
As the saying goes: "The rain beats the spirit, three generations are poor, the rain pours the tomb, and the generation is rich." "What do you mean?

author:Good luck comes with you

As the old saying goes: "When the rain hits the spirit, three generations are poor; The rain pours the tomb, and the generations are rich. This seemingly mysterious proverb actually contains the wisdom of life accumulated by our ancestors for generations. Let's uncover this mystery together today and see why this rain can affect the fortunes of the family.

As the saying goes: "The rain beats the spirit, three generations are poor, the rain pours the tomb, and the generation is rich." "What do you mean?

First of all, let's start with "rain strikes". The "spirit" here usually refers to the place where ancestors are worshiped in an ancestral hall or temple. In the countryside, whenever it rains, the rain wets these sacred places, symbolizing the disturbance of the outside world that disturbs the peace of the family. The ancients believed that such a "fighting spirit" may mean that the family members are unhappy outside, or internal conflicts are frequent, so there is a saying of "three generations of poverty". This is like the saying: "Family and everything is prosperous", family harmony is the real wealth.

As the saying goes: "The rain beats the spirit, three generations are poor, the rain pours the tomb, and the generation is rich." "What do you mean?

On the contrary, "rain on the tomb" means nourishment and prosperity. In traditional Chinese culture, the cemetery is the home of the ancestors and the spiritual sustenance of the family. The rain sprinkled on the tombstone is like a gift from nature, symbolizing the filial piety of future generations and the respect for the ancestors. Such piety and respect will naturally bring prosperity to the family, so there is a wish for "prosperity from generation to generation".

In fact, behind this proverb is our awe of life and the importance of family inheritance. It reminds us to respect traditions, to pay attention to family harmony, and at the same time to be grateful to our ancestors and to perpetuate their spirit. This is not only a memory of the past, but also an expectation for the future.

As the saying goes: "The rain beats the spirit, three generations are poor, the rain pours the tomb, and the generation is rich." "What do you mean?

I remember a wise man once said: "Home is a harbor of the soul and a haven in the storm." The same applies to this proverb. No matter how the times change, our protection of the family and our respect for our ancestors have always been the constant theme.

As the saying goes: "The rain beats the spirit, three generations are poor, the rain pours the tomb, and the generation is rich." "What do you mean?

Although this proverb is simple, it expresses the true meaning of life. The little things in life often reflect our values and outlook on life. When we walk through the ancestral hall on a rainy day, don't forget to pray for our ancestors; Rainwater is sprinkled in front of the cemetery, which is the sowing of the future. Such customs, such wisdom, are worthy of being passed on.

As the saying goes: "The rain beats the spirit, three generations are poor, the rain pours the tomb, and the generation is rich." "What do you mean?

Finally, let's take these words to heart and put them into practice. Whether it is "rain beating the spirit" or "rain pouring the tomb", it is an understanding and respect for life. I hope that every reader can find their own wealth code from it, so that the family business will prosper and be passed on from generation to generation.

This is a story from the field, simple and deep, I hope it can resonate in your circle of friends and let everyone share this wisdom of life. Forward it so that more people can understand the beautiful meaning behind this proverb!

As the saying goes: "The rain beats the spirit, three generations are poor, the rain pours the tomb, and the generation is rich." "What do you mean?