
was too aggrieved, Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain's wave of investment did not cause public anger

author:Fengzhen Sports
was too aggrieved, Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain's wave of investment did not cause public anger

In the final of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup in 2024, the Chinese youth women's basketball team faced the defending champion Australia, although the inside force Zhang Ziyu performed well, but finally ended in defeat. Before the game, the Chinese team became the favorite to win the championship by virtue of the victory in the previous games and the narrow victory of Australia. However, in the first half of the finals, the Chinese team has been behind, and Zhang Ziyu is unable to support it alone, relying only on her personal 19 points and 10 rebounds, unable to compete with Australia's overall strength.

At the beginning of the second half, the Chinese team faced a backward situation and urgently needed to quickly turn the tide of the game. Zhang Ziyu showed great dominance on the inside, she frequently grabbed rebounds and scored, leading the team to gradually approach Australia. Every goal she scored was like a shot in the arm for the Chinese team, and the atmosphere on the court became tense.

Under her leadership, the Chinese team finally overtook the score to 4 points in the middle of the game. This scene made fans feel relieved, and they expressed their praise for Zhang Ziyu and their expectations for the Chinese team's comeback on social media. Some netizens commented: "Zhang Ziyu is really too strong! Her dominance on the inside is simply breathtaking, and I hope she can continue to maintain this form and lead the Chinese team to victory! Another netizen said: "The critical moment depends on Zhang Ziyu, this is the future of our Chinese women's basketball team!" These remarks fully demonstrate the fans' trust and expectation of Zhang Ziyu.

was too aggrieved, Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain's wave of investment did not cause public anger

However, just when the Chinese team seemed expected to turn things around, the key moment in the fourth quarter became their nightmare. In the final minutes of the game, the Chinese team twice narrowed the score gap to only 4 points, but this slight advantage could not be sustained. At this point, captain Wang Jiaxin took on more responsibility on the court, and she chose individual singles several times to try to add points to the team, but each time she was met with intensive Australian defence and counter-attacks. These singles failed to score as they would have liked, instead providing the opponent with an opportunity to counter-attack and the score to expand again.

Some netizens began to question Wang Jiaxin's decision-making. "Why does Wang Jiaxin always choose individual performance at critical moments? She should rely more on Zhang Ziyu and other teammates to help the team win games more effectively. A netizen raised such a question. Others said: "Maybe it's because Wang Jiaxin is too confident and ignores the importance of teamwork." These perceptions reflect the fans' thinking about the balance between individual action and teamwork.

After the game, Zhang Ziyu stood on the court, tears rolling down her cheeks. Her eyes were full of loss and recognition of hard work. Throughout the game, she was able to do almost anything, scoring an astonishing 42 points and 14 rebounds, but the final result of the game was not what she wanted. As the leader of the team, she gave her all at crucial moments, hoping to lead the Chinese team to victory. However, the physical exertion and the stubborn defense of her opponent made it impossible for her to save the situation. Standing on the sidelines, she couldn't control her emotions, and tears flowed like a spring.

was too aggrieved, Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain's wave of investment did not cause public anger

Zhang Ziyu has two major characteristics, one is to get the ball, do not put down the ball, just hold the attack, and do not jump, hold high and hit, the opponent can't reach it at all, and Zhang Ziyu is heavier, the lower plate is stable, the opponent can't interfere with her at all, can only watch her score, and sigh in vain. Her traits make her a threat in the game, and many fans have praised her performance.

On social platforms, these characteristics of Zhang Ziyu have aroused heated discussions and appreciation among fans. Some fans believe that her height and weight advantages make her almost unstoppable on the court. A netizen named "Basketball Fan Xiao Wang" commented: "Zhang Ziyu's offensive style is really unique and effective, she can not only hold the ball steadily, but also complete difficult scoring under the opponent's defense, this stability and technical ability are admirable!" This view reflects the recognition and praise of some fans for Zhang Ziyu's performance in the game.

However, there are also some fans who have a different opinion on Zhang Ziyu's attacking style. A netizen named "Basketball Analyst" expressed some concern: "Although Zhang Ziyu has a unique way of attacking, will she be able to maintain this advantage against stronger opponents? Sometimes the opponent will find a countermeasure, and she needs to have a backup plan. This view reflects the concern of some fans about Zhang's technical ability and ability to deal with complex situations.

During the discussion, there were also some dialogues, showing the debate between different fans about Zhang Ziyu's technical characteristics. For example, the conversation between the netizen "basketball enthusiast" and the "sports commentator" is as follows:

Basketball lovers: Zhang Ziyu is so strong on the offensive end, her physical advantage is simply unstoppable!

Sports Commentator: Yes, her height and strength allow her to dominate the basket and it will be difficult for opponents to have a good defensive strategy.

Basketball lovers: I think she's also very consistent and technical, and she's able to keep scoring efficiently.

Sports Commentator: However, she may need more variation and innovation against opponents who can react flexibly.

was too aggrieved, Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain's wave of investment did not cause public anger

At the same time, Wang Jiaxin, as the captain, faced doubts from fans and commentators. They pointed out that Wang Jiaxin relied too much on individual singles at key moments and failed to make full use of teammates like Zhang Ziyu who have strong scoring ability. The commentator even bluntly pointed out that as the core figure of the team, Wang Jiaxin should pass the ball more to the most capable teammates, rather than choosing personal decisions. This tactical mistake not only affected the outcome of the game, but also deprived the entire team of the opportunity to turn the tide at a crucial moment.

These comments sparked a lot of discussion among fans. Some people believe that Wang Jiaxin appeared too impatient in the game and should trust his teammates more, especially an offensive weapon like Zhang Ziyu. One fan said: "Wang Jiaxin should think more about the interests of the whole team on the field, rather than the individual desire to score. Others expressed their understanding of her individual performance, believing that as captain she also had the responsibility of leading the team out of difficult situations.

was too aggrieved, Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain's wave of investment did not cause public anger

Post-match analysis showed that the Chinese team failed to maintain the lead due to tactical mistakes at key moments in the game, which ultimately led to the loss of the game. This game is not just a win or a loss, but a test of teamwork and leadership. In the future, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to learn from this experience and strengthen the implementation of tactics and tacit understanding within the team, in order to achieve better results in future competitions.

Throughout the game, the shortcomings of the Chinese women's basketball team's teamwork and tactical implementation were fully revealed, which was not only a loss in the game, but also a profound reflection and lesson. In the future, the Chinese women's basketball team needs to work harder on teamwork and tactical execution, and the responsibility of team leaders at critical moments is becoming more and more important. Only through more effective tactical arrangements and closer teamwork can the Chinese women's basketball team achieve greater glory in the international arena.

was too aggrieved, Zhang Ziyu cried in public, the Chinese women's basketball team regretted losing the championship, and the captain's wave of investment did not cause public anger

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