
US media: China has the strongest standing army, the largest navy, and the fastest growing nuclear weapon, but it just doesn't fight

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

Although China has been given the title of having the world's strongest standing army by some observers, is this title merely a façade that lacks the support of actual combat experience and appears to be a false appearance?

In fact, the military power of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) is rising at an alarming rate, but some US media have a sour and skeptical attitude towards this.

US media: China has the strongest standing army, the largest navy, and the fastest growing nuclear weapon, but it just doesn't fight

It has been pointed out that China not only has a large standing army and navy, but also that the pace of expansion of its nuclear arsenal has attracted global attention.

However, does this mean that China also has a strong combat power to match it in actual combat, or is it just a strength on paper that has yet to be tested in actual combat?

The Washington Post and other influential US media reported that on the one hand, they acknowledged the remarkable increase in China's military strength, and on the other hand, they also questioned that the PLA had not been tested by war in the past half century, and raised many questions about its real combat capability.

This is not the first time that this kind of rhetoric has appeared, and along with the theory of China's military threat and China's collapse, it has occupied a certain market in the US media and has often become a hot topic of hype.

However, it is not difficult to find out from an in-depth analysis that the US media's reports on China's military strength often contain elements of exaggeration, and can even be said to be "hype-off".

For example, while it is true that the Chinese Navy has surpassed the United States in terms of the number of ships to become the world's largest maritime power, this does not mean that the overall strength of the Chinese Navy has surpassed that of the United States in general.

In terms of equipment quality, logistics support, and global projection capabilities, the Chinese Navy still needs to further improve in order to achieve a leap from quantitative to qualitative change.

In fact, judging by the comparison of the quantity and quality of the main ships, the difference in strength between the Chinese and American navies is still quite obvious.

The U.S. Navy has 11 nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, while the Chinese Navy currently has only 2 (the Fujian has not yet entered service).

In terms of shield ships, the US Navy has 88 ships, while the PLA has only 39 ships.

US media: China has the strongest standing army, the largest navy, and the fastest growing nuclear weapon, but it just doesn't fight

In terms of amphibious assault ships, the US Navy has nine, while the Chinese Navy has only three.

In terms of submarines, the US Navy has 70 submarines, all of which are nuclear-powered attack nuclear submarines and ballistic missile nuclear submarines.

Although the Chinese Navy has more than 70 submarines, it is far from the US Navy in terms of the number and quality of nuclear submarines, with a specific gap of 3.68 times.

In addition, in terms of the development of nuclear weapons, the hype in the Western media is no less serious. The United States itself plans to update and expand its nuclear arsenal, but at the same time it has demanded that China participate in its led nuclear disarmament negotiations and unilaterally demand that China reduce the number of nuclear weapons.

Such behavior has undoubtedly exposed the double standards and unreasonable demands of the United States.

You must know that China is the only country in the world that has pledged not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries, and this commitment fully demonstrates China's strict and clear attitude towards the use of nuclear weapons.

In contrast, it is clearly unfair and unreasonable for the United States to demand that China reduce its nuclear weapons while its nuclear weapons stockpile, which far exceeds China's.

After repeated unsuccessful demands for China to unilaterally dismantle its weapons, the United States began announcing its nuclear expansion program.

This is mainly due to the many challenges faced by the United States in terms of conventional military capabilities, and at the same time it is deeply mired in multiple international conflicts.

Therefore, the United States is trying to strengthen itself by developing new types of nuclear weapons in order to cope with possible adverse situations in the future.

Such an approach has undoubtedly further exacerbated the risk of nuclear proliferation in the international community.

US media: China has the strongest standing army, the largest navy, and the fastest growing nuclear weapon, but it just doesn't fight

As for whether the PLA is the world's strongest conventional army, it is also debatable.

Although the PLA has shown great strength in the army and rocket forces, there is still a certain gap with the United States in the air force.

Although the PLA Air Force has established a large-scale modern aircraft fleet, including 1,500 cutting-edge fighters and transport planes, the number of fighters delivered into service has exceeded that of the US Air Force.

However, in terms of overall size, the number of stealth aircraft and transport aircraft, the PLA Air Force still has a certain gap with the US Air Force.

Therefore, strictly speaking, the PLA is not the strongest conventional army in the world, but the largest conventional military force in Asia and the second in the world.

Regarding the "Washington Post" and other US media's doubts about the lack of actual combat experience of the PLA, some netizens pointed out that China cannot always start wars around the world to accumulate actual combat experience like the United States.

As a matter of fact, victory or defeat in modern warfare depends not only on experience, but also on many factors, such as the level of science and technology, the performance of equipment, and the use of tactics.

The PLA's progress and preparedness in these areas have enabled it to have a strong fighting capacity to cope with various challenges and conflicts that may arise in the future.

This is also one of the main reasons why the United States does not dare to take military provocative actions in the Taiwan Strait, the South China Sea, and other regions.

US media: China has the strongest standing army, the largest navy, and the fastest growing nuclear weapon, but it just doesn't fight

Further analysis shows that the PLA has made remarkable progress in military modernization in recent years.

Its army has made great achievements in mechanization, informatization and digitization, and after the new military reform, the PLA Army can be called the world's strongest army.

The Rocket Force is currently the world's largest missile force, possessing both nuclear and conventional weapons, possessing a series of advanced hypersonic missiles and ballistic missiles, and its strategic deterrence capability should not be underestimated.

At the same time, the PLA Air Force is also constantly striving to improve its combat capabilities.

Although there is a gap with the US Air Force in terms of overall scale and some specific equipment, the PLA Air Force has made remarkable progress in the construction of a modern air fleet, the annual output of fighters, and the use of tactics.

This has given the PLA Air Force a certain degree of competitiveness and influence in the Asian region and even in the world.

In addition, the PLA is also actively promoting military innovation and actual combat training.

By simulating the actual combat environment and strengthening joint combat exercises, the PLA has continuously improved its actual combat capabilities and ability to deal with complex situations.

US media: China has the strongest standing army, the largest navy, and the fastest growing nuclear weapon, but it just doesn't fight

This enables the PLA to better adapt to the battlefield environment, cope with various challenges, and exert greater combat effectiveness in future wars.

To sum up, China's title of having the world's strongest standing army is not in vain.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) has made remarkable progress in the development of its military capabilities and has demonstrated strong strength in a number of areas.

Although there is still a certain gap between the PLA and the United States and other advanced countries in some respects, the overall strength and combat capability of the PLA are sufficient to cope with various challenges and conflicts that may arise in the future.

At the same time, we should also realize that the victory or defeat of a modern war depends not only on the military strength itself, but also on the influence of political, economic, diplomatic, and other factors.

Therefore, when assessing a country's military strength, we need to take a comprehensive and objective view of its overall strength and potential capabilities.

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