
participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

author:Autumn and autumn talk about the world
participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

In a remote mountain village in Yunnan, there lives a girl named Wang Honglin. She was originally simple and kind, hardworking and capable, and she was a good child in the eyes of the villagers. However, a TV show called "Metamorphosis" completely changed the trajectory of her life.

In just one month's experience of urban life, Wang Honglin was like two people. After returning to the countryside, she became squeamish and even forced her elderly and impoverished grandmother to buy expensive shower gel for her to wash her feet.

What's even more shocking is that she frequently harassed the urban "father", and was finally blocked by the other party.

As a high-profile variety show, the core concept of "Metamorphosis" is to allow children in rural and urban areas to swap living environments and experience completely different lives.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

Wang Honglin's experience is undoubtedly one of the most dramatic cases in this show, and it has also triggered people's deep thinking about the essence of the show.

Before participating in the show, Wang Honglin's life was full of hardships. Her family situation is poignant: her father died young, her mother worked outside the home all the year round, and only her elderly grandmother and uncle, who was severely paralyzed, depended on each other.

Every day, Wang Honglin has to get up at dawn and shoulder the burden of taking care of his family and taking care of household chores. She needs to light a fire to cook, take care of her uncle's daily life, clean her room, and then hurry to school.

When she came home from school, she had to continue to take care of her family and complete her heavy homework. Despite such a difficult life, Wang Honglin never complained and always silently undertook all this.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

However, when she was selected to participate in Metamorphosis and came to the city to spend a month with a kind couple, Wang Honglin's world changed completely. The city family prepared a grand welcome party for her and even a huge birthday cake.

This is the first time in Wang Honglin's life that she has felt such nuanced care, and it is also the first time she has experienced the warmth of being cared for.

During the month in the city, Wang Honglin seemed to be in a dream. Weekend shopping, tasting Western food, and taking photos are all luxury experiences that were unimaginable in rural life, but now they have become a reality.

She was cared for, cared for, and enjoyed a life that she had never had before.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

However, this short beautiful experience quietly changed Wang Honglin's heart. She began to become squeamish and headstrong, turning a blind eye to the kindness of her classmates and even directing others to serve her.

In just one month, Wang Honglin seems to have completely forgotten his rural identity and has become a pampered "little princess".

When the show ended and Wang Honglin had to return to that dilapidated village life, the cruelty of reality made her unacceptable. She began to make unreasonable fuss, asking her grandmother to buy expensive shower gel, refusing to do any household chores, and even frequently contacting the "father" in the city, hoping to return to that fantastic life.

This huge gap and discomfort not only made Wang Honglin miserable, but also caused trouble to her family.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

On the stage of "Metamorphosis", each participant has a unique story and a different destiny trajectory. Some people use this to change their lives, while others find it difficult to adapt to reality after the show ends.

Let's take a look at a few typical cases that explore the profound impact of this show on the lives of participants.

The first is the inspirational story of Li Leyou. Fate seems to have been unfair to this girl from rural Yunnan from the beginning: she lost her mother when she was one year old, her father was imprisoned when she was two years old, and she had to rely on her elderly grandparents to survive.

In the remote mountainous areas, Li Leyou has to bear heavy manual labor every day: chopping firewood, grazing herd, and fetching water, all of which are difficult for her. Despite the hardships of life, she never complained.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

After participating in "Metamorphosis", Li Leyou met the noble person who changed her life - Cui's mother. After the show, although Cui's mother did not officially adopt her, she became her sponsor.

With the encouragement and support of Cui's mother, Li Leyou not only successfully completed his studies, but also was successfully admitted to university and realized his dream. Her story is one of the most successful cases of Metamorphosis.

In stark contrast is what happened to Wang Honglin. Although she enjoyed the bustle and convenience of city life in the show, the brief experience did not really change her fate.

On the contrary, it made Wang Honglin feel a strong sense of discomfort. After returning to the countryside, she could not accept the reality and even chose to leave school and leave her hometown to find a way out.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

Wang's example warns us that short-term life experiences can have a negative impact on some participants.

However, for some participants, Metamorphosis became a springboard for them to step into the entertainment industry. For example, Li Hongyi, who was originally just an unknown car repair apprentice, was selected by a Korean performing arts company because of his outstanding appearance.

Although he finally chose to quit the ranks of Korean trainees, by participating in "Metamorphosis", he successfully entered the domestic entertainment industry and opened a new chapter in his life.

Similarly, Yang Tong's story is also very compelling. This troubled teenager who used to be rebellious and unruly and often skipped classes and fought found his direction in life by participating in the show.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

He began to devote himself to a music career, formed his own band, and completed a gorgeous transformation from a troubled teenager to a musician.

and Wang Jingze, a naughty boy from the countryside, who became popular on the Internet because of the magic mantra of "true fragrance". He seized the opportunity and started his own business path and even opened up the international market.

The most controversial is Han Anran's case. , a frequent visitor to "Metamorphosis", has become the so-called "top of the Internet celebrity world" by constantly creating topics and controversies.

Despite the controversy surrounding her actions and even the involvement of drug scandals, she still earns a decent income with the popularity she has accumulated.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

These completely different life trajectories make us wonder: what exactly does "Metamorphosis" bring to the participants? Is it an opportunity or a burden? Is it hope or disappointment? Everyone's choices and experiences are different, but there is no doubt that this show has left a deep imprint on their lives.

It can be an opportunity to change your fate, or it can become an unbearable psychological burden. This complex impact is exactly what we need to explore and reflect on in depth.

As a reality show that has attracted wide attention, "Metamorphosis" has undoubtedly had a far-reaching impact on society. However, over time, the positive and negative effects of it gradually become apparent, forming a typical double-edged sword.

On a positive note, Metamorphosis brings hope to some children from poor families. By participating in the program, these children have the opportunity to step out of the narrow circle of life, experience different lifestyles, broaden their horizons, and even get the opportunity to change their fate.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

Just like the story of Li Leyou, she met Cui's mother, who was willing to sponsor her, through the show, and finally successfully admitted to university and achieved a major breakthrough in her life. Such cases undoubtedly bring hope and motivation to many children in difficult situations.

However, the negative effects of the show should not be ignored either. Over-promoting class differences can cause psychological damage to participants, especially children from poor families.

When they return to their original environment after a brief experience of affluence, the huge sense of disparity may destroy their self-confidence and hope for life. Wang Honglin's case is a typical example, after experiencing city life, she was completely unable to adapt to life in the countryside, and even developed a severe "princess disease", which not only affected her own growth, but also brought trouble to her family.

What is more worth pondering is, can "Metamorphosis" really change the fate of the participants? In fact, most of the children from poor families still face a heavy financial burden after the show ends, and it is difficult to really get out of the situation.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

In contrast, some participants from well-off families have gained more opportunities and exposure with the help of the show, further widening the gap between the rich and the poor. This phenomenon is contrary to the original intention of the show.

In addition, the short-term life experience in the show is difficult to really change the trajectory of a person's destiny. As Wang Honglin's experience shows, the one-month experience of city life did not make her better, but made her lose her original simple quality and become squeamish and willful.

This brief "metamorphosis" may give participants false expectations of life, which in turn makes it more difficult for them to adapt to real life.

At the same time, we have to admit that Metamorphosis does offer some participants the opportunity to step to a bigger stage. People like Li Hongyi, Yang Tong, Wang Jingze and others have gained the opportunity to enter the entertainment industry through the show and opened a new path in life.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

However, this opportunity is often the luck of a few, and most participants still have to face real-life challenges after the show ends.

Therefore, we have to reflect: does such a "deformation" really make sense? Does it really fulfill its original purpose of helping children from poor families? Or has it just become an entertainment program that may even have a negative impact on the participants? These issues are worthy of our in-depth consideration, in order to design more reasonable and beneficial public welfare programs for participants in the future.

With the continuous broadcast and the expansion of the influence of "Metamorphosis", more and more people have begun to think deeply about the nature and impact of this type of program.

First of all, we need to face up to the problem of unequal opportunities in the program. Children from wealthy families are often able to get more exposure opportunities through shows, and even use this to enter the entertainment industry.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

For example, Li Hongyi has changed from an auto repair apprentice to a rookie in the entertainment industry, Yang Tong has transformed from a troubled teenager to a musician, and Wang Jingze has become popular on the Internet and started a business road with the mantra of "true fragrance".

In contrast, although children from poor families may get attention in the show, they still face the dilemma of difficulty in getting out of poverty when they return to real life.

Secondly, there is a huge gap between the original intention of the show and the actual effect. The Metamorphosis was originally intended to promote understanding and empathy between different classes through the exchange of living circumstances.

However, from Wang Honglin's case, we can see that short-term life experiences can have negative effects and even distort participants' values, rather than achieving the desired results.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

Perhaps, we should devote more energy and resources to more substantive assistance projects. For example, providing long-term education support to poor areas, improving infrastructure, and creating employment opportunities.

These measures, while not as dramatic as television shows, are likely to make a more lasting and tangible difference.

At the same time, we also need to think about how to enhance understanding and communication between all levels of society without exacerbating class antagonism. Perhaps, what we need is not a short-term "deformation", but a long-term, sincere exchange and mutual assistance.

In general, although programs like "Metamorphosis" have good intentions, their actual effects and potential risks are worth pondering. While pursuing ratings and social influence, we should pay more attention to how to truly help those in need and how to promote the harmonious development of society.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

This is the direction we should think about and work towards.

Wang Honglin's experience is a wake-up call: it is difficult for a short life experience to completely change the trajectory of a person's life. Programs like "Metamorphosis" may be able to inspire and give people opportunities, but real growth and change still require us to continue to work hard and explore in our daily lives.

Everyone should find their own wonderful part in the real society, instead of indulging in illusory dreams. Whether we are from the countryside or the city, we all have our own merits and values.

The key is how to know yourself, discover your potential, and stick to the path that suits you.

participated in "Metamorphosis" and suffered from princess disease, asked her grandmother to buy shower gel to wash her feet, and her father ignored her anymore

Let us cherish the present, be down-to-earth, and find true self-worth on our own life path. This kind of life is the most worthy of our pursuit and cherishment.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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