
The Ancient God Emperor: The Thousand Bones Empress atoned for her grandfather's sins, and she was proud all her life, and it was difficult to hide the light of justice

author:Dongji said online article

#万古神帝#千骨女帝总算是露出了她那副神秘兮兮又冰冷的面孔, she feels like a ruthless woman, but in fact, the Thousand Bones Empress only has a strong heart and does not reveal a vulnerable side, she has always believed in her grandfather and regarded him as her role model. However, after the other party revealed his true colors, the belief of the Thousand Bone Empress also collapsed, and even fell into self-doubt.

During that time in the Divine Realm, the Thousand Bones Empress's cultivation was sealed, and there was no way to do anything, but she didn't open her mouth to communicate with others, she just silently watched everything the creatures in the Divine Realm did, many things don't need to be said, just by looking at them, you can see clearly, during this time, the Thousand Bones Empress was bitter in her heart, and she obviously wanted to change something but couldn't do it, so she could only watch her grandfather go astray.

However, after the defeat of the Time and Space Ancestor, the Thousand Bone Empress did not leave, but accompanied her grandfather, even if there were tens of millions of people who wanted to kill the Time and Space Ancestor, the Thousand Bone Empress would also take care of family affection, she was such a stubborn and somewhat contradictory woman. Therefore, it is also a good choice for the Thousand Bone Empress not to return to everyone's sight, otherwise the contradiction will only intensify.

The Ancient God Emperor: The Thousand Bones Empress atoned for her grandfather's sins, and she was proud all her life, and it was difficult to hide the light of justice

Although it is said that the misfortune is not enough for his wife and children, there are too many people who have died because of the ancestor of time and space, some of them can re-enter the reincarnation with a wisp of remnant soul, and some have no soul left, they also know that all this has nothing to do with the Empress of the Thousand Bones, but they can't stand that the Empress of the Thousand Bones is the granddaughter of the ancestor of the people of time and space, and when they see the Empress of the Thousand Bones, they can't help but hate it, and some people will maliciously speculate, thinking that the Empress of the Thousand Bones and the ancestor of the time and space are in a group, and they have deceived everyone together.

Power is like a chronic poison, which makes the ancestor of time and space slowly lose himself, and finally embarked on a road of no return, becoming a big villain that everyone spurns. Now that he seems to have lost everything, he has let go of his power and is able to look at problems more clearly, which is not a bad thing for him.

The Thousand Bone Empress, as the only granddaughter of the Ancestor of Time and Space, she saw through the dark side behind her grandfather, but it was her grandfather after all. The struggle in her heart made her feel terrible, but she didn't choose to run away. She knew that she couldn't change history, but she could choose the future.

The Ancient God Emperor: The Thousand Bones Empress atoned for her grandfather's sins, and she was proud all her life, and it was difficult to hide the light of justice

When everyone labeled the ancestor of time and space as a big villain, the Thousand Bone Empress was like a knife. She understands that her grandfather's mistakes are irreparable, but he is her own relative after all. Facing her former comrades-in-arms and the creatures of the universe, she felt unprecedented guilt. She decided that she couldn't let her grandfather continue to do wrong, and she had to use her own methods to atone for his sins.

The Thousand Bone Empress followed the Ancestor of Time and Space, using herself to transform the other party's thoughts, and her eyes were firm and profound. She knew it was a thorny road, but she didn't back down. She used her actions to tell everyone that even relatives who are related by blood cannot deviate from the path of justice.

The Ancient God Emperor: The Thousand Bones Empress atoned for her grandfather's sins, and she was proud all her life, and it was difficult to hide the light of justice

With the pride of the Thousand Bones Empress, she has never been soft in her life, she has not done anything, and now she has to bear the sins for her grandfather, just thinking about it is shocking, but for those who sacrificed, even if it was Yin Yuanchen, there was a Ten Tribulations behind him who cherished his great-grandson and asked Tianjun, who could understand their pain.