
Chinese men's basketball team 73-70 French men's basketball team, player rating: 5 full marks, 2 passing, 3 flawed

author:The world of sports says ball
Chinese men's basketball team 73-70 French men's basketball team, player rating: 5 full marks, 2 passing, 3 flawed

The Chinese men's basketball team won an exciting victory in today's U17 Men's Basketball World Cup with a score of 73-70 against the French team. This game is not only a victory, but also an important breakthrough for the Chinese men's basketball players in the international arena.

In today's U17 Men's Basketball World Cup, the Chinese team showed remarkable team strength and tenacious fighting spirit. Against a strong French team, they showed an attitude of not being afraid of strong opponents, and the whole team worked together to fight for every opportunity to attack and defend.

The key figure of the match was Zhang Boyuan, the young striker who became the center of attention. He showed excellent individual ability in the final stages of the match, completing a crucial stunner to seal the victory for China. Zhang Boyuan not only performed well on the scoring end, but he also showed impressive ability on the rebounding and defensive end, contributing 18 points and eight rebounds in the game, showing the strength of future forward hope.

Chinese men's basketball team 73-70 French men's basketball team, player rating: 5 full marks, 2 passing, 3 flawed

In addition to Zhang Boyuan, players such as Xun Sinan, Shen Wudi, Li Yuezhou and He Wenwei also showed excellent performances in the game. Xun Sinan has become the core of the team with his solid interior performance and double-double stats (12 points and 10 rebounds), and his performance has not only played a key role on both offensive and defensive ends, but also demonstrated his continued consistency. Shen was an integral part of the team by excelling in rebounds and steals on the defensive end, as well as scoring and assists on the offensive end. Li Yuezhou showed the firepower of the guard line, adding a steady scoring point to the team with 14 points, 2 rebounds and 3 assists. As the heart of the backcourt, He Wenwei's organisational skills and defensive attitude are impressive, and his performance not only makes him a key figure for the team on the pitch, but also contributes to the victory of the Chinese team.

Although there were some flaws on the field, such as the inconsistent performance of Feng Yubo and Chen Xiaoyi, netizens discussed it a lot. Some people said that Feng Yubo's efficiency on the offensive end needs to be improved, especially when it comes to decision-making at critical moments; Chen Xiaoyi's defensive reaction speed needs to be improved, and some netizens think that he is a little difficult to face a fast-changing opponent.

Chinese men's basketball team 73-70 French men's basketball team, player rating: 5 full marks, 2 passing, 3 flawed

In this game, the Chinese team showed significant progress in teamwork and execution. Although there are some deficiencies in the technical details of individual players, their tacit cooperation and collective execution ability have been unanimously recognized by netizens on the whole. Some netizens said that although there were some hiccups in the game, seeing the team being able to stay calm and unite at critical moments doubled their confidence in future games.

Regarding the performance of Feng Yubo and Chen Xiaoyi, netizens also have different opinions. Some people think it's part of the development process of young players, who need to go through more high-intensity games to gain experience and improve their performances; Others want the coaching staff to focus on their technical details and mental adjustments in training to improve their consistency and performance in future matches.

Throughout the game, the Chinese team's defensive system and quick counterattack ability left a deep impression on netizens. Their density on the defensive end and effective containment of the opponent's offense, as well as their quick advance and teamwork on the offensive end, show their potential as a united and strong team. Netizens have said that this team spirit and fighting attitude are commendable, and they believe that under the guidance of the coaching staff, this young Chinese men's basketball team will become stronger and stronger.

Chinese men's basketball team 73-70 French men's basketball team, player rating: 5 full marks, 2 passing, 3 flawed

In terms of Shen Wudi's technical characteristics, netizens have different opinions and analyses. Some people believe that Shen Wudi's breakthrough ability on the field is very strong, especially at critical moments, and he can always create opportunities with his personal ability. A netizen named Basketball Fan 1990 said: "Shen Wuving's speed is really not to say, every time he gets the ball, it is like igniting a fire on the court, and the opponent has no time to react." He added: "While his shooting is sometimes inconsistent, his offensive awareness and speed advantage can often leave opponents behind. ”

Other netizens paid more attention to Shen's teamwork and passing ability. A netizen who calls himself a basketball fanatic commented: "Shen Wushu is not only a scoring machine on the court, but he also has a very wide passing vision. He can often be seen creating open shots for his teammates with accurate passing. He added: "There are times when the ball is over-passed, but he can drive the team's attacking rhythm and is an indispensable core of the team. ”

Not all netizens have the same opinion on Shen Wudi's technique. Some of the comments focused more on his defensive performance and attitude to the game. A netizen whose ID is a basketball enthusiast expressed his concern: "Although Shen Wudi has strong individual ability on the offensive end, his performance on the defensive end always makes people feel lacking. Sometimes it's in the wrong place and you can't keep up with the pace. He added: "However, maybe that's something he needs to improve on, because a complete player shouldn't just be an attacking highlight. ”

Chinese men's basketball team 73-70 French men's basketball team, player rating: 5 full marks, 2 passing, 3 flawed

In addition to the evaluation at the technical level, some netizens had some discussions on Shen Wudi's professional attitude and personal qualities. A netizen whose ID is a spectator at the stadium mentioned: "Shen Wudi's attitude towards the game has always been very positive, whether it is training or playing, you can see his hard work and dedication. It's a very important attitude for a young player. He added: "Although there are sometimes mood swings on the field, which is also a common phenomenon in competitive sports, I hope he can stabilize his mentality with more game experience." ”

As a young player, Shen Wudi has shown great potential and performance in both technical and personal development. Although the discussion among netizens was different, it was generally recognized that he was talented on the offensive end and loved the game. With the passage of time and the accumulation of experience, I believe that he will usher in more achievements and breakthroughs in his career.

Next, the Chinese team will face the stronger United States team, which is not only a challenge, but also an opportunity to show their strength and progress. The Chinese men's basketball team hopes to continue tonight's excellent performance, continue to show the spirit of tenacious struggle in future games, and win more glory for the country.

Chinese men's basketball team 73-70 French men's basketball team, player rating: 5 full marks, 2 passing, 3 flawed

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