
Taishan international players are emotional! Absent from the Jinglu battle, he did not participate in the training, and left the team at the end of the year or free

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Taishan international players are emotional! Absent from the Jinglu battle, he did not participate in the training, and left the team at the end of the year or free
Taishan international players are emotional! Absent from the Jinglu battle, he did not participate in the training, and left the team at the end of the year or free
Taishan international players are emotional! Absent from the Jinglu battle, he did not participate in the training, and left the team at the end of the year or free
Taishan international players are emotional! Absent from the Jinglu battle, he did not participate in the training, and left the team at the end of the year or free
Taishan international players are emotional! Absent from the Jinglu battle, he did not participate in the training, and left the team at the end of the year or free
Taishan international players are emotional! Absent from the Jinglu battle, he did not participate in the training, and left the team at the end of the year or free

Sub-heading 1: The Jinglu War has risen again, and the Taishan wings have lost before the battle

In the midst of the flames of this Chinese Super League season, every confrontation between Shandong Taishan and Beijing Guoan is like Mars hitting the earth, which is eye-catching. However, on the eve of this round of focus battles, the Taishan team encountered an unprecedented predicament. The smoke of the Jinglu battle has not yet been filled, but the Taishan team has lost one of its own generals - the absence of naturalized player Fernando, which undoubtedly casts a huge shadow on the team's tactical layout. In just five minutes of the opening game, Guoan won two consecutive cities with a sharp attack, and the Taishan team was even more difficult to organize an effective counterattack when the forward line was stretched. Fernando's absence is like losing a sharp blade on the side, making the Tarzan team's attack particularly dull.

Sub-heading 2: The undercurrent of contract renewal turmoil is surging, and Fernando's emotions are a mystery

Fernando's absence was not due to a sudden injury, but was a direct reflection of the contract renewal issue with the club. This former "little motorcycle" has been reborn under the tutelage of Cui Kangxi, not only in the Chinese Super League, but also in the national team, and his value has doubled. However, as the end of the year approached the end of the contract, Fernando's contract renewal negotiations with the Tarzan team reached an impasse. According to people familiar with the matter, Fernando has not only missed the match against Guoan recently, but has not even shown up for daily training, a move that is undoubtedly a silent protest against the club's attitude towards renewing his contract. He was keen to force the club to offer more generous terms for his contract extension, but this did so and caused him a lot of controversy among fans.

Sub-heading 3: Difficult Choices in Financial Difficulties, Where to Go for Taishan Club

The financial situation of Taishan Club in recent years has not been optimistic, and the first-team players have even been asked to pay back taxes, which has undoubtedly put huge pressure on the club's operations. Against this backdrop, it was particularly difficult to offer Fernando a satisfactory contract extension. The club needs to find a balance between maintaining the stability of the squad and meeting the individual needs of the players, but it is clear that this will not be easy. Fernando's absence and contract renewal turmoil not only tested the club's decision-making wisdom, but also tested the patience and understanding of fans. At this critical juncture, Taishan Club needs to show enough sincerity and determination to calm down the storm and ensure that the future of the team is not affected.

Sub-heading 4: The future is uncertain, and Fernando may leave the team as a free agent

As the season progressed, Fernando's future became more and more uncertain. If Tarzan FC are unable to agree a contract extension with Fernando before the end of the year, then the popular international is likely to leave on a free transfer. This is undoubtedly a huge loss for the Tarzan team. Fernando's ability to break through and assist on the flanks is an indispensable part of the team's attack. However, with the real financial pressure and the player's personal wishes, such an outcome may be unavoidable. For Fernando, leaving the Tarzan team may mean new challenges and opportunities, but whichever path he ultimately chooses, it will be an important turning point in his career. For the Taishan team and the majority of fans, they can only silently wish this former hero and continue to shine on the road in the future.

In this contract renewal turmoil, we have seen the game and compromise between players and clubs, and we have also felt the cruelty and helplessness of professional football. But in any case, we hope that the Taishan team can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and regain the rhythm of victory; I also hope that Fernando can make the most suitable choice for himself and continue to write his own legend on the green field.

Fans' voices: Emotional interweaving and future outlook under the storm of Mount Tai

As a loyal Shandong Taishan fan, every time I put on the team uniform that symbolizes glory and passion, the moment I step into the stadium, the blood in my heart boils endlessly. However, a series of recent events, especially Fernando's contract renewal turmoil and his absence in the Jinglu game, have made my long-time fan feel like I'm on a roller coaster, both helpless and thoughtful.

Emotionally intertwined on the edge of the field

The Jinglu battle has always been a highlight in the Chinese Super League, and every collision between the two giants can stir up countless sparks. However, when the curtain slowly opened, I found that the familiar figure of the Tarzan team was missing from the lineup - Fernando. At that moment, my heart sank. As an important addition to the team this season, Fernando has not only contributed countless wonderful breakthroughs and assists to the team on the wing, but also proved his strength and value in the national team. His absence undoubtedly made the offensive line of the Taishan team much thinner, and also cast a shadow on the result of this game.

Watching the opening two consecutive cities of the national security team, my inner anxiety and unwillingness are indescribable. I know it's not the level that Tarzan should be and it's not the result that our fans are expecting. However, the reality is always so cruel, and Fernando's absence became a microcosm of this game, and it also made us have to face up to the problems within the team.

The thinking behind the renewal turmoil

Fernando's contract renewal has already caused widespread discussion among fans. As a popular naturalized international player, his strength and potential are beyond doubt. However, with his outstanding performances on the field, the rising value of the boat also made him have higher expectations for a contract extension. The financial difficulties faced by Taishan Club have made it difficult to realize this expectation.

As a fan, I understand the difficulties of the club and respect the choices of the players. However, what I would like to see is that both sides can sit down and talk calmly and find a solution that meets the needs of the players and ensures the stability of the team. After all, football is a team sport, and the departure of any player will have an impact on the team. As an important member of the team, Fernando's departure and stay have touched the hearts of countless fans.

Outlook and discussion of the future of the team

Fernando's contract renewal turmoil is not only a negotiation issue between players and clubs, but also a microcosm of the future development of the Taishan team. In the current environment of Chinese football, the team is facing many challenges and difficulties. How do you keep your team competitive? How do you attract and retain good players? These are the issues that the club has to solve.

In my opinion, if the Tarzan team wants to continue to maintain its leading position in the future, it must make efforts in the following aspects:

Strengthen the construction of the youth training system: Youth training is the foundation of football, and only by cultivating more outstanding local players can the strength of the team be fundamentally improved. The Taishan team should increase investment in youth training, establish a sound youth training system, and reserve talents for the future of the team.

Optimize club management: The management level of the club directly affects the team's performance and image. The Taishan team should strengthen internal management, improve operational efficiency, and ensure that the team can maintain efficient operation in all aspects.

Actively introduce excellent foreign aid: On the basis of maintaining local players as the main force, appropriately introducing some outstanding foreign aid is also an important way to improve the strength of the team. According to the actual needs of the team, the Taishan team should introduce foreign aid in a targeted manner to inject new vitality into the team.

Strengthen the construction of fan culture: Fans are the most solid backing of the team. The Taishan team should strengthen communication and interaction with fans, create a good fan culture atmosphere, and let fans unite more closely around the team.

Finally, I want to say that although Fernando's contract renewal turmoil has brought some trouble to the Taishan team, it also allows us to see the problems that the team needs to face and solve in the process of development. As fans, we should give more understanding and support to the team, and at the same time, we should actively participate in discussions and suggestions to contribute to the future of the team. Let's look forward to the Taishan team to achieve better results in the future games and contribute to the rise of Chinese football!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

"The Legend of Mount Tai: Where to Find the Heart"

Sub-heading: The storm is rising again, and it is difficult to find a return

Mount Tai towers in the sky, and the drums of Jinglu fight for the front.

Where are the heroes of the past now, there are few wings on the side.

The stadium was in flames, and the soldiers were sweating like waves.

It is difficult to speak bravely after two goals behind, only the rest of the shirt is full of tragedy.

Fei Nan's name shook in all directions, and the naturalized heroes showed their edge.

The league and AFC Champions League are invincible, helping the national football team to become famous.

However, the renewal of the contract was in turmoil, and the entanglement of interests was unspeakable.

Jin Ge Iron Horse is not what he wants, he just hopes that his sincerity will be exchanged for a long time.

The club is struggling financially and it is difficult to solve the hero's heart.

The former comrades-in-arms are now strange, who can measure the road in the future?

The fans were worried and couldn't sleep at night.

I wanted to wear it and look forward to the return of the sun, but I saw the storm and clouds rising again.

Youth training should be based on prosperity, and the century-old plan should not be hesitant.

Local talents need to be sharpened, and he will definitely be able to take the lead one day.

The introduction of foreign aid needs to be cautious, and adaptation tactics are the first.

The strength of the team is better than the individual, and the unity is unstoppable.

The fans' love is as deep as the sea, and they build the dream of Mount Tai together.

Wind and rain are in the same boat, honor and disgrace and create brilliance together.

If Fernan's regrets are gone, I hope the future will be broader.

The world of football is ever-changing, where to find your hometown?

This poem is based on the ancient style of chanting the current situation of the Taishan team and the turmoil of Fernando's contract renewal, expressing the worries and expectations of fans. The poem contains both lament for the team's poor results and deep concern for the club's future development. At the same time, he also expressed his thoughts and suggestions on youth training, the introduction of foreign aid and the construction of fan culture. Finally, ending with "Where to find the heart", it is not only a sigh of uncertainty about Fernando's future, but also a profound question of the sense of belonging and direction faced by the Taishan team and all Chinese footballers.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】