
With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

author:Sunny little town


Auto sales fell month-on-month for the second year in a row.

Without a car, what should people do about their travel?

Without cars, the development of the economy will be affected, and the sluggishness of the automobile industry will even extend to many related industries.

In this way, who is this sudden "cold wave"?

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

Could the situation we are facing now be caused by the "excessive development of China's auto market"?

If the mainland car market is really overdeveloped,

So what to do?

The transport hub is congested, and the city is worth a nightmare.

Transportation hubs have always been the "lifeblood" of a city, and no city can take this lightly.

In 2009, a number of experts in the country made several simultaneous adjustments to the transportation hub, but it is clear that those experts 20 years ago did not predict the situation today.

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

In their eyes, the traffic in the 21st century city can be as quiet as the evening in Urumqi, and the traffic is orderly.

But I never thought that the transportation hub at this time had already been "in a mess".

However, most experts blame these problems on urban overgrowth, which is unreliable for an expert who uses models to make predictions.

According to Dr. Meier of the University of Zurich, "We are limited in our ability to accurately predict the future development of the city."

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

In 2017, Dr. Mel published a research paper on how urban economic development had made transportation hubs congested.

This research paper is about how much investment is needed to alleviate urban traffic congestion in the construction of urban transportation, and the change process of urban traffic "saturation".

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

The research paper concludes with the conclusion that as the population grows, urban transportation will usher in a "saturation increase", and the increase in investment will have a limited effect on the improvement of urban transportation.

"With a simple investment model, we can't predict the traffic conditions of the city, and sometimes our models are misled by the traffic conditions of the city," says Dr. Mel.

It wasn't until 17 years ago that Dr. Meyer and his colleague Dr. Wolff Stinger developed a simple and easy-to-use method called the "Tipping Point – Fill Model".

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

This method can predict the congestion of the city's transportation hubs and the impact of increased investment on urban transportation when carrying out urban transportation construction.

According to the data mentioned by Dr. Mel, many cities are already at their highest point in terms of congestion.

Many cities have invested enough money to alleviate urban traffic congestion, but it is clear that the results are not as good as people would like.

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

On the other hand, Wang Tao, CEO of DJI, also put forward a point of view: "With the gradual increase of urban population, the pressure on urban transportation will gradually increase. In this case, people should take the initiative to build a harmonious city together. ”

The country's automobiles fell by 24% year-on-year.

The latest data shows that in 2019, the national car sales fell by 24% year-on-year, which is the second consecutive year of decline in car sales since 2005.

In the first six months of 2019, car sales in the country fell by 10.3% year-on-year, a situation that surprised many people, because at the turn of the century, China was the world's largest car production and sales, and it was not even half a bottle of vinegar.

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

In 2017, the country sold more than 28 million cars, a figure that has surpassed India, South Korea and the United Kingdom combined.

In 2018, although car sales were not as good as that, they still reached 28 million units.

However, by 2019, the national car sales fell directly to 22 million units in one year.

And no city is immune, and all cities in the country have seen the same inflection point.

So, will the domestic auto market be overdeveloped to break the market balance?

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

Another expert, Dr. Li Jun of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, conducted an in-depth and detailed study in this regard.

Dr. Li Jun said: "From the perspective of the market, market consumption is limited and cannot maintain a high growth trend forever."

It is not surprising that when the market is saturated, there is a decline in car sales, because the fullness of the market has forced car sales to reach a bottleneck.

However, from a macro perspective, this is by no means a simple "consumption bottleneck".

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

In fact, the continent is experiencing a demographic shift and increasing urbanization – a significant factor in car sales.

On the other hand, the administrative restrictions on car purchases in some cities have annoyed many citizens and affected car sales.

There is a surplus of cars.

Since 2010, domestic car sales have begun to decline, which is very rare in state-owned enterprises and joint ventures.

In 2018, sales of state-owned enterprises fell by 8%, sales of joint ventures also fell by 9%, and sales of domestic brands fell by 4%.

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

SAIC, China's largest automaker, is facing multiple difficulties, and its sales have been declining for two consecutive years, which is in line with the current sales trend in the automotive industry.

However, the sales of independent brands are "on par" with joint ventures, and the domestic auto industry is also full of crises.

In the eighties and nineties of the last century, due to the socio-economic jump, many people wanted to own a private car of their own, so in the eighties and nineties of the last century, the automobile industry was very "hot".

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

At this time, many state-owned enterprises have set their sights on this market, but in China, there is already a well-known company - FAW Group.

Not only that, but among the FAW Group's competitors is a company specializing in the production of passenger cars, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, and its sales volume is far higher than that of a state-owned enterprise.

After that, Dongfeng Motor Company was restricted by the reform of state-owned enterprises and transformed into a joint-stock enterprise, opening a new door for the development of the overall domestic automobile industry.

After that, the domestic car sales are weakening step by step, after the reform and opening up, many companies have carried out reforms, which also makes the domestic car production continue to rise.

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

In 2007, the domestic production of cars has reached 6.23 million, and in terms of car purchases, the domestic market has gradually become prosperous, and the combination of the two has also made domestic car sales gradually rise.

Until 2015, domestic car sales have reached 24.84 million units, and China has become the world's largest car consumer.


After domestic car sales reached their peak, there was the current "situation" of declining sales.

In terms of domestic automobile production, a number of listed companies have announced salary cuts and interest rate cuts, and even many car companies are using idle vehicles for "mandatory vacations".

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

However, this is not the only measure taken by auto companies after seeing the decline in sales, and there is also a new development trend in the domestic auto market.

In 2019, the sales of new energy vehicles maintained a high growth, which made many car companies see new opportunities.

With the rise of new energy vehicles, many domestic car companies have adjusted, although the current new energy vehicles are not the mainstream in the entire market, but its development speed is undoubtedly very rapid.

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

Until then, people have been speculating about the future of new energy vehicles, and now, the future has arrived.

In terms of new energy vehicles, domestic car companies occupy a considerable advantage among foreign car companies.

In the market of new energy vehicles, domestic car companies and foreign car companies have started a fierce competition, in addition to some emerging car companies have emerged, plugging in a pair of "wings" for the development of new energy vehicles.

In the development of new energy vehicles, domestic car companies have benefited from the country's policy support, which has laid a good foundation for the development of domestic car companies.

With a population of 1.4 billion in China, why can't cars suddenly be sold? Civilians and experts tell the truth at the same time

In addition, China, as the world's largest consumer of automobiles, has also injected great impetus into the development of the automobile market.

At the same time, how should we, as consumers, respond to this situation?

It is believed that with the passage of time, the share of new energy vehicles in the market will increase, and people will eventually have a green tank, which will also promote the development of the continental automotive industry.

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