
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting

author:Top sea breeze l

On the morning of June 28, Xinjiang Haiquan School High School successfully held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting. Help the majority of candidates to fill in the college entrance examination volunteers scientifically and reasonably, and help students realize their dream of the university.

Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting

The scene of the college admissions consultation meeting

Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting

School Volunteer Corps

Live video of the consultation session

At about 8 o'clock in the morning, nearly 100 well-known universities from the University of Science and Technology of China, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Tongji University, Fudan University, Nankai University, Wuhan University, Xiamen University, Jilin University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology and other well-known universities gathered on the Haiquan campus to focus on promoting the enrollment policies, plans, majors and admission methods in Shanxi Province in 2024, and bringing face-to-face guidance and one-on-one voluntary consultation for students and parents.

College Admissions Team & Students & Parents

Face-to-face communication & one-on-one consultation

Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting

The college admissions consultation meeting was held in Haiquan School, which is not only an extended service to help senior high school candidates choose a school and fill in their majors, but also creates a good atmosphere for senior high school students to understand colleges and universities and planning goals. It is hoped that the majority of senior high school candidates can choose their ideal universities and majors through the face-to-face guidance of the college admissions team. I wish every student can be admitted to the university of their choice and start a new chapter in their life!

Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting
Xinjiang Haiquan School High School held the 2024 college enrollment voluntary filling consultation meeting

Since its establishment, Haiquan School has always adhered to the school motto of "hard work, hard work and strictness", insisted on arming the ideology of party building, relying on trade unions to unite people's hearts, grasping management and meticulous teaching, and cultivating pillars to highlight the general idea of work, forming a distinctive school spirit, teaching style and style of study. With advanced educational concepts, strong teachers, fine management mode and excellent teaching performance, it has been widely approved by parents and won a good reputation from all walks of life. Over the past 25 years since its establishment, the school has won the affirmation and favor of various universities with high-quality students, and has now become a high-quality student source base for more than 40 well-known universities in China, such as Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Fudan University, Nanjing University, Tongji University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, etc.

[Source: Ocean Spring School]