
The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

author:Sports pleasures


Recently, our country has developed rapidly in high-speed rail, and exported high-speed rail abroad, and the mainland's high-speed rail reputation in the world is also in a leading position.

But along with the construction of high-speed rail, it involves state funds, which are also hard to accumulate.

Fortunately, the high-speed rail project has been implemented, which can well drive the country's economic development, save time for the country, and let the world see the strength of the mainland.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

However, at the same time as the rapid development of high-speed rail in the mainland, the quality of high-speed rail has also attracted everyone's attention, and I don't know if it is cutting corners.

Recently, an article by Ai Jing, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, sparked heated discussions, and an article on "Concerns about the Quality of High-speed Rail" attracted widespread attention after its release, in which it was written that high-speed rail is not only quality, but also valuable.

1. Academician Ai Jing's article sparked heated discussions

Recently, Ai Jing, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, explained and discussed the construction of high-speed rail in mainland China in the article "Concerns about the Quality of High-speed Rail".

The quality of high-speed rail is not only reflected in appearance, but also in speed, but the speed is improved by constantly improving the technology of equipment.

From this aspect, it can be seen that the speed of high-speed rail in the mainland is still reassuring, but the quality of some high-speed railways in China is worrying.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

Many people are curious, why can the mainland's high-speed rail run to the world's leading level?

In fact, the high-speed rail in the mainland can see the shadow of foreign countries, the mainland's high-speed rail only ran at a speed of 130km/h at the beginning, and its technology is derived from the high-speed rail technology of foreign France.

In 2011, Continental independently designed and developed high-speed rail technology running at 300km/h for the first time, and in 2016, Continental developed 600km/h high-speed rail technology, and in 2017, this technology was put on track.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

In 2019, the mainland will also install a 600km/h high-speed railway for trial operation, which is the Wuxi Metro Line 17 train, which is also a breakthrough in the mainland's high-speed rail.

For foreign countries, this speed is no longer something they can resist, but for the mainland, it is a huge progress.

From the window of this breakthrough, it can be seen that the mainland's high-speed rail is not cutting corners, but really developing step by step.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

In the process of high-speed rail construction in the mainland, we dared to work our own, which gave us an opportunity to make a breakthrough, that is, it was extremely challenging, and many people in China did not believe that we could develop such high-speed rail technology.

But the mainland's researchers did not give up, and with the help of generations of scientists, this technology has developed so powerfully.

In the process of building our high-speed railway, more than 297 billion funds are involved, which are hard-won because many working people are not afraid of hardships and only create more wealth for the country.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

It has always been the construction of high-speed rail, but nothing is unilateral, and there are many irregularities in the construction of high-speed rail, and even involves cutting corners.

Because the construction of high-speed rail is mainly carried out in mountainous areas, the terrain of mountainous areas is complex, and there are often certain requirements for the track of high-speed rail, but with more than 270 billion funds, it is not possible to do what you want, and many times you have to "shoot the first bird" because of insufficient funds.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

And in the process of high-speed rail construction, due to limited funds, all aspects require technology to keep up, and under human reasons, many places have not met the requirements, which directly leads to the quality of high-speed rail.

Second, more than 297 billion yuan to build high-speed rail, there are corners.

Since its appearance, high-speed rail has always been built on the mainland to be healthy and durable.

However, in the process of high-speed rail construction, more than 297 billion yuan of funds provided by the state are involved, and due to human resources and capital reasons, the mainland has mixed some corners in the construction of high-speed rail.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

In terms of cutting corners, it is also full of routines for those engaged in this area, and they will meddle in the future construction site in order to achieve their own goals and obtain better benefits.

However, the high-speed rail under cutting corners had problems soon after construction, and when driving on the high-speed rail, there was a situation of shaking, and even the phenomenon of the high-speed rail breaking.

As a result, the state launched a large-scale investigation of the country's high-speed rail, and found that the high-speed rail in some places did not meet national regulations, and some were cutting corners.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

In the process of building our high-speed railway, the problem of funding is well known, so when developing new equipment, scientists "cut" a two-meter-long section of steel rails on the rails, and through the testing and comparison of these rails, they made the following tests together:

The first is the thickness test, the second is the precision test of accuracy, and finally the experiment of pulling them off, how long can one pull out.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

In the detection of high-speed rail, we have tested and evaluated them, and have achieved high-speed rail that meets national standards, and at the same time, the speed of high-speed rail in the mainland has also entered the top three in the world, which is enough to prove that the mainland's high-speed rail is by no means cutting corners, so Academician Ai Jing's worries are superfluous.

3. The value of high-speed rail.

Academician Ai Jing wrote about the value of high-speed rail in "Concerns about the Quality of High-speed Rail", first of all, the most direct value of high-speed rail is to bring great help to the country's economic development and progress, in these decades of high-speed rail progress, not only to drive domestic technological progress, but also to save a lot of time for the country.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

For foreign friends, they only need three or four hours to drive back to their hometown, while the mainland does not have such conditions, and our high-speed train also takes six or seven hours to return home.

After the completion of the construction of the high-speed rail in the mainland, we only need 3 to 4 hours to be able to return to our hometown, which not only impresses foreign friends, but also makes us full of praise for the high-speed rail in the mainland, which not only saves us a lot of time, but also brings great convenience to our business and travel.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

And after the completion of the construction of the high-speed railway, on June 30, 2019, after the construction of Beijing Daxing International Airport was completed, it also established a "conveyor belt" on the Beijing-Xiongxiong high-speed railway, which is to follow the high-speed rail and send you all the way to the terminal of the airport, which undoubtedly greatly improves our travel efficiency.

Third, what kind of solutions do the Chinese people need to deal with?

Since there is cutting corners in the construction of high-speed rail, it is necessary to deal with those involved in the construction of high-speed rail.

First of all, for the supervision department, because it did not take the construction of the high-speed rail seriously, and easily let go of the problematic high-speed rail, it must be punished, and then it will be replaced, so that the supervision department under the leadership of a group of newcomers will take the construction of the high-speed rail seriously.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

For the construction personnel involved, it is necessary to replace the personnel, so as to lead a group of new people, and strive to build a new high-speed railway through the hands of new people, and at the same time, the state can also give them more funds during construction, so that they have more confidence and make a delicate project.

High-speed rail is the pride of the mainland, not only for scientists and construction personnel, but also for the pride of all people, they are proud of their participation in the construction of high-speed rail, and at the same time, in the process of high-speed rail operation, we can also be proud of this, let the world see the strength of the mainland.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

The construction of high-speed rail has put the mainland on the world stage, which started late, and there is a sense of accomplishment of "being the last to strike", and the mainland's high-speed rail is proud, it is China's speed, and it is China's dream.

We have reason to believe that the mainland's high-speed rail is definitely not cutting corners, the so-called cutting corners is even more undesirable, it will hurt more people, it is these people who make the construction of high-speed rail more difficult, and at the same time make the future of high-speed rail better, at the same time, others can not see the traces of cutting corners on high-speed rail, and the construction of high-speed rail still needs time to precipitate.

The 29.7 billion high-speed rail construction project cut corners, and many places did not meet the standards, and the Chinese people need to deal with the results

In the eyes of Academician Ai Jing, I have seen the difficulties of China's high-speed rail, and I can better know how many hardships are hidden behind the high-speed rail, and more people are also needed to take care of the high-speed rail, so that the high-speed rail will be more solid and play a greater role, and people are willing to give more love to the high-speed rail and contribute to the development of the high-speed rail.


The advantage of high-speed rail is the advantage of the road, and the connection between more than 200 cities allows people to see different scenery, different culture, and different charm.

Looking forward to the speed of high-speed rail getting faster and faster, and expecting people to support high-speed rail more, China's high-speed rail is definitely the pride of China.

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