
Mutton is put three times and three is not put away

author:Blue Moon

As a popular ingredient, lamb is not only nutritious, but also provides plenty of calories in the cold season. However, it is not easy to achieve the delicious taste of lamb, and the so-called secret of "three put three and three don't put it" has become the most mysterious and practical part of the cooking process. This article will explore the essence of this traditional wisdom in detail, with specific tips and examples to provide useful references for those who love food.

Mutton is put three times and three is not put away

1. What to put in the mutton

1. Add ginger

Ginger and mutton are a match made in heaven, which can effectively remove the fishy smell of mutton. Ginger also has the effect of warming the stomach and dissipating cold, especially suitable for winter consumption. When cooking, you can slice or crush the ginger and simmer it with the lamb. For those who are particular about the taste, they can also marinate the lamb slices in ginger juice to make it more delicious.

2. Put cooking wine

Cooking wine not only removes the fishiness, but also makes the meat of the lamb more tender. Whether it's stewed, stir-fried or shabu-shabu, putting some cooking wine in advance can not only enhance the taste, but also lock in the moisture and nutrients of the lamb. When simmering, the volatility of cooking wine can also make the soup more refreshing, helping to enhance the depth of the whole dish.

3. Add spices

Spices such as star anise, Sichuan pepper, cinnamon, etc. not only enhance the flavor of mutton, but also have a unique sterilization and preservation effect. For diners who prefer a rich aroma, the right amount of spices can greatly enhance their taste senses. The use of spices requires a good grasp of the heat and time, and too early or too late can affect the final flavor.

Second, don't put anything in the mutton

1. Don't put bean paste

Although bean paste is a common seasoning in many meat dishes, it is best avoided in the preparation of lamb. The heavy flavor of the bean paste masks the aroma of the mutton itself, making the mutton always have an incongruous taste. What's more, the bean paste will react with certain ingredients in the lamb, affecting the nutrients and taste of the whole dish.

2. Don't put too much salt

Excess salt will not only spoil the umami of the lamb, but also cause a dry, rough taste. Lamb itself is rich in minerals and proteins, which are beneficial to the human body, and consuming too much salt will affect this balance. When stewing mutton, it is recommended to put an appropriate amount of salt when it comes to cooking, which can not only ensure the tenderness of the mutton, but also lose the flavor.

3. No MSG

The main ingredient of monosodium glutamate is monosodium glutamate, which has the effect of enhancing umami. However, the mutton itself has a strong umami flavor, and too much use of MSG will make the dish lose its original flavor. Not only that, MSG can decompose at high temperatures to produce unhealthy chemicals, which may cause potential harm to the body when consumed for a long time.

Mutton is put three times and three is not put away

3. "Three Releases and Three Don'ts" in Practice

After understanding the specific three and three no, we can try one or two classic lamb dishes to verify the actual effect of these practices.

1. Braised lamb

Braised mutton is a traditional dish with great color and flavor, which is simple but has excellent flavor.

Preparation: 500 grams of mutton, a piece of ginger, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, two star anise, a little Sichuan pepper, an appropriate amount of salt, an appropriate amount of soy sauce, rock sugar, and green onions.

Specific steps:

1. Lamb Processing: Cut the lamb into pieces and soak it in water to remove the blood. After that, blanch with boiling water to remove the smell and remove it for later use.

2. Ginger and cooking wine: Crush the ginger, take a small amount of cooking wine, and stir-fry the ginger and mutton together until the surface of the mutton changes color and exudes fragrance.

3. Add spices: add star anise, Sichuan pepper and other spices to stir-fry until fragrant, and then add an appropriate amount of rock sugar and soy sauce to color.

4. Stew: Add water to submerge the mutton, simmer until the meat is crispy, and add an appropriate amount of salt to taste before the pot to ensure that the mutton does not become hard due to salt.

Through such a dish of braised mutton, we can taste the deodorizing effect brought by ginger and cooking wine, and the unique aroma of spices combined with the rich flavor of mutton presents a delicious taste with excellent color and aroma.

Mutton is put three times and three is not put away

2. Lamb with cumin

Known for its distinctive spice flavor, cumin lamb is a popular home-cooked dish.

Preparation: 300 grams of mutton slices, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of cumin powder, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of garlic cloves, appropriate amount of green pepper.

Specific steps:

1. Marinate the mutton: Add ginger juice and cooking wine to the mutton slices and marinate for 15 minutes to allow them to absorb the seasoning evenly.

2. Stir-fry: Heat oil in a pan and stir-fry the marinated lamb slices until the lamb changes color and exudes fragrance.

3. Add spices: Add cumin powder, a little garlic clove, and green pepper and continue to stir-fry until the lamb is fully cooked and fragrant.

4. Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of salt, stir-fry evenly and then remove from the pan.

In this dish, ginger, cooking wine and spices not only remove the fishy smell, but also give the lamb an outstanding aroma and taste. It is worth noting that MSG should not be added, so as not to affect the unique taste of the mutton itself.

Mutton is put three times and three is not put away

The wisdom of "three releases and three don't let go" is not groundless, but the experience summed up in long-term cooking practice. These techniques not only enhance the taste of lamb dishes, but also emphasize health and nutrition. Try these tips on a cold winter day to cook yourself and your family a steaming, delicious lamb feast. Through meticulous processing and precise seasoning, we can turn ordinary ingredients into works of art on the tongue. I hope the sharing of this article can provide you with valuable guidance and make your food journey full of surprises and joy.

As a nutritious ingredient, lamb also contains many health benefits. It is rich in high-quality protein, vitamins and minerals that help to strengthen the body and improve immunity. At the same time, mutton is warm and has the effect of keeping out the cold, which is very suitable for eating in the cold season. However, any cuisine has its own taboos and precautions, and knowing the cooking tricks of lamb can not only enjoy its deliciousness, but also better maintain your health.

In order to further adapt to the rhythm of modern life, here is a quick and delicious lamb recipe. Whether it's a quick dinner for a salaryman or a signature dish for a family gathering, it can be completed in a short time, allowing you to taste the delicious taste of lamb in your busy life.

Quick lamb stew

Preparation: 400 grams of lamb leg meat, 10 red dates, an appropriate amount of wolfberry, a piece of ginger, an appropriate amount of cooking wine, an appropriate amount of salt, and an appropriate amount of coriander.

Specific steps:

1. Lamb leg meat processing: Cut the lamb leg meat into pieces, soak it in water to remove the blood, and set aside.

2. Stir-fry: Pour a small amount of oil into the pot, add ginger and mutton pieces and stir-fry, and pour in an appropriate amount of cooking wine to remove the smell.

3. Boiling: Add water, red dates and wolfberries, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for about 40 minutes until the lamb is crispy.

4. Seasoning: Finally, add an appropriate amount of salt, sprinkle with coriander, shake well and remove from the pan.

This dish is not only quick and easy, but also nutritious, making it perfect for busy salaried people to cook quickly after a busy day, providing high quality nutrition and delicious taste.

Mutton is put three times and three is not put away

Through continuous practice and exploration, we can flexibly apply the concept of "three puts three and three don'ts" to other mutton dishes. Whether it is traditional methods or innovative methods, there is a vast world waiting to be explored, as long as these methods are mastered, the richness and taste of food will be qualitatively improved. I hope that everyone can continue to innovate and try in their own kitchens to deliver the deliciousness of mutton to every table.