
The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

author:The history is cloudy
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The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

In 2007, Li Liyun, a 22-year-old pregnant woman, lay in a hospital bed and fell into a coma. She is in critical condition and will be life-threatening if she does not have an immediate cesarean section.

But her husband Xiao Zhijun refused to sign the surgical consent form 6 times!

In the end, Li Liyun had a difficult birth, and one corpse and two lives.

Afterwards, he asked the doctor, "Why didn't you treat her?" "

So, why did Xiao Zhijun refuse to sign?

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are detailed at the end of the article.

The wife was in critical condition and the husband refused to sign

One afternoon in November 2007, Li Liyun, who was nine months pregnant, suddenly ran out of breath.

In a panic, her husband Xiao Zhijun hurriedly sent her to the Jingxi Branch of Beijing Chaoyang Hospital.

By the time the doctor saw her, Li Liyun had already developed severe symptoms: shortness of breath, a heart rate soaring to 140, blood pressure was higher than normal, and her legs were severely swollen.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

The doctor diagnosed that it was heart failure caused by severe pneumonia and that an immediate caesarean section was necessary to save her life and that of the baby in her womb.

However, the family's signature consent for surgery is required.

As a husband, Xiao Zhijun became the key to whether the operation could be carried out.

When the doctor handed him the confirmation of the operation to sign, Xiao Zhijun was unusual, sitting in his chair and not saying a word.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

The doctor anxiously persuaded: "Li Liyun's condition is very critical, and she must have a caesarean section immediately, otherwise the lives of both mother and child will be in danger, so hurry up and sign it." "

Xiao Zhijun raised his head and his eyes were sharp: "We came to the hospital to treat colds, why did it become that we had to have surgery?" Wouldn't it be nice to take a few pills? I disagree! "

He looked at the surgical consent form in his hand and refused to sign it.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

The doctor on the side was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and even a patient's family member outside the ward couldn't stand it, so he rushed in and wanted to grab Xiao Zhijun's hand and press it on the consent form.

But time passed minute by minute, and Xiao Zhijun was still unmoved.

From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., he refused to sign the consent form for surgery six times.

In the end, he even solemnly wrote on a piece of paper, "If you don't agree to give birth to a child by caesarean section, you will bear the consequences!" "

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

At the same time, Li Liyun's condition is getting more and more critical, and she has fallen into a coma.

But without Xiao Zhijun's signature, the doctors could only be in a hurry and helpless.

Precious time passed little by little, and at 7 p.m., tragedy struck...

Li Liyun, who was only 22 years old, eventually passed away because she could not receive timely treatment.

The baby in her womb also died...

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

However, just after the doctor announced that the rescue was ineffective, Xiao Zhijun, who "saw death and did not save him", suddenly lost control of his emotions and cried for the doctor to open his wife's belly and take out the child.

"Hurry up, hurry up and save the child!" He yelled hysterically.

But it was too late, Li Liyun and the fetus in her womb were already gone.

Xiao Zhijun sat for an hour, his eyes empty, and finally, he silently left the hospital and disappeared into the night.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

The next morning, Xiao Zhijun appeared in the hospital again, pacing around the ward.

The patient who persuaded him yesterday asked, "Why are you here again?" "

Xiao Zhijun began to shout loudly:

"It's all the doctors, they murdered my wife! They stripped her naked, pressed her belly, and were torturing her! If I sign it, they'll put the blame on me! "

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

In the end, he even said that when he was 8 years old, an old monk told him his fortune, saying that his future wife would die in childbirth.

"This is fate!" He cried.

Xiao Zhijun's capriciousness is incredible.

He first resolutely refused to sign, resulting in the tragic death of his wife and children; In the blink of an eye, he cried and grabbed the ground, as if he was a victim.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

This inconsistent performance can't help but make people doubt his mental state.

However, according to the diagnosis of the director of the psychiatric department of the hospital, Xiao Zhijun was conscious and alert to the outside world, and there was no sign of mental illness.

So, what is the reason why he insists on refusing surgery when his wife is in danger?

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

A life of wandering

It turned out that Li Liyun and Xiao Zhijun's lives have always been very poor.

Xiao Zhijun is a rural young man who came out to work before graduating from junior high school, and has always cherished the dream of "rising to the top".

And Li Liyun was born in an intellectual family in Hunan, she has been yearning for acting since she was a child, dreaming of one day becoming a star on the screen.

However, the gap between reality and dreams made Li Liyun feel confused and hesitant.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

Li Liyun traveled to various places and attended two or three schools successively, but all of them ended in dropping out.

Her family was disappointed by her behavior, and Li Liyun was also confused about her future.

Two young people who were defeated by reality met by accident.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

In the fall of 2004, Xiao Zhijun rescued Li Liyun, who was about to jump off the bridge and commit suicide, on a bridge in Chenzhou.

Since then, the two have begun a life of exile.

In the autumn of 2006, Li Liyun and Xiao Zhijun came to Beijing to make a living.

Xiao Zhijun wants to fulfill his ambitions in the metropolis, while Li Liyun hopes to find a stable job.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

However, reality has given them a slap in the face.

Neither of them has any skills, and can only rely on odd jobs to survive, often starving and cold.

In 2007, Li Liyun found out that she was pregnant.

Looking at her bulging belly, her heart was filled with joy and worry.

I am happy that I finally have my own children, but I am worried that life is more difficult.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

Li Liyun didn't want her mother in Hunan to know the truth, and occasionally called to ask for money, but she didn't mention that she was pregnant.

Xiao Zhijun has been looking for work outside, but his income is meager.

He worked as a security guard for more than a month, and only found a job as a dishwasher half a month before the incident.

The couple's livelihood is almost entirely supported by the money that Li Liyun's mother sends every month.

On the day of the incident, the two of them combined were less than 20 yuan...

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

Reflections behind the tragedy

When Li Liyun's mother, Li Xiao'e, received a notice to rush to Beijing from Guangxi, she never expected to face such bad news.

When she learned that her daughter dropped out of school, lived with a man 12 years older, and lost her life because the other party refused to sign, Li Xiao'e's heart seemed to be torn in half.

The moment she saw Xiao Zhijun, Li Xiao'e couldn't control her emotions anymore, and she was punched and kicked.

"You brute, kill my daughter! I'm going to sue you! Li Xiao'e shouted hysterically.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

In court, Li Xiao'e tearfully accused Xiao Zhijun of inaction.

"He is not my daughter's legal husband at all, because the household registration book is with me, and they can't get married. What qualifications does he have to sign the consent form on his behalf?! "

However, the court's decision disappointed Ms. Li.

Although the court compensated the Li family's parents 100,000 yuan out of humanitarian consideration, it found that the hospital was not at fault.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

The judge explained that the hospital had fulfilled its obligation to inform and that it was reasonable not to perform the operation without a signature.

Although Xiao Zhijun and Li Liyun did not register their marriage, they are in a de facto marriage relationship and have the right to sign the consent form for surgery.

Li Liyun's tragedy has triggered widespread reflection in society on the rule that "the family must sign for surgery".

People questioned whether it is really necessary to watch a patient die in an emergency only because the family refuses to sign.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life

In 2020, the introduction of the Civil Code gave the answer.

The new law clearly stipulates that in the event of an emergency, medical institutions can rescue patients and their families without the need to obtain the consent of patients and their families.

This clause undoubtedly draws lessons from the Li Liyun incident and embodies the greatest respect for the right to life.

Recalling her daughter's misfortune, Li Xiao'e's tears couldn't stop flowing. How she hoped that such a tragedy would never happen again in any family.

And this may also be the best consolation for Li Liyun.

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life


Looking back on the whole incident, it seems that no one has made any legal mistakes, but Li Liyun, who is only 22 years old, still left this world forever. She could have received timely and effective treatment, but because of her husband's temporary stubbornness, she paid the price of her life...

The heartless husband refused to sign for cesarean section 6 times, resulting in one corpse and two lives, and sighed afterwards: This is life


1. Southern Weekly, December 6, 2007: [Observation] The Last Life of Pregnant Woman Li Liyun

2. Red Net, November 22, 2007: Husband refuses to sign and dies wifeContinued: Eyewitnesses recount the incident

3. Xinhuanet, December 18, 2009: The court held that the hospital did not constitute infringement