
It's a big deal! 2. Chinese business executives were kidnapped to expand the Philippine market and tear up tickets, and the police intervened

author:Migrant workers at three o'clock in the morning
It's a big deal! 2. Chinese business executives were kidnapped to expand the Philippine market and tear up tickets, and the police intervened

It is said that when the world is big, anything can be encountered, just like the old saying, "When you go out, be careful". No, a few days ago, the executives of our two domestic medical device companies wanted to go to the Philippines to expand their territory, who would have thought that they would have such a big event. It stands to reason that the two executives, with their enthusiasm, were ready to make a big splash in the overseas market, but they fell into the clutches of criminals, were kidnapped, and ended up in a tragic end, which is really a sigh of relief.


One of the executives still has an octogenarian father and mother at home, and the old man is anxious when he learns the news of his son's abduction, but how do they know that his son has already been tragically killed. As soon as this incident came out, the Internet suddenly exploded, and various voices came one after another. Some people call on the relevant departments of our country to intervene in the investigation, after all, their children have an accident outside, whose parents are not distressed? But there are also sensible voices reminding us that international law is not child's play, we can't just do what we say, we have to follow the rules. This thing really makes people's hearts tight, and people can't help but ask: What is wrong with this world? How can we protect ourselves if we are working hard?

It's a big deal! 2. Chinese business executives were kidnapped to expand the Philippine market and tear up tickets, and the police intervened

Then again, what happened to these two executives is like a wake-up call to all those who are out and about. We often say that "the world is unpredictable", but there are always things that can be prevented in advance. First and foremost, it's crucial to understand the security posture of your destination. Although the Philippines is beautiful, there are frequent security problems in some areas, especially for foreigners, who need to be more careful. Second, keep a low profile and avoid flaunting your wealth, which is a good word everywhere. You must know that money is something outside the body, and life is a priceless treasure. Furthermore, an emergency contact mechanism is in place to ensure that assistance can be received quickly in the event of an accident. This, both for businesses and individuals, should be implemented as a basic security measure.

It's a big deal! 2. Chinese business executives were kidnapped to expand the Philippine market and tear up tickets, and the police intervened

However, this is not enough, support at the national level is equally important. When our citizens encounter misfortune overseas, the state should reach out in a timely manner and strive for the most just outcome through diplomatic channels. Of course, the premise of all this is to abide by international law and respect local laws, after all, "a strong dragon does not suppress the head of the snake", and in a foreign land, we must learn to use wisdom and law to protect ourselves. This incident has once again highlighted the importance of strengthening international cooperation to jointly crack down on transnational crimes. After all, in today's globalized world, no country is an island, and only by working together can we build a safer world.

It's a big deal! 2. Chinese business executives were kidnapped to expand the Philippine market and tear up tickets, and the police intervened

As for the "safest" statement hotly discussed by netizens, although it is a bit exaggerated, it also reflects people's trust and pride in the security environment of the motherland. Indeed, in recent years, the mainland has achieved remarkable results in public security management, anti-terrorism, and anti-riot control, giving the people a real sense of security. But that doesn't mean we can take it lightly, after all, safety is always on the road and needs to be maintained by each of us working together.

It's a big deal! 2. Chinese business executives were kidnapped to expand the Philippine market and tear up tickets, and the police intervened

Having said that, although this incident is sad, it also shows us the softest side of human nature - that is, the concern for family and the cherishing of life. In this uncertain world, we may not be able to completely avoid risks, but we can build a strong line of defense for ourselves and our families through wisdom and courage. As the ancients said, "Born in sorrow, die in peace." Perhaps, it is these challenges and tests that make us cherish every moment in front of us more and know how to protect that hard-won peace.

It's a big deal! 2. Chinese business executives were kidnapped to expand the Philippine market and tear up tickets, and the police intervened

Therefore, no matter where we are and no matter what difficulties we face, we should maintain a brave and resilient heart, believing that good will eventually triumph over evil, and that light can always dispel darkness. At the same time, it is also expected that governments and international organizations can strengthen cooperation and jointly weave an airtight safety net, so that every traveler living abroad can feel the warmth and strength from the motherland. After all, wherever we go, we all have a common name - Chinese.

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