
Yang Cuixi, a legendary courtesan in the late Qing Dynasty: The scenery on the stage is infinite, but the love road is bumpy

author:Poetic sesame sauce XRN

In the context of the changing times, the encounter between Yang Cuixi and Li Shutong seems to be fate. She, a celebrity who has made countless people's hearts move, has conquered everyone with her unique charm and outstanding talent; At the same time, Li Shutong, who was born in a prominent family, won respect for his outstanding talent and extraordinary temperament. On the drama stage, they met unexpectedly, as if fate made the two fall in love. Uncle Li's feelings for Yang Cuixi were extremely hot, and he applauded her and accompanied her. Whenever night fell, he would hold a candle and lead her through the dark alleys, just for a moment of tranquility and admiring her beauty.

However, as comforting as the reunion was pleasant, the challenges and limitations of reality made them emotionally difficult. Yang Cuixi was finally sold to Duan Zhigui by the troupe at a high price, and Uncle Li was forced to marry someone else due to family pressure. The love path of the two was difficult and tortuous, Yang Cuixi became a "stunner" in the hands of Duan Zhigui and dedicated it to Zaizhen, and Li Shutong silently buried his thoughts for his beloved in his heart.

Duan Zhigui's conspiracy and Yang Cuixi's fate
Yang Cuixi, a legendary courtesan in the late Qing Dynasty: The scenery on the stage is infinite, but the love road is bumpy

Duan Zhigui has been advocating luxury since the nouveau riche, and spent a lot of money to buy a famous prostitute Yang Cuixi to offer Zai Zhen to test her intentions in order to promote higher official positions and political status. Although he had a smooth official career and was promoted to the rank of second-rank governor, it caused a lot of controversy, and the public criticized him for his actions, and deprived Yang Cuixi of his personal freedom and became someone else's property.

Duan Zhigui relied on his intelligence in exchange for a short period of glory, but after all, he could not escape a fair trial. By May 1907, Zhao Qilin informed the court of his shady crimes in detailed words, and various despicable acts, including the "beauty scheme" bribery, caused his reputation to plummet, and completely changed the trajectory of Yang Cuixi's life. From then on, she had to leave Beijing as a concubine and lose her freedom for the rest of her life.

The mystery of Yang Cuixi's life experience

There are two very different narratives of Yang Cuixi's life course. Some people said that he was kidnapped in his early years, and then moved to Tianjin, where he was resold to others. Another point of view clarifies that Yang's family was poor and moved to Tianjin with his parents at the age of twelve, and his father transferred it to Chen, who then handed it over to Yang Maozun. No matter how it is explained, it shows Yang Cuixi's bumpy fate and the hardships of life. Her life is like a tragedy, at the mercy of fate.

Yang Cuixi, a legendary courtesan in the late Qing Dynasty: The scenery on the stage is infinite, but the love road is bumpy
Li Shutong's affection and helplessness

Uncle Li cherishes Yang Cuixi with great sincerity, and does not hesitate to spend a lot of money to win the favor of the beauty, and is willing to accompany him at any time, and escorts him to his home at night. However, despite the deep feelings, she couldn't resist the pressure of reality, and in the end Yang Cuixi was forced to walk into Fireworks Willow Lane, while Li Shutong complied with the family's wishes and married her as another wife. This deep friendship was brutally severed.

The greed and ugliness of Prince Qing's father and son

At that time, Prince Qing and his son, as representatives of the powerful, openly ignored Yang Cuixi's life and exchanged her for personal gain, which caused a shock in the court and aroused the condemnation of the greed and moral degradation of Prince Qing's father and son. Eventually, Prince Qing was forced to intercede to remove Jae-jin from his position in order to appease the anger of the people. Such heinous acts of deception and misappropriation have been justly judged and spurned by the people.

Yang Cuixi, a legendary courtesan in the late Qing Dynasty: The scenery on the stage is infinite, but the love road is bumpy
Yang Cuixi and Uncle Li's joys and sorrows

The relationship between Yang Cuixi and Uncle Li became the focus of heated discussions in the society at that time. Their coincidental encounters and deep love entanglements, as well as the unpredictable end chapter of their lives, together write a touching and profound legend. This legendary experience is undoubtedly an epic masterpiece of intertwined emotions and fate, which is thought-provoking and evocative.

Reflections and Enlightenment of History

Yang Cuixi's experience in the same social environment at that time shows his true face, reflecting the dark and cruel reality of society, and at the same time showing the beautiful and deep emotions in human nature. Their experiences not only provide us with a look back at our personal lives, but also provide us with insight into the full dynamics of society at that time. The events experienced by Yang and Li are not only a profound reflection on the past history, but also a major warning to the current practical problems.