
Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

author:Evening Breeze wants to say


The benchmark of "cool drama" in Yu Zheng's eyes

Yu Zheng recently made a statement on social media, he believes that there are only four "cool dramas" in China: "Yanxi Raiders", "Celebrating More Than Years 1", "Son-in-law" and "Ink Rain Clouds".

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

He also compared the shows to South Korea's "Squid Game" and "Dark Glory," questioning why exotic dramas are always more popular. This remark immediately caused heated discussions on the Internet, and many netizens expressed their support, believing that the quality of domestic dramas is indeed not inferior to foreign dramas.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

However, some viewers pointed out that dramas such as "Dark Glory" do have their own uniqueness in terms of plot depth and production quality, which cannot be summarized by simple "cool dramas".

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

Wu Jinyan's drama performance and market response

Yu Zheng also mentioned Wu Jinyan's drama performance, saying that her "Yanxi Raiders" and "Ink Rain Clouds" are both hit dramas, while other dramas have a good market response, but they have not reached the level of a hit.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

He stressed that the success of the series should be proven by data, not evaluated in a vacuum. This point of view has been shared by many industry insiders, who believe that both the ratings of the drama and the number of online hits are important indicators to measure the success of a drama.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

At the same time, Yu Zheng also mentioned that Wu Jinyan's rest period between episodes is to improve his business ability, and this professionalism is commendable.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

Yu Zheng's casting philosophy and market strategy

Yu Zheng also talked about his casting philosophy, he said that as a professional producer, he never focuses on fame when casting, but pays more attention to the fit between the actor and the role.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

He gave an example of how even actors who are already famous, such as Zhou Ye, will choose the right actor according to the needs of the series. This strategy has been well received in the industry, and many viewers believe that Yu Zheng's series can attract audiences in large part because he can accurately grasp the pulse of the market and choose the most suitable actors to present the role.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

Rumors and truths in the online world

At the end of the article, Yu Zheng mentioned the problem of rumors in the online world, and he lamented that rumors are flying all over the Internet now, but no one cares about refuting rumors. He called on everyone to have their own judgment and not to be easily influenced by comments on the Internet.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

This view has aroused widespread resonance, and many netizens said that the current online environment really needs everyone to work together to improve their ability to discern and jointly create a healthy and rational cyberspace.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

Yu Zheng's self-confidence and challenge


Finally, Yu Zheng expressed his self-confidence, he believes that no matter what the outside world says, he will stick to his creative concept and constantly challenge himself. He believes that only by continuous innovation can we be invincible in the fierce market competition.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

This statement undoubtedly gave more confidence to the audience and fans who supported him, and also let those who questioned him see his firmness and persistence. Through the detailed interpretation and extended description of Zheng's remarks, this article not only shows Yu Zheng's professional attitude and market strategy as a producer, but also triggers an in-depth discussion on the comparison between domestic dramas and foreign dramas.

Yu Zheng is confident in Korean dramas? Is domestic drama really inferior to "Dark Glory"?

The article enhances the interactivity and attractiveness of the article through relaxed and witty language and interactive comments from netizens, so that readers can participate in this discussion about the quality of the series and the market response while reading.

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