
Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

author:The story of the wise man sesame sauce
Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

Chinese badminton singles player Zhang Zhijie died of a sudden fainting: the Indonesian Badminton Association submitted a request to revise the rules

On July 1, the Indonesian Badminton Association held a press conference at the local hospital (Sardjito) to give a detailed explanation of the sudden fainting and death of Chinese badminton star Zhang Zhijie. It was revealed that Zhang Zhijie had no spontaneous breathing and no pulse when he arrived at the hospital.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

After the Chinese Badminton Association tried to transfer to the hospital, Zhang Zhijie was declared dead at 23:20 local time, and his body was temporarily stored in the hospital waiting for his family to arrive. The Indonesian Badminton Association stressed that it would stop disseminating the video of Zhang Zhijie before his death as a sign of respect and submitted a request to the International Badminton Federation (IBF) to amend the rules to allow medical teams to provide first aid to athletes without the permission of the referees.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

Before the start of the Asian Youth Championships team competition, all the people present mourned for Zhang Zhijie. On the field, Chinese team players Hu Keyuan and Lin Xiangyi looked up to the sky and sighed after the game to mourn the deceased Zhang Zhijie. The badminton community at home and abroad has mourned, and former Olympic champion Cai Yun posted on social platforms: "The Chinese badminton team has lost an outstanding young man, and I hope the deceased will rest in peace." ”

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

Lin Dan, another Olympic champion, also expressed his condolences to Zhang Zhijie and complained about the IABF's inadequate management of the competition environment and athletes' rest time.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

At the same time, domestic doctors questioned Zhang Zhijie's rescue response, pointing out that the medical personnel at the scene were slow to respond during the emergency process. Sudden exercise-induced death requires immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of AEDs, but on-site care does not carry out these critical measures in a timely manner.

Tesla launched a zero-interest car purchase finance plan, and banks competed for new opportunities in the auto finance market

On July 1, Tesla announced the launch of a new financial benefit for car purchases, providing consumers with a five-year zero-interest loan plan, covering all options such as car paint and interior.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

This initiative once again attracted the support of many financial institutions such as China Merchants Bank, Ping An Bank, and China Construction Bank, marking a new stage of fierce competition in the field of auto consumer finance.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

This promotion is available to customers who purchase select versions of Model Y or Model 3 between July 1 and 31. For example, if you buy the rear-wheel drive version of the Model Y, the car price is 249,900 yuan, the down payment is 79,900 yuan, and the monthly payment of the five-year zero-interest loan is about 2,833 yuan, and the purchase of the Model 3 rear-wheel drive version is 231,900 yuan, the down payment is 79,900 yuan, and the monthly payment of the five-year zero-interest loan is about 2,533 yuan. In addition to 0-interest loans, unlicensed vehicles can also enjoy a low-interest plan with a down payment of 45,900 yuan, with an annual rate as low as 0.5%.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

Compared to the April event, the 0-interest installment plan was only for old car replacement, but now there is no replacement requirement, and users can enjoy the discount directly. By partnering with financial institutions to launch interest-free services, Tesla aims to seize the market share of new energy vehicles and provide consumers with more attractive car purchase options.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

With the rapid growth of the new energy vehicle market, auto consumer finance has become a new battlefield for major banks. Financial institutions have launched preferential programs such as low down payment and zero interest rate to attract consumers. For example, Xiaomi Auto has launched a variety of financial promotion programs, and Xpeng Motors and Li Auto have also launched low-down-payment and low-rate car purchase financial products respectively.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

The rapid development of the auto finance market has brought new business opportunities to banks, as well as challenges in risk management and product innovation. Experts believe that the innovation of auto finance products will not only help meet the needs of consumers for car purchases, but also become a potential growth point for banks' retail business. Financial institutions need to pay attention to the characteristics of new energy vehicles when designing financial products, develop personalized financial solutions, and strengthen risk management to adapt to market changes and consumer needs.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

The popularity of new energy vehicles and the increasing demand of consumers for car purchase financial services have promoted the in-depth cooperation between banks and car companies, indicating that auto consumer finance will become an important growth point for banking business.

The HKSAR Government announced the list of Honoured and Appointed Justices of the Peace in 2024 Andy Lau was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star

On 1 July, the HKSAR Government gazetted the 2024 honours and appointments of the Justices of the Peace (JPs), the 27th honours list since Hong Kong's return to the motherland. This year, a total of 502 persons were honoured and commended by the Chief Executive, of which 59 were appointed as Justices of the Peace.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

One of the highlights of the award was the famous actor Andy Lau, who was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star. As early as 2004, Andy Lau was awarded the Medal of Honor, promoted to Non-official Justice of the Peace in 2008, and promoted to the Bronze Bauhinia Star in 2016. This year's Silver Bauhinia Star once again recognises his outstanding contributions to the performing arts and outstanding performance in public welfare activities.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

Andy Lau's award speech highlighted his more than 40-year acting career, which has appeared in more than 170 films, becoming one of the most important figures in the Hong Kong music scene, and serving as the vice chairman of the China Film Association. In addition to his outstanding achievements in the arts, he is also an active supporter of sports for people with disabilities and supports the underprivileged through charitable foundations. A spokesman for the HKSAR Government said that this year's recipients of honours and commendations come from all sectors of the community

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

They have made remarkable achievements in their respective fields and made significant contributions to Hong Kong society, including public services, education, health care, finance, innovation and technology, philanthropy, arts and culture, sports, architecture and urban development. A Government spokesman would like to congratulate all the awardees and look forward to their continued leadership in their respective fields and their contribution to the prosperity and progress of Hong Kong society.

Traditional Chinese medicine experts warn: the improper use of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water and "Cooling Ice American" is harmful to health

Recently, the risk of heat stroke has increased due to the high temperature weather, and many citizens have begun to carry Huoxiang Zhengqi Water to prevent and treat heat stroke, and even a "heat-dissipating ice American" drink that mixes Huoxiang Zhengqi Water with ice has appeared.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

In this regard, Dr. Zeng Jing, director of the emergency department of University Town Hospital of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, reminded that Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is not suitable for all cases of heat stroke, and its practice of mixing it with ice is extremely unscientific.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

Zeng Jing explained that heat stroke is divided into two types: sun heat and yin heat. Symptoms include fever, sweating, and dehydration. Heat stroke is caused by air conditioning or cold drinks, etc., and manifests as gastrointestinal problems such as dizziness and abdominal pain. Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is suitable for the heat caused by the cold, but not for the heat in the high temperature environment.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

In addition, Zeng Jing pointed out that the popular "summer ice American" on the Internet actually violates the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine use. Huoxiang Zhengqi Water itself is warm, and mixing it with ice drinks not only does not help to cool down, but may damage the spleen and stomach and cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

He reminded that the use of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water should be treated according to the individual's constitution and specific symptoms, and avoid blindly following the trend and improper use, so as not to bring health risks.

Chengdu hot pot snack "small crispy meat" is popular and has become a must-order dish

One of the standard configurations of Chengdu hot pot, "small crispy meat" is not only a pre-dinner snack, but also a must-order dish in a hot pot restaurant. On social platforms, many netizens called him "the soul mate of hot pot". According to relevant data, Haidilao's stores sold more than 3 million servings of crispy pork in May this year, with an average sales of nearly 2,500 servings per store.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

Hot pot brands such as Banu, Xiaolongkan, and Xiabu Xiabu also said that small crispy pork is one of the most popular dishes, and the order rate of small crispy meat in Banu stores exceeds 20%, and more than 1 million copies are sold throughout the year. Judging from market data, the small crispy meat industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and the market size has increased from 1 billion yuan in 2019 to 10 billion yuan in 2023.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

This growth is due to the promotion of industrialized pre-made small crispy meat, which has led to a significant increase in both supply and demand. The sales of small crispy pork in hot pot restaurants are not only limited to Chengdu, but also chain catering enterprises across the country are also actively deploying to meet consumers' pursuit of quality and efficiency. With the expansion of the prefabricated vegetable market, small crispy meat, as one of its star products, has shown strong market potential and consumer demand.

Police Reminder: Be alert to the risk of FaceTime scams

Recently, there have been frequent cases of FaceTime call fraud across the country, which has attracted widespread attention. As a video calling app for Apple devices, FaceTime only needs to know the other party's mobile phone number or Apple ID to make a call when the network is connected and the call function is turned on.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

Criminals take advantage of its characteristics to pretend to be bank staff or customer service to trick users into operating and stealing property in the name of adjusting interest rates and canceling fees. In Sichuan, Ms. Chen received a FaceTime call from someone claiming to be a bank staff member and was directed to enter a bank card verification code, resulting in the theft of more than 38,000 yuan.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

Ms. Wang from Hangzhou also received multiple fake FaceTime videos, which eventually caused financial losses. There are countless similar cases, and the police around the country remind that once you receive a suspected FaceTime scam call, you should immediately call the police and turn off the function to avoid further losses.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

In the face of such scams, experts recommend that users must verify the identity of the other party when receiving a FaceTime call request, especially when it comes to requests for financial and personal information. If you need to use FaceTime, you should carefully check the other person's information and avoid sharing personal information with strangers or turning on screen sharing to protect your privacy.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

At the same time, the police reminded the public that no official agency will contact through personal social software such as FaceTime, and most of the requirements involving funds and bank operations are scams. In case of suspicious circumstances, users are advised to immediately verify through formal channels to ensure information security and prevent economic losses.

Pay attention to current affairs to understand the latest developments: the latest developments of domestic social events at 22 o'clock on July 1, 2024

As an emerging communication tool, FaceTime has been used by criminals frequently, and the police call on the public to be vigilant and jointly prevent such online fraud.