
Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

author:Gossip Zhang

Everyone knows that director Wang Jing started by making Fengyue films, and he took this road for life, many actresses have been filmed by her, I don't know if it is the reason for retribution, his second daughter Wang Zihan also embarked on this road, the difference is that her daughter is an actress.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

Wang Zihan has always been a girl who doesn't play cards according to the rules. She has shown a unique rebellious personality since she was a child, and she is even more dissolute in private. No matter how hard Wang Jing tried, Wang Zihan always ignored his father's discipline and insisted on moving towards his own path.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

She likes to participate in all kinds of parties with fox friends and dogs. Photos of her and her friends having a slumber party quickly became a sensation when they went online. But I have to say that she likes to show off her figure.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

The conflict between father and daughter began when the daughter entered the entertainment industry. Wang Jing is anxious to protect her daughter, thinking that the glitz and undercurrent of the entertainment industry are far from suitable for her. But Wang Zihan disagreed, she only saw personal freedom and rights, and ignored her father's advice. This is a kind of irony for Wang Jing.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

The climax of the conflict came when Wang Zihan was filming his first Fengyue film. With her father behind her back, she took the film, just because the other party gave too much. Everyone knows that this is pulling her into the water, because her age is not large, and she can't grasp it. After the film was released, Wang Jing learned the news, and anger and helplessness were intertwined. For Wang Zihan, this is a bold attempt, and it is also the key for her to open the Fengyue film.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

Wang Jing is a well-known director of Fengyue films, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and he has witnessed countless Fengyue scenes, but he did not expect that his daughter would choose to follow the same path. For this decision, Wang Jing felt deeply powerless.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

Wang Zihan's public behavior made the relationship between father and daughter even worse. She gets noticed for her bold and revealing behavior, whether it's attending lingerie shows or posting sexy photos on her personal platform, she always deliberately notices. These actions made Wang Jing feel ashamed.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

The deterioration of the father-daughter relationship is inevitable. Wang Jing gradually found that communication with her daughter became more and more difficult. He is worried that his daughter's future development will be affected by career choices, but no matter how hard he tries, he can't change Wang Zihan's innermost choice. This difference between father and daughter has become an insurmountable gap in Wang Jing's life.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

The entertainment industry is full of incredibly dark sides and complex unspoken rules. As a senior director, Wang Jing is well aware of the devastation of these hidden rules on young people. He has seen too many newcomers dragged into the quagmire by these rules, and he can't help but feel deep worries about his daughter's future. The allure and danger of the entertainment industry coexist, and money and fame often make people disoriented, these are the traps he wants his daughter to avoid.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

It is not uncommon for many celebrity parents to be reluctant to let their children enter the entertainment industry. For example, Jackie Chan has always publicly stated that he does not want his son Fang Zuming to enter the entertainment industry, because he knows the darkness and pressure of this circle. Similarly, Zhang Ziyi has also mentioned many times in interviews that she does not want her children to step into this complex industry. Despite this, the helplessness of these parents is difficult to change their children's choices. The aura and temptation of the entertainment industry often have an irresistible attraction for young people.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

For Wang Jing, in the face of his daughter Wang Zihan's choice, his helplessness was even heavier. Despite the worries in his heart, he could only accept his daughter's decision in the end. Wang Jing is well aware that forcible interference will only make the father-daughter relationship more strained. So, he chose to support silently and tried his best to help and protect his daughter behind his back. However, his worries have never decreased, and he is worried about whether his daughter will be able to stand alone in this circle and whether she will be swallowed up by unspoken rules.

Father's debt and daughter's repayment! He is the director of Fengyue films, but when his daughter grows up, she starred in Fengyue films

The attraction and danger of the entertainment industry coexist. Although the dark side is well known, there are still countless "second generation stars" who want to enter this circle. Fame and wealth are important factors in this. Wang Jing's worries are the common aspirations of many celebrity parents, who hope that their children can have a safer and more stable future. However, in the face of a powerful attraction, this hope seems so unbearable.