
Reshaping the high-end market structure, Hongmeng Zhixing leads the Chinese auto industry

author:Little Zhu Kanche

In the surging Chinese auto industry, a name is quietly rising, leading the new trend of the market. HarmonyOS Zhixing, a young and dynamic brand, will deliver a total of 194207 vehicles in 2024, topping the sales volume of China's new power brand in the first half of the year. This achievement not only demonstrates the strong strength of HarmonyOS Zhixing, but also has a far-reaching impact on the entire Chinese automotive industry.

Reshaping the high-end market structure, Hongmeng Zhixing leads the Chinese auto industry

HarmonyOS Zhixing's sales have soared, and it is no accident. Under the wave of intelligence and electrification, Hongmeng Zhixing has quickly stood out in the market with its excellent product strength and innovation capabilities. From the luxury technology flagship SUV Wenjie M9, to the national SUV Wenjie new M7 Ultra, to the high-looking urban performance SUV Wenjie new M5, and Hongmeng Zhixing's first smart sedan Zhijie S7, each model has won the favor of consumers with its unique product charm.

As the luxury technology flagship of Hongmeng Zhixing, the M9 has become a dark horse in the market with its excellent performance and intelligent configuration. Deliveries in June reached a staggering 17,241 units, and the cumulative number of units exceeded 100,000. This achievement not only proves the product strength of the M9, but also shows the competitiveness of HarmonyOS in the high-end market. As a representative of the national SUV, the new M7 has won the love of consumers with its affordable price and excellent performance. Deliveries in June reached 18,493 units, setting a record for the fastest launch of a new energy vehicle.

In addition to the M9 and the new M7, other models of Hongmeng Zhixing also performed eye-catchingly. With its high appearance and urban performance, the new M5 has attracted the attention of many young consumers; As the first smart car of Hongmeng Zhixing, Zhijie S7 has won the recognition of the market with its intelligent configuration and comfortable driving experience.

Reshaping the high-end market structure, Hongmeng Zhixing leads the Chinese auto industry

A number of Hongmeng Zhixing's models occupy the sales advantage, and have become the leader and leader in the high-end market. This achievement is not only due to the continuous breakthrough and innovation of Hongmeng Zhixing's product strength, but also due to its keen grasp of market trends and accurate positioning. By reshaping the new pattern of the high-end market, Hongmeng Zhixing has completely broken the monopoly of traditional luxury brands such as BBA in this market.

When new energy vehicles enter the second half, innovative technologies such as intelligent driving, intelligent networking, intelligent cockpit and AI large models will take over the baton and promote a new round of structural optimization and upgrading of the automotive industry. In this process, the intelligent brand represented by Hongmeng Zhixing has emerged. Recently, related topics such as "the price of traditional first- and second-tier luxury cars have plunged, falling by more than 50%" and other related topics have been rushing to the hot search. In the face of the impact of Chinese auto brands, the price system of traditional luxury cars represented by BBA collapsed.

On the other hand, in addition to the contrarian growth in sales of its products, the average price of its products has also increased against the trend. At present, the average price of Wenjie brand terminals has reached around 400,000 yuan, of which the average price of Wenjie new M7 terminals exceeds 300,000 yuan, and the average price of Wenjie M9 terminals exceeds 550,000 yuan. With Huawei's empowerment, HarmonyOS does not roll up the price and value, but drives and promotes the leap of the industrial chain in the overall automotive industry value chain with the power of gathering sand into a tower.

Reshaping the high-end market structure, Hongmeng Zhixing leads the Chinese auto industry

This achievement is a strong proof of the strength of the brand, and it is a major breakthrough in China's auto industry. With the support of Huawei, Huawei's development in the automotive field focuses on five autonomous and controllable intelligent technologies: intelligent driving, intelligent cockpit, intelligent electric, intelligent vehicle control, and intelligent networking. As early as 10 years ago, Huawei began to invest in intelligent and connected automotive technologies, investing more than 10 billion yuan in R&D every year and directly employing 7,000 people. Among them, in recent years, 5,000 R&D personnel have been continuously invested in intelligent driving technology and solutions; Thousands of R&D personnel continue to be invested in intelligent cockpit, intelligent electric, intelligent vehicle control and intelligent vehicle optical products.

Reshaping the high-end market structure, Hongmeng Zhixing leads the Chinese auto industry

HUAWEI XPIXEL, HUAWEI DATS 2.0 DYNAMIC ADAPTIVE TORQUE SYSTEM, AND HUAWEI ADS 2.0 ADVANCED INTELLIGENT DRIVING SYSTEM ARE BASED ON MORE EXPLORATION OF USAGE SCENARIOS TO MEET USERS' MORE INTELLIGENT NEEDS AND ACHIEVE A FULL-DIMENSIONAL UPGRADE OF TECHNOLOGY EXPERIENCE. At the same time, through continuous OTA upgrades, HarmonyOS has brought continuous innovation in intelligent driving technology and technological experience to users, thus consolidating its leading position in the field of intelligent driving.

The success of HarmonyOS has also provided us with valuable inspiration. In the fierce market competition, only continuous innovation and continuous breakthroughs can be invincible. At the same time, we also need to realize that the development of China's auto industry is inseparable from the efforts and contributions of every enterprise. Only by working together and developing together can we promote China's auto industry to move forward. We look forward to more new energy brands like HarmonyOS Zhixing to continue to maintain their leading position in the future development and make greater contributions to the prosperity of China's auto industry."

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