
Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

author:Tao's own land

Zhang Zhijie was born on January 30, 2007, loves badminton, is an outstanding athlete of the national youth badminton team, and has won the men's singles championship and men's team championship in Group B of the 2023 National Youth Badminton Championships, and the men's team champion in Group B of the 2024 National Youth Badminton Championships.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

At the age of 17, Zhang Zhijie won a number of national awards, which shows his athletic talent. But it was such an outstanding young man in the badminton world who fell in the arena on the night of June 30th. Leaving us forever is embarrassing.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

When the bad news came, Zhang Zhijie's sudden departure made the Chinese people deeply regretful, and the video of Zhang Zhijie's accident was also circulating on the Internet, and people talked about Zhang Zhijie's death.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

From the video, we can see that Zhang Zhijie was playing with a Japanese player before the incident, and when the opponent was about to trigger the ball, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell to the ground, and Zhang Zhijie, who fell to the ground, kept convulsing. The Japanese player who was about to serve stopped serving after seeing this, and he looked around, although he was an opponent, he still hoped that the staff would come on the court as soon as possible to rescue Zhang Zhijie. From this point, it can be seen that the coach cowers in the face of problems and is an incompetent coach.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

After Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, his coach did not come forward in time to check the situation, but looked left and right on the sidelines. Seeing that no one came on the field to check the situation, the coach mustered up the courage to step forward to check the situation. After the coach entered the competition venue, he didn't help Zhang Zhijie who fell to the ground, but symbolically looked at Zhang Zhijie who fell to the ground from a distance with his naked eyes. At this time, Zhang Zhijie was still very conscious, and after he saw his coach coming up, he looked up at the coach.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

And his coach crossed his waist with his left hand, and he was indifferent to Zhang Zhijie who was lying on the ground. did not come forward to rescue in time, and as soon as the camera turned, the medical staff of the Indonesian organizer entered the competition venue, and Zhang Zhijie's coach had not appeared on the venue at this time. As a rule, when an athlete has such an emergency, the coach should stay with the athlete and check on the athlete's condition. But Zhang Zhijie's coach went into hiding.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

What's even more puzzling is that when the organizer's medical staff appeared, they did not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Zhang Zhijie. Zhang Zhijie's competition on June 30 is the "Asian Youth Badminton Championships Team Competition", which usually requires AED and professional medical personnel. But from the video, we can see that the medical staff did not perform AED cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Zhang Zhijie, even if there is no AED, in this case, the athlete can be treated with simple manual cardiopulmonary resuscitation. But after the medical staff came up, they didn't do anything to Zhang Zhijie, but directly carried Zhang Zhijie away from the game site on a stretcher.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

At 23:20 on the evening of June 30, Zhang Zhijie left us after being rescued by the hospital, and his life was forever fixed at the age of 17.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

Mr. Zhang's family had been watching him on television, and when they saw him fall, they were worried. Seeing such a situation, Zhang Zhijie's family couldn't wait to fly to Zhang Zhijie's side immediately. They kept calling the coach, but they didn't get in touch until around 9 o'clock, and the family was a little relieved to learn that Zhang Zhijie was transferred to the hospital for treatment. But when he was finally contacted, the coach told Zhang Zhijie's family that Zhang Zhijie had passed away due to poor local medical conditions. After learning the news of Zhang Zhijie's death, the family could not accept it.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

According to Zhang Zhijie's sister's Weibo message, Zhang Zhijie is a particularly well-behaved child. After winning the prize money for the first time in the competition this year, I used it all to buy gifts for my sister, mom and grandparents. Zhang Zhijie takes special badminton very seriously, and the day before the game, Zhang Zhijie also shared a photo of himself having dinner in Indonesia with his mother through WeChat. He also told his family that he would go home for two days after the game, and the family was waiting for him to come back. However, Zhang Zhijie will never come back.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

Zhang Zhijie's death is regrettable, at the age of 17, he is still a child. His life has just begun to be exciting, and his college guarantee letter has just been sent home. If nothing else, Zhang Zhijie will enter the university with many students this year. But he collapsed in a foreign competition. Stupid referees, stupid organizers, stupid medical care, incompetent coaches, should have had a chance to be saved.

Follow-up to Zhang Zhijie's death: his family witnessed him fainting on TV, and the university escort notice had just been sent home

Poor Zhang Zhijie should have had a bright future life, but it came to an abrupt end. The Chinese badminton team should come out to apologize, and promise that it will be equipped with professional medical personnel in the future to treat its players in a timely manner, and not rely on the medical team of the organizers, whose children are in pain. Life is more important than everything, and the victory or defeat of the game is not worth mentioning in front of life.


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