
The sudden death of a 17-year-old national feather player in the arena This could have been a tragedy that could have been avoided

author:Fanfan Technology

This competition is a big event, the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships will be held in Indonesia. Young people from all over the world come to compete, and our Chinese team naturally can't lag behind. Xiao Zhang Zhijie is the pride of our team this time, and he participated in the mixed team group stage. This competition is quite nervous, everyone wants to get a good result, and their hearts are like a deer.

The sudden death of a 17-year-old national feather player in the arena This could have been a tragedy that could have been avoided

Speaking of Zhang Zhijie, this guy is amazing, he is only 17 years old and is already the pillar of our Chinese youth badminton team. Usually training is called a desperate one, and I often practice until I sweat. The results are not bad, and the medals in various domestic competitions are almost out of place. In this Asian Championship, everyone is optimistic about him.

On the day of the game, everything was quite normal, and Zhang Zhijie was still sweating on the court. Suddenly, he fainted, which frightened everyone present. Everyone hurried up to see what was going on, and at this time, their hearts were all in their throats. The paramedics rushed over, and the scene suddenly became tense.

The sudden death of a 17-year-old national feather player in the arena This could have been a tragedy that could have been avoided

Zhang Zhijie fell suddenly, and the big guys were dumbfounded. Some people say that it may be that the heart has stopped, but this is a big deal. The paramedics rushed up and started cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and also used the automatic external defibrillator, or AED for short. This thing sounds like a high-tech thing, but it's actually an electric shock to the heart, hoping to save it.

In the beginning, everyone was in a hurry and didn't know what to do. The paramedics came up and started to do CPR with chest presses, and then applied the AED. The scene was particularly tense, and everyone was praying, hoping to save Zhang Zhijie.

The medical staff really worked hard, the cardiopulmonary resuscitation was pressed and the hands were almost cramping, and the AED was also used, but the situation was still not optimistic. The people on the sidelines were in a hurry, but they couldn't help much, so they could only do it in a hurry.

The sudden death of a 17-year-old national feather player in the arena This could have been a tragedy that could have been avoided

In the end, an ambulance came and rushed Zhang Zhijie to the hospital. Unfortunately, the hospital couldn't save it in the end. The doctor said that the heart had stopped beating for too long, and the brain had been starved of oxygen for too long, and there was really nothing to be done. As soon as this news came out, the big guys felt uncomfortable, and it was a pity to be young.

What about this cardiac arrest, to put it bluntly, the heart suddenly stopped working, and the heartbeat stopped rattling. If a person's heart stops beating, the blood stops, and the brain can't supply oxygen, he will faint in less than ten seconds. At this time, saving people has to rely on cardiopulmonary resuscitation, referred to as CPR, plus the automatic external defibrillator, called AED. If these two things are used well, they can really save lives.

Our Dr. Zhang, Zhang Yuanchun said, the heart stopped, the first time to press the chest to do CPR, and you have to use AED, this thing can be electrified, and the heart is electrified. This AED is an automatic external defibrillator, which looks very high-tech, but in fact, it is an electric power to restore the heart to normal beating.

The sudden death of a 17-year-old national feather player in the arena This could have been a tragedy that could have been avoided

AED is a very important thing, it can automatically analyze the rhythm of the heart, see if it can be shocked, and then start it with one button, and it is not difficult to operate. As Yin Dayong said, there are cases of AED saving people in many places, such as the badminton match in Wuzhou, Guangxi, where a doctor used AED to save a golfer.

In the future, we have to improve first aid measures. First of all, you have to have a strict physical examination before the game, and deal with the problems in advance. In addition, there should be first aid preparations on site and training personnel on how to use AEDs. Professionals also put forward opinions, saying that the on-site treatment is not timely, it may be that the treatment training is not in place, and the work in this area should be strengthened.

The sudden death of a 17-year-old national feather player in the arena This could have been a tragedy that could have been avoided

Also, sports teams should be equipped with AEDs, so that if you really encounter an emergency, you can use it as soon as possible. We also have to raise everyone's awareness of cardiac arrest first aid, and usually publicize and train more.

Finally, let's talk about the implications of this. Zhang Zhijie's incident has sounded the alarm for the society and the sports world, and everyone must pay attention to it. In the future, we need to do more work to improve our first-aid capabilities and avoid similar tragedies from happening again. We deeply regret the passing of Zhang Zhijie and hope that his family can mourn and change. We have to learn from this and do better to protect the lives of every athlete.