
Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

author:Xiao Tang Lian Shi

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"Rongcheng has a heroine like Liu Hulan!"

The land of China is full of heroic spirits, and many stories and heroes need to be carefully explored, and their stories are worth knowing by everyone.

In 1999, a reporter from Weihai Daily received a letter.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

It is clearly written that in the history of the Anti-Japanese War in Rongcheng County, Shandong, there is a little hero who participated in the Anti-Japanese War at the age of 14, named Zhang Jinglin, but her story is little known, I hope someone will tell it!

Under the visit of local newspaper reporters, a sad and indignant story that has been sealed in the dust for 58 years has been unfolded in front of people.

What really happened fifty-eight years ago? Who is Zhang Jinglin?

Little women cadres

Time needs to go back nearly 100 years.

In 1926, in a farming family in Rongcheng, Shandong, a little girl came to this world with a cry. Her parents were delighted by her arrival, but unfortunately, her father was now seriously ill and dying.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

Her mother has to take care of her newborn child and keep an eye on her husband, who is seriously ill in bed, and her life is extremely difficult and desolate.

When Zhang Jinglin was two months old, her father passed away due to a serious illness, leaving only orphans and widows to rely on each other in this world.

Zhang Jinglin's mother is a hard-working woman.

Faced with this situation, she did not accept her fate, but firmly believed that she could create a better future for her daughter with her hands and diligence.

Relying on the thin acre of land at home, the two barely make ends meet.

Zhang Jinglin's childhood was also spent on his mother's back or on the ridge.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

As long as there is some work in the village, no matter how hard and tired it is, Zhang Jinglin's mother will rush to do it, and he will work hard to pull out a little money and food from the fingers of the landlord to ensure that his daughter can live in peace.

In most families at that time, Zhang Jinglin's future may be to raise a child daughter-in-law or sell it, but her mother did not have such an idea of abandoning it.

She took out all her hard-earned money to send Zhang Jinglin to school, hoping that her daughter could take a different path.

Influenced by her mother, Zhang Jinglin's personality is also very tenacious, she will grit her teeth and resist when she encounters difficulties, and she will always have an attitude of not admitting defeat and persevering in everything she does.

When a child in the village laughs at her, she will fight back directly, without any mercy.

Whether the other party's family is a rich and powerful squire or a rather prestigious landowner, she will not be alarmed.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

In 1938, the Japanese army reached Shandong, and although the Battle of Taierzhuang was fought beautifully, the Kuomintang forces eventually withdrew from Shandong.

Many Kuomintang units even became the victim of the puppet army, and in the whole of Shandong, only the guerrillas behind enemy lines of the Eighth Route Army fought against the Japanese.

In the same year, a liaison point for the Eighth Route Army was established in Zhang Jinglin's village.

The local people were very supportive of the arrival of the Eighth Route Army, whether it was borrowing food or staying overnight for the cadres of the Eighth Route Army, they were full of enthusiasm and no one shirked.

In 1940, the Japanese army reached Rongcheng, and the local anti-Japanese war situation suddenly became tense.

As the rear of the Eighth Route Army, the anti-Japanese salvation movement was in full swing, with men participating in the guerrilla war of resistance in the front, women and girls eating pot pulp in the back, and the army and the people wholeheartedly resisting foreign enemies.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

Fourteen-year-old Zhang Jinglin also took an active part in the campaign against foreign enemies.

She has a tenacity that transcends her age, and she will complete the tasks assigned by her superiors seriously, no matter what the task is, she will learn it as soon as she learns.

For more than a year, Zhang Jinglin participated in all aspects of the work in the base areas behind enemy lines.

Whether it is standing guard, anti-Japanese propaganda, borrowing food to raise donations, etc., at the age of fifteen, she has become an outstanding little cadre.

In April 1941, Zhang Jinglin was faced with a choice: whether to continue to engage in propaganda work in the rear or to go to the villages in the enemy-occupied areas to organize a women's movement.

Zhang Jinglin did not hesitate and made a decision that would affect his life.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

Women cadres behind enemy lines

"I'm going to the front!"

Faced with this multiple-choice question, Zhang Jinglin did not hesitate, the people in the enemy-occupied areas suffered from the cruel rule of the Japanese puppet army, and the guerrillas in the enemy-occupied areas also needed the help of the cadres of the Eighth Route Army in the rear.

Zhang Jinglin was only fifteen years old this year, and some people said she was too young.

But she feels that this matter is not about her age, although she is only fifteen years old, she has rich work experience, and her young age may be her "talisman", and she can accept the organization's test for herself.

Finally, in April 1941, Zhang Jinglin was appointed as an officer of the Eshi Township Women's Self-Defense Corps.

She left her hometown where she had lived for fifteen years, her mother, who raised her, and embarked on this dangerous path of working behind enemy lines.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

The work in Eshi Township is much more dangerous than in the rear, there is no army in the village, and most of the people left behind are women and the elderly.

After Zhang Jinglin came here, he first founded a women's literacy class, bringing together women in the village who were willing to learn to learn cultural knowledge.

Many women are much older than Zhang Jinglin, but they are all infected by this little sister, who is a "little adult" when she handles things at a young age.

The work is logical and the ability to organize the mobilization of women in production and in support of front-line activities.

There are strongholds of the Japanese puppet army not far from the periphery of Eshi Township, and these Japanese puppet soldiers live in towns or bunkers on weekdays, and occasionally come down to arrest people when there is intelligence, or engage in sweeping activities, and they rob things and kill people.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

Zhang Jinglin organized local women to set up sentry posts to keep an eye on the activities of the Japanese puppet army on the main road, and once someone came, they could give the people time to flee and report to the nearby guerrillas.

The appearance of danger is always inadvertent, once Zhang Jinglin took advantage of the night to go to a village for a meeting, and saw a small group of Japanese puppet troops rushing to the meeting place in the dark.

Zhang Jinglin thought about it, afraid that the meeting place determined by the organization had been exposed, so she hurriedly ran to the village to find her comrades to organize the villagers to retreat, and ran all the way to grab time with the enemy.

Under Zhang Jinglin's fearless campaign, the district and county cadres who came to the meeting were safe, and the enemy directly pounced.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

The period from 1940 to 1941 was the most severe year for the entire Shandong anti-Japanese base area.

The exclusion of the Kuomintang reactionaries and the sweep of the Japanese puppet army greatly reduced the area of the base area, and the Japanese puppet army near Eshi Township was also active.

In September 1941, in order to cut off the enemy's route from Weihai to Slang Island, the higher authorities decided to demolish the Huji Temple between Weihai and Slang Island County, so as to prevent the Japanese puppet army from establishing a stronghold on this basis and reducing the size of the base area.

Faced with this arduous task, Zhang Jinglin decided to take the local people with him and demolish the temple before the enemy arrived.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

But what they didn't expect was that the puppet army had expected this, and before Zhang Jinglin organized the masses to go to the place, a squadron of the puppet army was stationed there, waiting for the arrival of the Eighth Route Army.

Heroic sons and daughters of Jiaodong

On September 18, 1941, dozens of people led by Zhang Jinglin to the Huji Temple halfway up the mountain.

The crowd was caught off guard, and several people who couldn't dodge fell directly in front of Zhang Jinglin, she was calm and calm, and hurriedly organized the masses to retreat, while she observed the actions of the puppet army at the end.

Most of the people took advantage of the terrain to escape this place, and Zhang Jinglin was unfortunately captured by the puppet army for covering the evacuation of the masses.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

The puppet army commander didn't believe that this was an eight-way at first, but his subordinates said that they watched this girl command the people to escape.

Many people said this, and the puppet army commander believed that the teenage girl in front of him was a cadre who organized the anti-Japanese salvation movement.

This group of puppet soldiers immediately felt that they had made a great contribution, and rushed to the county seat of Slang Island County with Zhang Jinglin in tow.

Along the way, many people saw a little girl being held against a gun by the puppet army, and everyone didn't dare to say anything, but their eyes showed admiration.

The puppet army commander interrogated Zhang Jinglin all the way, and he said that as long as Zhang Jinglin could tell the hiding place of the Eighth Route Army, the beautiful clothes, and the good food and drink every day, it would be fine.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

But Zhang Jinglin was unmoved by these, she didn't even want to raise her head to look at the puppet army commander, this kind of scum in the world, she really felt disgusting.

This group of puppet soldiers was enraged and threatened her with torture, but Zhang Jinglin had prepared these things, and on the first day of participating in the anti-Japanese resistance, she knew all the possible results.

Along the way, Zhang Jinglin loudly publicized the work of the Eighth Route Army behind enemy lines to the people, telling everyone that they must stick to the Eighth Route Army to rescue everyone.

The puppet army was enraged by her, and immediately handed her over to the Japanese after returning to the county seat, looking at this little Chinese girl who resolutely did not reveal any information, the Japanese directly tied her to the tiger chair.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

The tiger chair is an extremely cruel punishment, and Zhang Jinglin, who was stripped naked, was tied to a pillar behind his back, and his thighs and body were tied to the bench below at 90 degrees.

The Japanese first whipped her on the body with a whip.

The whip was the thickness of a thumb, and there was a road of blood marks when the whip went down, from dozens of whips to countless whips later, Zhang Jinglin almost fainted but did not say a word of surrender.

Then the Japanese began to put bricks under her feet, because the thighs would not be tied tightly, and all the pressure was concentrated in one position on the knees.

As the bricks mounted, her calf bones were snapped and her knees were pushed out.

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

Zhang Jinglin, who was covered in bruises, laughed loudly, these are useless works, and he will never succumb to the Japanese invaders!

On September 21, after being tortured for three days and three nights, Zhang Jinglin was escorted to the execution ground by the Japanese.

Many people were driven to watch the execution. In the face of death, Zhang Jinglin shouted "Down with Japanese imperialism", and then generously went to his death.

After the sacrifice, her head was cut off by the Japanese army and hung on the head of the city of Slang Island, and the people who passed by all felt sorry after seeing it: "Only fifteen years old!" Fifteen years old, the Japanese are really not human......"

Forgotten Heroes! At the age of fifteen, he was captured by the Japanese army and died a heroic death after being tortured for three days and three nights

After the victory of the war, Zhang Jinglin's deeds have always been little known. It was not until the 90s of the last century, with the efforts of the reporter of "Weihai Daily", that her 58-year-old deeds were finally made public for the eternal memory of the Chinese people.


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The heroic sons and daughters of the red Jiaodong | Zhang Jinglin, a young anti-Japanese hero

Young heroes and heroines - Zhang Jinglin, a heroine of the Anti-Japanese War

The youngest female anti-Japanese soldier, joined the army at the age of 14 and died at the age of 15, and was only known to posterity after 58 years

【Party History Learning and Education】Jiaodong "Liu Hulan" of Red Research - Zhang Jinglin