
My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.

author:Elegant and calm red apples

Me: 57 years old, I didn't go out to work after retirement, I get a pension of more than 2,700 yuan a month, my wife is still working, and I am busy with three meals a day in the life of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

It's been raining here for the past few days, and the balcony at home is already full of clothes.

Yesterday it rained heavily for another day, and after dinner, the rain stopped, and I went out for a walk with my wife.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.

(The river in front of my house has risen so high)

There is a sand river not far from the door of the house, the river is almost on the warning line, and many farmers on both sides of the river have planted corn and vegetables.

Looking at the weather forecast, there will still be rain in the next two days, oh my God, it really can't rain anymore.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.

(A lot of corn and vegetables are flooded by the river)

When I woke up in the morning to see that it was not raining, I hurried to the supermarket to buy groceries. I have meat dishes at home, and I was afraid that it would rain tomorrow, so I bought vegetarian dishes for two days.

Because of the rain, the vegetables could not be transported, and the dishes in the supermarket today were much less than usual, and some of the shelves were empty.

Today, I spent a total of 13 yuan on vegetables, 1.7 yuan for tomatoes, 3.9 yuan for lotus roots, 3 yuan for hairy cabbage, 3.8 yuan for tender pumpkin, and 1.8 yuan for bitter gourd.

Except for the lotus root, which is a bit expensive, 7 yuan a catty, the price of other dishes is okay, and these dishes can be eaten for two days.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.

(The food I bought today is enough to eat for two days)

After retirement, the pension is low, in order to distribute it reasonably, make good use of every money, do it well, and record your living expenses every day.

In fact, bookkeeping is my habit, not to live a bad life, but to make life better.

In terms of food, we can't be too economical, we want to eat something, just buy some.

At our age, it is not very important for us to wear clothes, as long as we look good and are comfortable, and we are retired, after all, we spend most of our time at home.

If the economic conditions allow, try to eat well, ensure enough nutrition every day, eat well, and your body will be good.

Don't compare anything when you're old, it's better than health, health and health, and happiness without illness or disaster.

In fact, I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables every month, and my daughter has a family, so we eat at home.

This month, it costs 942 yuan to buy groceries, an average of about 30 yuan per day.

1. Chicken with mushrooms, stir-fried wheat vegetables, fried green beans, steamed pumpkin.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.


2. Stewed duck soup with black fungus, stir-fried fungus vegetables, stir-fried pumpkin seedlings, melon.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.


3. Braised zucchini, sautéed cowpeas, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, baby tomatoes and cherries.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.


4. Braised fish, stir-fried water spinach, cold cucumber, peaches.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.


5. Roasted edamame rice with small plum duck, stir-fried amaranth, loofah egg soup, steamed pumpkin.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.


6. Stewed mushrooms with large bones, stir-fried cowpeas, stir-fried water spinach, steamed corn.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.


7. Braised flat fish, braised potatoes, stir-fried lotus root, steamed yams.

My retirement life: I eat at home every day, and it doesn't cost much to buy vegetables, 942 yuan this month.


Because I earn so much every month, I eat some ordinary popular dishes every day.

There are no delicate dishes, the price is not expensive, the variety is not rich, there are only a few dishes every day, and there are no beautiful plates.

But every meal, I do it with my heart, so that my family can eat deliciously, and I also try to achieve a combination of meat and vegetables, and the nutrition is balanced.

We are all ordinary people, we buy whatever we like, and sometimes we don't care if it's nutritious or not, just for the sake of liking.

Life should also be casual, don't have so many rules, what you can't eat, what you can't eat, it doesn't matter if you eat once in a while.

Every day is so simple, live a down-to-earth life, do what you can, and do your best.

Eat well, enjoy life, the happiness of ordinary people is so simple.

I'm a red apple, recording retirement life and sharing daily moments, thank you for reading and supporting.


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