
Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

author:Foresight dewdrops
Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

As soon as the NBA's transfer market opened, it was like a summer heat wave, wave after wave, which made people overwhelmed. The news of this is not Lake Ji again, Klay Thompson, the Warriors' sharpshooter, is actually interested in partnering with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers and Mavericks have all launched fierce pursuits.

Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

Klay's decision adds fuel to the fire in the transfer market this summer. Think about it, it's not a small thing for a hero who has won multiple championships with the Warriors to suddenly change the battlefield. On the Lakers' side, I heard that Lao Zhan had personally gone out, but he was willing to take a salary cut just to be able to play with Klay. As soon as the news came out, fans were all fried, and they all said that if this happens, the Lakers will be terrible next season!

Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

But don't worry, it's not over yet. The Clippers and Mavericks are not vegetarians either, and they are unrelenting in their pursuit of Klay. Especially the Mavericks, who have just made their mark in the West, and if they can have a marksman like Klay to join, the picture is too beautiful to imagine.

Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

When it comes to Clay's value, that's really not enough. His performance in the Warriors, everyone saw it, and the three-point shot was like a guided missile, pointing wherever it hits. Klay's defense is also top-notch, and who wouldn't want a player like that?

Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

The reaction in the market is also mixed. Some fans feel that Klay is the best choice to go to the Lakers, after all, there is Lao Zhan there, and the two superstars join forces, and the power can be imagined. But there are also concerns about whether Klay's injury will become a hidden danger, after all, he has missed a lot of games due to injury in the past.

Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

As for contracts and offers, this is a big problem. On the Lakers' side, Lao Zhan's salary cut made room for the team, but the Clippers and Mavericks are not uncompetitive, and the offers they can provide are estimated to be not low.

Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

But at the end of the day, what the future holds for Clay is still unknown. Whether he will really leave the Warriors and join forces with Lao Zhan are all hot topics among fans. One thing is for sure, no matter where Clay ends up choosing, he'll have a huge impact on the new club.

Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

Klay Thompson is one of the hottest players in this transfer market. Every movement of his has touched the hearts of countless fans. The Lakers, Clippers and Mavericks, the competition between them is also exciting.

Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

At the end of the day, the NBA is a big stage, and every player is the protagonist on this stage. Klay Thompson's transfer is like a wonderful drama, which makes people look forward to it and make people excited. Regardless of the final outcome, it will be a great moment in NBA history.

Lake Ji revealed that Klay intends to partner with Lao Zhan, and the Lakers, Clippers, and Mavericks have launched fierce pursuits

Discussions among fans continue, and Klay's whereabouts remain a mystery. But one thing is for sure, no matter where Klay chooses in the end, he'll give it his all to bring victory to his new club. That's the charm of the NBA, that's the spirit of basketball. Let's wait and see where Klay Thompson's next stop will be.