
Wary! Mobile phone calls should not be answered randomly, especially those that start with these numbers, and hang up immediately when encountered

author:Good luck comes with you

Dear friends, our mobile phone, like a little secretary, is busy helping us answer the phone and send messages every day, but sometimes, as soon as it rings, we have to be cautious, especially these numbers at the beginning, it may be a big trouble to answer the wrong one!

Wary! Mobile phone calls should not be answered randomly, especially those that start with these numbers, and hang up immediately when encountered

First of all, let's talk about those "strange and familiar" text messages starting with 106, such as 10657, 10698, etc. This is not an official notice from a courier boy or a bank, but an unsolicited advertising hero. People say, "There is no free lunch in the world", nine times out of ten these numbers are to promote health care products, financial products, if you accidentally click on it, your personal information may be packed and taken away by them, so, when you receive this kind of information, remember to delete it directly, don't be fooled!

Wary! Mobile phone calls should not be answered randomly, especially those that start with these numbers, and hang up immediately when encountered

Let's talk about the ones that start with 123, such as the 12315 consumer complaint hotline and the 12345 mayor hotline, which are naturally safe. But if it is a 12306 train ticket inquiry, followed by a "verification code", then you have to be careful, fraudsters like this kind of opportunity the most, pretending to be customer service to cheat money. In this case, don't rush to reply first, call the official phone directly to confirm, safety first!

Wary! Mobile phone calls should not be answered randomly, especially those that start with these numbers, and hang up immediately when encountered

Then, there are those "suspicious-looking" foreign area codes, such as international calls starting with 0086, unless you really have overseas relatives and friends, most of them are scammers' disguises. They may pretend to be your relatives and friends and ask you to transfer money, at which point we have to ask ourselves, "Is this really him?" Why haven't I heard him say this? "If you're not sure, you'd rather believe it than believe it, and hang up!

Finally, we have to mention those familiar numbers, such as old classmates and old colleagues that you have never called. Sometimes, they may have stolen numbers and borrowed money in your name. So, check before you take it, ask them how they are doing, whether it's really them, so that you can protect yourself and avoid embarrassment.

Wary! Mobile phone calls should not be answered randomly, especially those that start with these numbers, and hang up immediately when encountered

Remember, vigilance is not suspicious, but a necessary means to protect yourself. As the old saying goes, "Be careful to sail the ship of ten thousand years." "We have to stay awake at all times, call on our phones, take a look before we make a decision. Don't let those criminals take advantage of it, so that our lives can be more secure.

Like and forward, let more people know this trick, and protect the safety of our mobile phones together! In life, be a little more vigilant and a little less troublesome. Our old age life is not only about health, but also about wisdom!

Wary! Mobile phone calls should not be answered randomly, especially those that start with these numbers, and hang up immediately when encountered

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