
Less than 24 hours after the defeat to Biden in the televised debate, Trump said: China and the United States do not need to be enemies

author:Chengcheng topic station

Recently, at the recently concluded debate of the US presidential candidates, Trump showed amazing debating strength, defeated Biden, and even made Biden lose control emotionally, scolding "what a bastard".

Biden's gaffe undoubtedly shows his complete defeat in this debate.

Less than 24 hours after the defeat to Biden in the televised debate, Trump said: China and the United States do not need to be enemies

With major media outlets reporting on Trump's victory in the debate, the likelihood of Trump winning the presidential election and becoming the next president of the United States is growing.

Less than 24 hours after the media generally announced Trump's victory in the debate, a high-spirited Trump unexpectedly turned the topic to Sino-US relations.

He said that the United States does not need to establish China, Russia, North Korea and other countries as enemies.

After the debate, Mr. Trump made his point to his enthusiastic supporters: The internal and external challenges facing the United States are real, including tensions with countries such as China, Russia and North Korea.

However, he firmly believes that if the United States can have a sane and visionary president, then none of these countries will be enemies of the United States.

On the contrary, all parties can live together on the basis of harmony and respect, and jointly promote global stability and prosperity.

Trump's remarks have undoubtedly attracted widespread attention. He further pointed out that the biggest enemy of the United States is actually not the external country, but the various problems hidden at home.

He took the opportunity to mention Biden, saying that Biden's poor performance in the debate this time was not only because of his age, but more importantly, because of his lack of leadership and incompetence.

This assessment is undoubtedly another heavy blow to Biden.

Less than 24 hours after the defeat to Biden in the televised debate, Trump said: China and the United States do not need to be enemies

It must be noted that if Trump's victory in the televised debate was only a blow to Biden, then his subsequent statements undoubtedly dealt an even more fatal blow to Biden and the Democratic Party.

In recent years, the Biden administration's performance in handling relations with major powers such as China and Russia has been truly worrying.

In trying to deal with the challenge from China and Russia, every sanction taken by the Biden administration seems to have taken a toll on the United States itself, making the United States pay a heavy price, but it has failed to effectively contain the development of China and Russia.

This incompetence has undoubtedly undermined the trust of the American people in the Biden administration.

In trying to improve relations with China and Russia, the Biden administration has been unable to achieve mutual respect and equal treatment with China because it cannot let go of the "world hegemon" shelf.

They don't seem to really understand how important cooperation with China is to alleviate the dire crisis facing the United States.

Coupled with the Biden administration's repeated distrust of the international community, trust between China and the United States has fallen to a freezing point.

Such a crisis of confidence will undoubtedly further exacerbate tensions in Sino-US relations.

Therefore, the Biden administration's incompetence and failure in diplomatic relations with China, Russia and other major powers have become its biggest weakness.

This weakness has not only greatly reduced the trust of the American people in the Biden administration, but also provided a target for Trump and other competitors to attack and slander.

Less than 24 hours after the defeat to Biden in the televised debate, Trump said: China and the United States do not need to be enemies

The subtext behind Trump's emphasis that he will greatly ease the relationship between the United States and China, Russia and other countries after taking office is undoubtedly to tell the American people that he will reverse the current economic predicament and status quo of the United States by improving foreign relations.

This commitment will undoubtedly win him the support and expectation of more American people.

Of course, despite Trump's statement, if he does win the US presidency, there may not be a major reversal in Sino-US relations, as he said.

After all, Trump's attitude toward China is not fundamentally different from that of Biden.

When he was president before, he took the initiative to provoke the Sino-US trade dispute, which led to the escalation of tensions between the two countries.

Not long ago, he publicly stated that once he became president, he would impose further high tariffs on Chinese goods.

Such a hard-line China policy will undoubtedly make Sino-US relations even worse.

Therefore, whether Trump or Biden wins the US presidential election, it will not make a major difference in Sino-US relations.

Both the Biden administration and the Trump administration will do their best to suppress and contain China's development.

This is dictated by the global strategic and geopolitical interests of the United States.

However, for China, this kind of suppression and containment will not stop us from moving forward.

We will continue to adhere to our own development path and promote sustained and stable economic growth and all-round social progress.

At the same time, we should also see that whether Trump or Biden come to power, there is not much difference.

This is because their China policy is based on the global strategic and geopolitical interests of the United States.

Less than 24 hours after the defeat to Biden in the televised debate, Trump said: China and the United States do not need to be enemies

They will all try to suppress and contain China's development through various means.

However, this repression and containment cannot stop China's rise. This is because China's development is a historical necessity, the expectation of the people, and the trend of the times.

China's rise is unstoppable. No matter who assumes the presidency of the United States in the future and what measures and strategies toward China are implemented, their attempts and ambitions are doomed to failure.

Because China's development has formed a strong endogenous driving force and external advantages.

We will continue to promote economic transformation, upgrading, and innovative development, strengthen economic and trade cooperation and exchanges with other countries in the world, and promote the prosperity and development of the global economy.

At the same time, we also hope that the new US president will truly recognize this point, correct his mentality, and build good relations with China to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. This is the only right choice for the US side.

Because it is only through cooperation and exchange that common development and prosperity can be achieved. It is only through equality and respect that truly friendly relations can be established.

We hope that the US side will abandon the Cold War mentality and the concept of zero-sum game, and work hand in hand with China to promote world peace and development.

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