
126 million in 4 years! won the championship and signed a cabbage price contract, which is worthy of being produced by Spurs

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126 million in 4 years! won the championship and signed a cabbage price contract, which is worthy of being produced by Spurs
126 million in 4 years! won the championship and signed a cabbage price contract, which is worthy of being produced by Spurs
126 million in 4 years! won the championship and signed a cabbage price contract, which is worthy of being produced by Spurs
126 million in 4 years! won the championship and signed a cabbage price contract, which is worthy of being produced by Spurs

Basketball purity and perseverance: Derrick White's Green Army chapter

On the star-studded stage of the NBA, there are always a few inconspicuous colors, and with their tenacity and perseverance, they silently paint their own glorious chapters. Derrick White, the "invisible guardian" from the Spurs, found a new home with the Boston Celtics, declaring to the world his purest love for basketball and infinite loyalty to the team with a seemingly "cabbage price" 4-year 125.9 million contract extension.

The sharpening of the spurs casts the soul of tenacity

Looking back at White's basketball career, the Spurs' years are undoubtedly the most valuable asset of his career. In this land known as "team basketball", White has undergone a metamorphosis from youth to maturity. The Spurs' rigorous training not only honed his skills, but also shaped his tenacity and spirit. Nurtured by the Spurs culture, White learned how to stay calm in the face of adversity and how to shine on the team. This precious experience, like an invisible bridge, connects his past with the past of the Spurs and the present with the Celtics, allowing him to maintain that precious sense of normalcy on any stage.

The rise of the Green Army, White's role as a navigator

After moving to the Celtics, White quickly settled into the historic team and became an integral part of the team with his unique basketball acumen and selfless dedication. On the offensive end, he is like an accurate sniper, tearing apart the opponent's defense for the team with stable three-pointers and sharp breakthroughs; Defensively, he is the team's iron gate, building an impenetrable barrier with relentless effort and keen insight. More importantly, White leads by example and inspires every teammate around him with his actions, so that they dare to fight hard and take responsibility in the game. It's this leadership that has allowed the Celtics to achieve great results this season and eventually win the championship.

The choice to renew the contract, the testimony of loyalty and love

When the bell rang for a contract extension, White faced an important career decision. In this era of money, he could have pursued a higher salary, but instead he opted to renew a seemingly unremarkable contract with the Celtics. Behind this contract is White's deep understanding of basketball and his deep respect for team spirit. He knows that the value of an individual is not only reflected in the amount of the contract, but also in the amount of substantial help and contribution it can bring to the team. Therefore, he did not hesitate to reject the lure of high salaries from other teams and chose the path of growing and creating brilliance with the Celtics. This contract extension is not only a reflection of White's love for basketball, but also the best proof of his loyalty and dedication.

Looking forward to the future, we will continue to write a brilliant chapter

As the dust settles on the contract extension, a new chapter has been opened in the story of Derrick White and the Celtics. In the days to come, we have reason to believe that he will continue to contribute to the team with full enthusiasm and strong conviction. Whether it's on the offensive or defensive end, he's going to give it his all and leave no regrets. At the same time, as one of the spiritual leaders of the team, he will continue to influence and inspire his teammates with his practical actions. Under White's leadership, the Celtics are expected to create more brilliant achievements in future games. And for us fans, it is undoubtedly a blessing to be able to witness the growth and transformation of such a great player. Let's look forward to seeing White continue to shine in the coming races! He used his story to tell us that in the world of basketball, the real value is not in the amount of money, but in the love of basketball and loyalty to the team.

Fan perspective: Derrick White's contract extension, the start of a new chapter for the Celtics

In this rapidly changing NBA league, every transfer and contract renewal of a player is like a pebble thrown from a calm lake, causing ripples. And as a loyal Celtics fan, when I learned that Derrick White signed a four-year, $125.9 million contract extension at what seemed like a "cabbage price", my heart was filled with mixed emotions - surprise, emotion, pride, and infinite hope for the future.

Be amazed by the wisdom and vision of the team

First of all, I must admit that this contract extension was a big surprise for me. In today's era of skyrocketing salaries and rising player value, White's ability to voluntarily give up the opportunity to pursue a higher salary and choose to go into the future with Celtic is undoubtedly a great affirmation of the team's culture and team spirit. And for Celtic management, it is undoubtedly a shrewd deal to be able to retain such a player with both strength and potential at a relatively reasonable price. Behind this is the team's deep understanding of White's personal value, and it is also an accurate grasp of the future direction of team construction. I am confident that this contract extension will be the cornerstone of a new chapter for Celtic and provide a solid foundation for the long-term development of the team.

Moved by White's loyalty and dedication

As a fan, I was deeply touched by White's loyalty and dedication to the team. Since joining the Celtics, White has quickly integrated into the team and interpreted the basketball philosophy of "team first" with practical actions. On the court, he is a stable firepower on the offensive end of the team, and he is also an impregnable wall on the defensive end; Off the pitch, he is a mentor to his teammates, influencing everyone around him with his experience and attitude. What's even more commendable is that in the face of honor and money, White did not lose himself, he chose to grow with the team and face the challenges of the future together. This loyalty and dedication to transcending personal interests is one of the most valuable qualities of modern sportsmanship. I'm incredibly proud to have such a player.

Proud of the heritage and glory of the Celts

Looking back on the long history of the Celtics, it is not difficult to find that the reason why this team can become an evergreen tree in the NBA is inseparable from the inheritance and hard work of generations of players. From Russell and Bird to Pierce and Garnett to Tatum, Brown and White today, the Celtics have always been able to attract and retain players who love basketball and are loyal to their team. This heritage is not only reflected in the technical style and tactical system, but also in the team's culture and spiritual core. It is with this profound heritage and heritage that Celtic can stand tall and shine in the torrent of history. I couldn't be prouder and honoured to be a part of this great team.

Looking forward to the future: work together to create more brilliance

As the dust settles on White's contract extension, the future of the Celtics seems to be clearer and brighter. I firmly believe that under the leadership of Coach Stevens, with the rapid growth of young players such as Tatum and Brown, and with the stable performance of veterans such as White, the Celtics will be able to create more brilliant achievements in future games. Whether it's the fierce competition in the regular season or the brutal matchup in the playoffs, I will accompany this team through every difficult and glorious moment. I believe that as long as we unite and work together, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and usher in our moment of victory!

Discussion: The Modern Value of Loyalty and Teamwork

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to spark a discussion: Do loyalty and teamwork still have modern value in today's materialistic society? In my opinion, the answer is yes. While money and benefits are an integral part of modern society, they do not fully measure a person's worth and meaning. Loyalty and teamwork are deeper and more enduring values that enable us to pursue our personal goals while also making greater contributions to our team and society. As Derrick White demonstrated, his loyalty and dedication not only earned him the respect and affection of the fans, but also injected strong motivation and confidence into the future of the Celtics. Therefore, we should cherish and inherit this precious quality, so that it can continue to shine in modern society!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Sub-heading: Loyal souls cast brilliance, and the green army sings a long song

The loyal soul casts brilliance, and the green army sings a long song

The iron-blooded Dan's heart reflects the blue sky, and the soul of the green-shirted army is proud of the sky.

White's fame spreads all over the world, and a promise is as valuable as a mountain.

The price of cabbage is not idle, and loyalty is priceless than ten thousand gold.

The Spurs sharpened their edges and turned to Pau.

Dribbling is like flying through the enemy's formation, and three points are like rain.

The defense is like a bronze wall built of iron, and the leader's demeanor shines on the hearts of the people.

Do not admire fame and fortune, but seek the glory of the team.

The officers and men of the Green Army celebrated together to celebrate White's new chapter.

The glory of the past is still in sight, and now we will start a new journey.

Tatum won the three championships, and Brown was brave.

White sat firmly in the military tent of the Chinese army and strategized to win the territory.

Veterans and rookies work together to paint a new glory for the Green Army.

As the years go by, the flame of loyalty will never be extinguished.

The green shirt flag is displayed in the wind, and Top Gun is shaking in all directions.

Show your skills on the field, and the friendship off the field is as deep as the sea.

Fans will always remember that White's name will be passed down through the ages.

Team spirit is the cornerstone, unity and cooperation to overcome all difficulties.

Victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged, and the demeanor of the Green Army will be passed on forever.

Although the road ahead is long, we will work together to create brilliance.

Loyalty casts a heroic dream, and the green army sings in the sky.

This ancient poem is based on the contract extension of Derrick White and the Celtics, and shows the style and pursuit of the Celtics in the new era by depicting White's loyalty, the team's legacy and glory, and the importance of team spirit. The poems incorporate praise for White's personal qualities, a review of the team's history, and a vision for the future, and are intended to convey a deep respect for loyalty, teamwork, and sportsmanship through the form of classical literature.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

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