality and understanding: a helpless choice under the business alliance

However, as a fan, I have also gradually learned to find a balance between emotion and reality. After all, the NBA is a business league, and teams need to consider not only emotional factors, but also future development and competitiveness. With Thompson missing multiple seasons due to injury, his form declining, and salary space limitations, the Warriors management made such a decision, although brutal, but also out of consideration for the future of the entire team. I can understand this frustration, but it's also hard to fully accept it. After all, in our hearts, those days of fighting side by side, those splendor created together, cannot be measured by money.

3. Curry's Silence: The Responsibility of a Leader and His Inner Struggle

I have a deeper understanding of Curry's silence. As the leader of the team and Thompson's closest comrade-in-arms, Curry's inner struggle can be imagined. He may want to keep Thompson, but he has to compromise with the team's reality and future development plans. This silence is not indifference to teammates, but a helpless acceptance of reality and respect for the interests of the team. I believe that Curry must have reluctance and gratitude for Thompson in his heart, but he chose to bury this emotion deep in his heart and face it all in a more mature and rational way.

Fourth, look forward to the future: everyone is well, looking forward to reunion

Although Thompson is leaving the Warriors, I firmly believe that this does not mean that his relationship with the Warriors and Curry is over. In the NBA family, player transfers and reunions are the norm. Maybe someday in the future, we'll see Thompson continue to shine on other teams and the Warriors will re-emerge with a new roster. No matter where they are, they will always be the "splash brothers" in our hearts, and they are the indelible memories of youth.

At the same time, I also expect the Warriors to quickly adjust their roster and stay competitive after losing Thompson. After all, the Warriors' brilliance doesn't depend on just one or two stars, it's the result of the whole team working together. I believe that under Curry's leadership, the Warriors will usher in a new chapter and continue to write their own legend.

5. Spark the discussion: loyalty and reality in professional sports

Thompson's departure has once again sparked our thinking about the relationship between loyalty and reality in professional sports. In today's commercial world, player transfers seem to have become the norm, but the value of loyalty and emotion should not be overlooked. As fans, we want to see the team make rational decisions in order to win, but we also want to see the genuine friendship and deep affection between the players. Perhaps, this is the charm of professional sports - it allows us to feel the fierceness and cruelty of competition at the same time, but also taste the warmth and beauty of human nature.

In closing, I would like to say that no matter where Thompson is in the future, he will always be a warrior in our hearts. Thank you for all he has done for the Warriors and for the countless wonderful moments he has brought to us. May he continue to move forward on a new journey and create more brilliance; I also hope that the Warriors can maintain their original intentions, move forward bravely, and continue to write their legendary chapters in the future.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: "Death and Warrior Love"

Leaving the Warrior for a long time

The Jin Ge Iron Horse has a long time, and the warriors are proud to reflect the sky.

The water splashes the dreams of the past, and the brothers fight side by side.

Clay was sad to leave, tears spilling on his clothes.

Curry looked at the sky without a word, and his love was as deep as the sea's chest.

The ups and downs of the business sea are involuntary, and the reality of loyalty is boundless.

The glory of the past has become the past, and now it is parting with the liver and sausage.

The stadium is changeable, and the heroes are bleak and desolate.

Injuries and illnesses are full of ambition, but the years are not spared.

The spirit of the warrior will never be extinguished, and the new chapter will continue to be brilliant.

Curry led the lead and set sail again, and the future is expected to be high-spirited.

Looking back on the past, the eventful years are thick,

Thompson, three points like rain, breaking the enemy's formation, like a rainbow.

Fight side by side to overcome the difficult road,

Brotherhood, deep as the sea, is unspoken.

Farewell today, farewell sorrow,

Looking forward to the future, everyone is well, and we look forward to reunion.

The soul of a warrior, forever, never extinguishes the lamp,

On another day, the rivers and lakes will meet again and hold together.

The years are long, the heroes are twilight,

But when the new man laughs, the old man cries.

But the heart of a warrior is as strong as iron,

Wind and rain, no fear of obstacles.

A song of death, send affection,

Warriors are long and will always be remembered.

No matter where you are,

Hearts for warriors, never give up.

The poem celebrates Klay Thompson's departure from the Warriors, and celebrates the Warriors' indomitable spirit and brotherhood. The poem not only has nostalgia for the glorious years of the past, but also has feelings of helplessness in reality, and more expectations for a better vision of the future. Through delicate emotional depictions and grand historical narratives, it shows the complex emotions of loyalty and reality intertwined in professional sports, as well as the never-say-die spirit of the Warriors.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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