
When the man was begged for a seal by a weasel, he told a white lie and saved the lives of his family

author:Lin Fatzi tells the story

In that ancient time, there was such a place, called Qingyang Village, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, the mountains and streams were noisy, and the grass and trees grew so that it was called a wang. There is a man in the village, named Li Erniu, an honest farmer, who rises with the sun and sets with the moon every day, living an ordinary life.

On this day, Li Erniu, as usual, was busy in the fields. The sun slowly slipped to the west, and he packed up his guys and planned to go home. At this moment, he saw a weasel, this thing was different from other weasels, with a strange light in his eyes, and the hair on his body was also a little golden. The weasel walked up to Li Erniu, actually stood up straight, and put his paws together, as if he wanted to ask for something. Li Erniu was shocked, and said that this weasel has become a sperm? He stabilized his nerves, remembering that the old man in the village had said that if the creatures in the mountains were almost cultivated, they would find someone to ask for a seal, and if they were recognized by people, they would be able to change into human form, and if they were rejected, it would be miserable, and there would be no Taoism, and maybe they would have to lose their lives.

Li Erniu looked at the weasel in front of him, and his heart went up and down. He knew that if he told a lie, he might be able to save the weasel's life, but if this thing harmed the world in the future, wouldn't it be a sin of his own making? But if you tell the truth, this weasel's little life can't be saved. Just hesitating, Li Erniu thought of the old lady and daughter-in-law and children at home, and his heart softened and decided to tell a white lie. He took a deep breath and said to the weasel: "You have been cultivating for so many years, you already have a human appearance, no matter how hard you work, you will definitely be able to become a human being, and when the time comes, you will benefit one party." ”

When the man was begged for a seal by a weasel, he told a white lie and saved the lives of his family

The weasel listened to Li Erniu's words, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then swished, turned into a golden light, and disappeared. Li Erniu looked at the direction in which the weasel disappeared, and he was both emotional and happy in his heart. But how could he have imagined that this white lie would later save the lives of his entire family.

After a while, a group of bullies suddenly came to Qingyang Village, burning, killing and looting, and doing all kinds of bad things. The villagers all fled, and Li Erniu also took the old lady, daughter-in-law and children to hide in the mountains. They hid in the cave for days, hungry and cold, and they looked like they couldn't hold it anymore. At this time, the weasel appeared again, it could actually speak human words, and said to Li Erniu: "Engong, I know that your family is in trouble, and I have come to save you." Come with me, I know a place where I can keep you safe. ”

Li Erniu's family followed the weasel for a while in disbelief, and sure enough, they came to a valley. In the valley, the grass and trees are lush, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, like a paradise. The weasel tells them that there are miraculous herbs in this valley that can cure all diseases, and that they can live here in peace without worrying about bullies. Li Erniu's family was so grateful that they settled down in this valley, relying on the guidance of the weasel and the magical herbs, and slowly recovered their health. Their little life was quite nourishing, and they didn't have to worry about it anymore. But the good times didn't last long, and those villains still found the way to our ravine, and seeing that we have a lot of resources here, they want to occupy the mountain as the king. They had the guy in their hands and rushed towards us with a fierce attitude. As soon as the weasel saw this stance, he immediately stood up, and as soon as he transformed, he turned into a golden light, and he did it with the villains. It moves as fast as it flies, hitting the nail on the head with every shot. Although the gang is outnumbered, under the onslaught of the weasels, it will slowly fail. After a fierce battle, the weasel ran them all. It looked at the gray scoundrels, and there was a little disdain in its eyes. It turned to Li Erniu's family and said, "Engong, you can live a solid life now." I've beaten all the villains away, and they're not going to mess with you anymore. Li Erniu's family was very grateful, and thanked the weasel again. The weasel waved his hand and said, "This is what I should do." You saved my life in the first place, and I will repay it today. Live your life well, and I will protect you in secret. With that, it turned into a golden light again and disappeared into the air. Since then, there have been no bad guys in our Qingyang Village to make trouble. The villagers are living a stable life, and they are grateful to Li Erniu for his kindness and the weasel for his protection. Li Erniu's family also lived a happy life in the valley, became good friends with the weasel, and guarded this beautiful land together.

When the man was begged for a seal by a weasel, he told a white lie and saved the lives of his family

Since then, Li Erniu's family has lived in peace in the valley, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, like a corner forgotten by time. In addition to planting some herbs and grains every day, Li Erniu accompanies his mother, daughter-in-law and children to wander around the valley and enjoy this rare quiet. The weasel also came often, it was no longer the golden appearance, but became a handsome young man, close to Li Erniu's family. The young man's name is Huang Ling, he is smart and clever, and he often brings joy to Li Erniu's family. One day, Huang Ling told Li Erniu that he was leaving this valley and going to cultivate farther away. He thanked Li Erniu for his white lies back then, allowing him to turn into a human form, and also thanked Li Erniu's family for accompanying him over the years. He promised that no matter where he went in the future, he would remember this kindness and protect the peace of this valley. After Li Erniu heard this, although he was reluctant in his heart, he also understood that Huang Ling was a spiritual object, and cultivation was his destiny. He silently prepared some dry food and water for Huang Ling, and told him to be careful on the road. Huang Ling looked at Li Erniu's sincere eyes, his heart was warm, he hugged Li Erniu tightly, tears rolling in his eyes. "Brother Erniu, I will remember your kindness, and I will remember every inch of this valley. In the future, wherever I go, I will come back to see you. Huang Ling choked up. Li Erniu's big palm patted Huang Ling's shoulder, the tears in his eyes were almost uncontrollable, and he grinned: "Good boy, let's go, go chase your dreams." We're here for you to come back! Huang Ling nodded, turned around, and walked into the depths of the valley step by step. His figure was slowly swallowed up by the dense woods, leaving only the chirping of birds and the echoes of the valley.

As soon as Huang Ling left, Li Erniu's life was still so peaceful. From time to time, they would think of Huang Ling's delicate face and warm smile, and their hearts were full of gratitude and longing. The herbs in the valley are also growing more and more, as if guarding every life in this land.

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Li Erniu's hair is white, but his eyes are still so firm and bright. His children have also grown up, started their own families, and have children of their own. They often went back to the valley to visit Li Erniu and their old mother, and the family sat together, enjoying the joy and happiness of the family.

When the man was begged for a seal by a weasel, he told a white lie and saved the lives of his family

One day, Li Erniu was sitting in front of the door basking in the sun, and suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of him. That person was tall and mighty, and he was quite handsome, it was none other than Huang Ling, who he hadn't seen for many years. With a basket of fresh fruits and herbs in his hand, the smile on his face was brighter than the sun. "Brother Erniu! I am back! Huang Ling shouted loudly. Li Erniu was stunned for a moment, then stood up excitedly and greeted him. The two hugged tightly, and Li Erniu's tears were about to come out: "You kid, you can be regarded as back!" We think you're thinking a lot! Huang Ling was also teary-eyed, hugging Li Erniu tightly, as if he wanted to pour out all these years of thoughts and gratitude.

They sat on the stone benches in front of the door and talked about their experiences over the years. Huang Ling told Li Erniu that after he left the valley, he had gone through a lot of hardships and finally found a suitable place for cultivation. He practiced hard day and night, and finally cultivated into a human form, and also received guidance from a master. Now that he has cultivated so much that he can protect more people from suffering. When Li Erniu heard this, he was both emotional and relieved. He didn't expect that a white lie he made back then would actually change Huang Ling's fate and let him get such a precious friend. He lamented the miracle of fate and the impermanence of life, and at the same time felt proud and happy that he could meet a friend like Huang Ling.

Huang Ling stayed in the valley for a few days and then left again. He told Li Erniu that he had more important missions to complete, but no matter where he went in the future, he would remember this valley and the people here. He promised to come back to visit Li Erniu's family in the future, hoping that they would always be happy and healthy.

When the man was begged for a seal by a weasel, he told a white lie and saved the lives of his family

Li Erniu sent Huang Ling away, and his heart was full of emotion and longing. He stood in front of the door, looking out at the rolling mountains and the vast sky in the distance, and his heart was filled with endless anticipation and hope. Our buddy, I know in my heart that this world is very big, and all kinds of strange things are waiting for him to churn. But he has a spectrum in his heart, as long as the fire in his heart is not extinguished, and the belief does not fall, he can overcome any hurdles, and he can overcome any wind and waves, and go straight to that more beautiful day. Since beating Huang Ling's kid and leaving, Li Erniu's family is still so plain and peaceful. Although Huang Ling came back rarely, his shadow was like a bird in the valley, and as soon as the wind blew through the treetops, Li Erniu could think of that kid, just like his own family.

The years are unforgiving, Li Erniu is getting older day by day, but his mentality, just like the sun in the valley, is always warm. He loved to sit at the door, looking at the mountains in the distance, and silently muttered in his heart, hoping that Huang Ling would be safe and sound, smooth and smooth to complete his mission.

In a flash, it's autumn again. The herbs in the valley grow so much that they are called a wang, and the fruits are hanging on the branches, which are golden, and it makes people happy to look at them. Li Erniu took his grandchildren to pick herbs and fruits in the valley, enjoying the gift of nature.

When the man was begged for a seal by a weasel, he told a white lie and saved the lives of his family

On this day, the sun was about to set, and the afterglow was sprinkled all over the land, and a familiar figure appeared. That person was tall and big, and he looked very energetic, it was none other than Huang Ling. Carrying a basket of fresh herbs and fruits in his hand, he smiled like a flower on his face. "Brother Erniu! I am back! Huang Ling's voice echoed in the valley, as if the entire valley was welcoming him.

Li Erniu and his grandchildren were stunned, their eyes were straight, and they couldn't believe it. Huang Ling, this kid, is really back! They were so excited that they ran forward and hugged Huang Ling tightly. "Oh mom, why are you coming back? We haven't seen each other for many years, let Brother Erniu take a good look! Li Erniu said as he looked at Huang Ling.

Huang Ling patted Li Erniu's shoulder with a smile and said, "Brother Erniu, I'll come back to see you." Over the years, I have been cultivating outside, and I have encountered a lot of difficult things, but when I think of you, my heart warms, and I have the strength to face everything. ”

When the man was begged for a seal by a weasel, he told a white lie and saved the lives of his family

Li Erniu listened, and tears were about to fall. took Huang Ling's hand, went into the house and sat down, and while pouring him tea, he asked about his experience over the years. Huang Ling said that after he left the valley, he traveled south and north and saw a lot of strange things. He cultivated into a human form, and he also received the guidance of a master, and now he has cultivated to a high level. He always wanted to come back and see it, but he always missed it for various reasons. Finally back this time to come and see the land and see the people here.

When Li Erniu heard this, he was both emotional and relieved. He didn't expect that his little caution back then would change Huang Ling's fate and allow him to have such a precious friend. He lamented the magic of fate and the impermanence of life, but he was also proud and happy that he could meet a friend like Huang Ling. Huang Ling, this buddy, in the past few days, with Li Erniu and his family, they had a lot of fun in the ravine, and they tasted all the wild fruits and herbs in the mountains. He is also quite enthusiastic, and teaches the little cubs of Li Erniu's family some cultivation tricks, so that they can be harder and protect themselves. Li Erniu and their family, that is called a Lehe, I feel as happy as a flower.

But the good times didn't last long, the night before Huang Ling left, the valley suddenly opened up, and strange noises abounded. Li Erniu, they and Huang Ling both felt a smell that something was wrong. They immediately became alert, and ran out to see, good fellows, there was a fire at the mouth of the valley, and a group of fierce and vicious guys were rushing in. This gang of people is the remnants of those bullies, and when they heard that Huang Ling had cultivated into a human form here, they wanted to come and rob him of his cultivation and treasures.

When the man was begged for a seal by a weasel, he told a white lie and saved the lives of his family

As soon as Huang Ling saw this posture, he immediately stood up. He transformed into a golden light and fought the bullies. His figure shuttled back and forth in the firelight, and every shot was full of accuracy, hitting the vital point. But there are many bullies in those gangs, and all of them are masters who are not afraid of death, and Huang Ling gradually feels a little unbearable. At this time, Li Erniu and his family also joined the battle. Although they are not very strong, they are not intimidated at all, and they rush up and fight the bullies. They used their courage and wisdom to buy Huang Ling precious time.

After a lot of hard work, Huang Ling finally repelled all the bullies. He looked back, the tired but determined eyes of Li Erniu and his family, the gratitude in his heart, full of respect. He knew that if it weren't for the help and support of Li Erniu and his family, he might have been planted. "Thank you!" Huang Ling said affectionately, "This kindness, this friendship, I remember it in my heart!" Li Erniu and his family were also moved to tears, they knew that in this world, nothing is more precious than family and friendship. They hugged each other tightly and felt this hard-won happiness and warmth.

Huang Ling stayed in the valley for a few more days before saying goodbye. He told Li Erniu that he had a more important mission to complete, but no matter where he went in the future, he would remember this valley and the people here. He promised to come back to see them in the future and hope that they will always be happy and healthy. Li Erniu and they sent Huang Ling away, and the emotion in their hearts was full of thoughts. They knew that Huang Ling was an amazing person and a trustworthy friend. They believe that as long as they have love and faith in their hearts, no matter what difficulties and challenges they encounter in the future, they can overcome them and move towards a better future.