
73 to 70! Love to fight to win, the Chinese men's basketball team upset France, Zhang Boyuan is back!

author:Moon Moon Chronicle Sports
73 to 70! Love to fight to win, the Chinese men's basketball team upset France, Zhang Boyuan is back!

The 2024 U17 Men's Basketball World Cup ushered in a thrilling game, with the Chinese team narrowly defeating the French team 73-70 to win the much-talked-about victory. At the beginning of the game, the Chinese team faced a strong French lineup and showed tenacious competitive spirit. Despite a defeat to Guinea in the first round, they were not discouraged and took on the next challenge with even greater conviction.

At the beginning of the game, the two sides launched fierce attacks and defenses, and the scene was extremely hot. At the end of the first quarter, the score was deadlocked at 19, showing the balance of strength of the two sides. Netizens have discussed this fierce matchup on social platforms, "This game is so exciting, the Chinese team and the French team are unwilling to show weakness!" Some netizens commented.

However, as the game entered the second quarter, the Chinese team encountered no small challenges on the turnover and defensive end, and fell behind 32-42 at halftime. At this time, some people began to express concern on social media, "The Chinese team's defense is a bit leaky, and the French team seized the opportunity and played a wave of attacks." Netizens began to cheer for the Chinese team, "Don't worry, there were many mistakes in the first half, and we will definitely be able to rebound in the second half!" Someone said optimistically.

73 to 70! Love to fight to win, the Chinese men's basketball team upset France, Zhang Boyuan is back!

In the face of disadvantage, they did not give up, but showed a strong counterattack in the third quarter. Zhang Boyuan and Li Yuezhou's wonderful performances became the focus of the audience, "Zhang Boyuan's three-point shot is too critical!" "Netizens praised it on social media, believing that the goal boosted the morale of the whole team." Li Yuezhou's stable performance was also crucial, and he hit free throws at critical moments steadily, contributing to the team's scoring efforts. That's what some fans said.

The Chinese team chased the score to 56-58 and turned the situation around in one fell swoop, at which time the social platform was full of praise, "The teamwork of the Chinese team is really fantastic, and I can clearly feel their fighting spirit!" Some netizens sighed. At the end of the game, Zhang Boyuan once again played a key role on the offensive end, and his calmness and decisiveness were unanimously praised by netizens, "Zhang Boyuan's game is really 'the return of the king'!" A netizen commented excitedly.

In the crucial final quarter of the game, the atmosphere on the field was tense and intense. The matchup between the Chinese team and the French team entered the most critical stage, and the score was deadlocked at 56-58. At this time, the heartbeat of the fans seemed to stop at that moment, and every attack and defense seemed extraordinarily important.

73 to 70! Love to fight to win, the Chinese men's basketball team upset France, Zhang Boyuan is back!

Zhang Boyuan stood outside the three-point line, facing the tight defense of the French team. His eyes were firm, his right hand was lightly supporting the basketball, and his body leaned forward slightly, and a sense of confidence and determination emanated from him. Suddenly, with a swift change of direction and a beautiful duffle, he managed to get out of the tangle of defenders and free up a little space to shoot. The fans let out a gasp almost at the same time because they knew what was going to happen next.

Zhang Boyuan has made a move! At that moment, the basketball flew through the air like a bolt of lightning and flew accurately to the basket. The ball is in! The fans erupted in deafening cheers, and this three-point shot not only tied the score, but also greatly boosted the morale of the Chinese team. Zhang Boyuan rushed to his teammates and hugged each other, cheering and shouting in celebration of the crucial score.

As the clock ticked for the game, the tension intensified. Not to be outdone, France are also looking for opportunities to overtake the scoreline. However, the Chinese team's defense became tighter and tighter, and every pass and every shot was closely watched by them. At this time, Zhang Boyuan stepped up again and showed an extraordinary performance on the defensive end. He defends his opponents closely, treating his every move as a thorn in his side. The French team struggled to find scoring opportunities under Zhang Boyuan's defense, and the situation on the field gradually tilted towards the Chinese team.

73 to 70! Love to fight to win, the Chinese men's basketball team upset France, Zhang Boyuan is back!

With the last whistle, the Chinese team narrowly defeated the French team 73-70. The fans cheered and cheered for their national team and were proud of the suspenseful match. Zhang Boyuan was the best player of the match with 18 points, and his performance not only showed calmness and decisiveness on the court, but also laid a solid foundation for the Chinese team to win the victory.

This victory is not only a victory by a scoreline, but also a perfect embodiment of team cohesion and competitive spirit. Through this victory, the Chinese team won the first victory of the U17 Men's Basketball World Cup, showing the world their strength and indomitable spirit. This is not only a victory in a game, but also a chapter full of struggle and perseverance, paving the way for future competitions and challenges.

Among netizens, there were various comments about the poor performance of the French team in the game, and some people ridiculed: "The French team's shooting level, you can win one game in 100 games, is this a curse?" These words immediately attracted a lot of discussion. Someone quipped: "They're here to play football, right?" How to shoot is like playing badminton. Netizens were obviously surprised and dissatisfied with the shooting performance of the French team, and some ridiculed: "It's better to let them play a game of rock-paper-scissors, and they may have a better chance of winning." ”

However, some people try to look at it with a more objective attitude: "Actually, the French team is okay in other aspects, but the shooting is too poor." However, it is also bad luck to run into a strong team. This perception seems to defend the French team a bit, but most netizens still angrily said: "It's not a matter of luck, it's a matter of technology!" How could they possibly make such a low-level mistake in such a game? ”

73 to 70! Love to fight to win, the Chinese men's basketball team upset France, Zhang Boyuan is back!

Some netizens analyzed from a technical level: "The French team lacks effective tactical arrangements on the offensive end, and the shooting choices are also very arbitrary. In such a state, it is impossible to win. This in-depth analysis struck a chord with some professional fans, who felt that the French team's tactical and technical problems were far more serious than they thought.

Of course, there are also some netizens from the perspective of humor: "The performance of the French team is simply funny, it is better to open a small supermarket to play basketball." This humorous ridicule eased the anger of some people, but also reflected their helplessness and dissatisfaction with the French team's "fighting in the streets" in the game.

In the online discussion, many people also pointed out: "This game is not only the result of the poor performance of the French team, but also the result of other aspects relying too much on foreign aid." It's time to reflect on how to improve the quality of homegrown players. This view is somewhat constructive, and has sparked a wide discussion about the domestic basketball training system.

This game tells us that no matter how difficult and challenging it is, as long as we have faith, unite as one, and do our best, we will definitely be able to win. The spirit of the Chinese men's basketball team will continue to inspire them to pursue greater honors and achievements in future competitions.

73 to 70! Love to fight to win, the Chinese men's basketball team upset France, Zhang Boyuan is back!

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