
Hu Xijin is really angry! Hu Xijin rarely replied, and this time he used such vicious words to scold netizens

author:Little Red Orange 1218 review

It's a big deal. Usually, Hu Xijin is as steady as Mount Tai, easy and quiet, but now he is like a cat with a fried hair, bombarding netizens indiscriminately. What's going on? It turned out that a netizen posted a Weibo, saying: "It's a good thing, let Runren enjoy the freedom of the United States' hasty attack, hastily robbership, freedom of uniqueness, and freedom of prejudice, all of which are free air." This is harsh to hear, like scraping glass with a knife, which makes people uncomfortable.

Hu Xijin is really angry! Hu Xijin rarely replied, and this time he used such vicious words to scold netizens

"Runren is also human!" Hu Xijin was really anxious this time, his eyes widened, and his voice raised an octave. "You are so vicious, but I don't curse you to be punished and beaten one day." These words were loud and sonorous, which showed that he was really angry. The gentle old Hu on weekdays has exploded into foul language today, which is really unusual.

Hu Xijin is really angry! Hu Xijin rarely replied, and this time he used such vicious words to scold netizens

America's Inclusivity? I couldn't help but sneer, it was just a papier-mâché lantern - strong on the outside and dry on the inside. Hidden underneath is an inter-ethnic powder keg, just a little bit. Those who are known to be talking about it one by one and singing praises for the freedom of the United States are either in the water in their heads or have their minds wrong. It is known that those superficial words are like stones thrown into a lake, stirring up ripples again and again.

We in China are the real place of tolerance. Confident people should have a little pride in their voices, fifty-six nationalities, harmony and beauty, like a family. Not to mention the brothers and sisters in China, even those foreign faces, when they reach our territory, they are also treated equally.

The Japanese mother and son in Suzhou were attacked, and the Chinese came forward; Foreigners in Shanghai and Guangzhou live like locals; There are also those foreign girls who are married to China and are happy. All of these are clear proof of China's inclusiveness.

Hu Xijin is really angry! Hu Xijin rarely replied, and this time he used such vicious words to scold netizens

Folks, can you stop adding to the chaos?

The hearts of the common people are helpless, especially those experts who study international issues, please, can you tell us the truth and provide us people with some real information?

Don't fool around all day long, making us feel like blind people.

These words are like a plea between old friends, and like a teaching from an elder to a junior, which makes people's hearts warm when they hear it.

"We in China must have this self-confidence and this tolerance." We ordinary people finally concluded, "No matter how the outside world changes, we must have a rod and scale in our hearts to know what is right and what is wrong." Intellectuals, it is time for you to wake up and stop being blinded by those illusory auras. What we need is the truth, real information, so that we can make the right judgment. ”

As the days passed, the words of the common people took root and sprouted in people's hearts like a seed. Everyone is thinking about how to keep a clear head in the complex sea of information, and how to build a more harmonious society on the basis of tolerance and respect. The world is always full of uncertainties and challenges, but as long as we have love, tolerance, and truth in our hearts, there are no difficulties that cannot be overcome.

Hu Xijin is really angry! Hu Xijin rarely replied, and this time he used such vicious words to scold netizens

Life is like a marathon, with ups and downs, laughter and tears. But as long as we hold hands and connect hearts, there is no hurdle that cannot be crossed. The words of the common people are like a gust of wind, blowing away the haze in our hearts and letting us see the light ahead. This world is beautiful after all, as long as we feel it with our hearts, tolerate it with love, and use the truth to illuminate the way forward.

In the corner, several young people gathered together, and their discussions were lively and in-depth, as if a new generation of fire was slowly igniting. This kind of scene makes people can't help but sigh that it is with such a group of enthusiastic young people in our society that we can continue to move forward and continue to explore the boundaries of truth.

Hu Xijin is really angry! Hu Xijin rarely replied, and this time he used such vicious words to scold netizens