
In summer, the baby does not eat, the longer it grows, the thinner it gets, and the dog days drink a prescription for a month, and he does not get sick all year round

author:Chinese medicine pediatric Ye Donglan
In summer, the baby does not eat, the longer it grows, the thinner it gets, and the dog days drink a prescription for a month, and he does not get sick all year round

Hello everyone, I am Ye Donglan, a pediatric TCM practitioner.

In the summer, many parents may find that their children do not like to eat and have a poor appetite. This can make parents anxious, how can children grow up healthy if they don't eat well?

Recently, my private message messages in the background are all these contents, so today I will tell you what to do in this situation.

In summer, the baby does not eat, the longer it grows, the thinner it gets, and the dog days drink a prescription for a month, and he does not get sick all year round

Our traditional Chinese medicine says that the climate is hot and humid in summer, and the human body is susceptible to the invasion of heat and dampness. For children, their spleen and stomach function is not yet fully developed and relatively weak.

The heat will deplete the qi and yin in the child's body, resulting in a deficiency of qi in the spleen and stomach, and abnormal transportation and chemical function; Dampness is easy to trap the spleen and stomach, affecting the lifting and digestion functions of the spleen and stomach.

In summer, the baby does not eat, the longer it grows, the thinner it gets, and the dog days drink a prescription for a month, and he does not get sick all year round

In addition, people tend to be cold in summer, and eating too much raw and cold food or being in an air-conditioned environment for a long time will also damage the spleen, stomach and yang, further aggravating the loss of appetite.

I saw a child not long ago

There is a child named Maomao who is more than 5 years old, and he has been eating very badly recently, eating less than half of what he used to eat every day, and he has no energy, his mouth is dry, and his stool is also dry. It is accompanied by symptoms such as lack of energy, dry mouth, and dry stool.

Tongue examination shows that the tongue is red and sparse, the lichen is thin and yellow, and the pulse is thin.

In summer, the baby does not eat, the longer it grows, the thinner it gets, and the dog days drink a prescription for a month, and he does not get sick all year round

Prescription: Radix radix, Ophiopogon vulgaris, Polygonatum japonica, Shengdi, Dendrobium, Black plum, Hawthorn, Divine Comedy, Malt, Chicken Inner Gold, etc

Directions: One dose per day, decoction with water, divided into two doses.

Solution: Sha Shen, Mai Dong, Yuzhu, Shengdi, and Dendrobium can nourish yin and clear heat, so that there is fluid in the stomach; The sour of black plum can astringent yin qi; Hawthorn, Divine Comedy, malt, and chicken inner gold can help digest food and make the spleen and stomach have an appetite. Together, these medicines can nourish yin and stomach, strengthen the spleen and eliminate food.

What happened to this child?

After one week of treatment, the child's appetite gradually improved, his mental state improved, and his symptoms such as dry mouth and dry stool were also relieved. After continuing to take it for two weeks, the appetite basically returned to normal and other symptoms disappeared.

After a week of treatment, the child's appetite gradually improved, his spirit improved, and his mouth and stool were lighter. After drinking it for another two weeks, my appetite was basically normal, and all other problems were gone.

In summer, the baby does not eat, the longer it grows, the thinner it gets, and the dog days drink a prescription for a month, and he does not get sick all year round

Loss of appetite is also a problem with the spleen and stomach

When children are growing their bodies, eating well and absorbing nutrients are particularly crucial, which is related to the development of the body and brain. Using traditional Chinese medicine to regulate can make the child's spleen and stomach function better, the body is stronger, the resistance is stronger, and it is not easy to get sick.

Moreover, TCM conditioning looks at the whole, which can solve the problem from the root, not only cure the problem of not liking to eat, but also keep the child healthy and healthy.

Anyway, it is not a good idea that children don't like to eat in summer, parents can try traditional Chinese medicine conditioning, so that children can eat fragrant and grow strong in summer. However, it should be noted that TCM treatment requires a professional doctor to prescribe a prescription according to the child's condition.

In summer, the baby does not eat, the longer it grows, the thinner it gets, and the dog days drink a prescription for a month, and he does not get sick all year round