
Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?

author:Talk about the ancients


The word "human" is the first word, and man and nature are closely related.

With the gradual enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection, an old saying "draught does not forget to dig wells" has become a common phrase in everyone's mouth. Although the state vigorously promotes afforestation activities, and all localities are vigorously carrying out tree planting work, in fact, afforestation is not a convenient thing, and it is necessary to make appropriate choices according to the local environment.

If you don't agree with each other, you will start planting trees, and in some places the trees cannot be planted, the most famous is Tibet, and Nagqu County has not grown a tree for thousands of years. It was not until the 21st century that the first black trees were planted in this barren land.

Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?

Why has Nagqu County been unable to plant trees for a long time, and how did it successfully plant black trees? Let's find out!

What is the reason for the absence of trees?

Located in Tibet, an autonomous region in the southwestern part of the mainland, Nagqu County is the largest county in Tibet, occupying almost one-fifth of the country's land area.

Although the area of Nagqu County is large, there are very few plant species, and it can be said that there is not a single tree in the entire county except for cattle and sheep, and there is not even a single sapling that can live.

Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?

Moreover, most of the cattle and sheep in Nagqu County are also fond of some edible soft grasses, and most of the woody plants are naturally eaten and dried by the grass next to the ground, coupled with the strong wind, which leads to the appearance of no tree in the entire county.

Factors such as permafrost and lack of oxygen are also important reasons for tree planting in Nagqu County, in addition to high altitude and low temperature.

Because Nagqu County is located on a plateau and the average altitude is more than 4,500 meters, it spends a lot of time in a low-oxygen environment.

Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?

Everyone knows that trees also have the effect of "breathing", because there is no light, so trees can only absorb carbon dioxide and oxygen through their own strength, but the high and low oxygen environment is very unfavorable to the growth of trees.

The chloroplasts in trees can only photosynthesize when exposed to sunlight, and there are valves on the leaves and branches of trees to regulate the respiration of trees, so that trees can continue to grow without light.

However, the trees still lose a lot of nutrients when they grow in a low-oxygen environment for a long time, and the local animal husbandry is the main industry, and there are no trees, so they rely on livestock manure to make fertilizer, which leads to the inability of the root system to obtain nutrients.

Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?

Even in the long winter, the ground in Nagqu County has begun to freeze, so the root system of most trees is initialized without absorbing water, which leads to the root system of trees in winter can not obtain water, thus greatly limiting the growth of trees.

Moreover, the unique climate of the local area also greatly restricts the growth of trees, such as the wind, for the local people, can sit for two days, such weather is a nightmare for trees.

Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?

Even if a tree seed falls on the ground, it is very vulnerable to injury and may even be blown away in the face of winds that can reach speeds of up to 10 meters per hour, so the seeds rarely survive until the next planting season.

Successful planting of trees in scientific research.

Despite the difficulties, the local government and researchers believe that a single tree can be planted in Nagqu County.

Therefore, in order to make Nagqu County successfully plant trees, the local government department specially allocated a special fund as a special scientific research base in Nagqu County, not only that, but the province also allocated a lot of special funds to support as the funds for planting trees in Nagqu County.

In order to better plant trees, the local area has also opened up a special experimental base, so that scientific researchers can easily carry out scientific research here.

Researchers from the Tibetan Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences were also very caring, surveying the soil in Nagqu County with the help of drones, and after many repeated experiments, they summed up the tree species suitable for local growth.

These trees have undergone countless selections, and although the planting techniques of these trees are not mature, they are all grown at high altitudes, and are resistant to frost, hunger and thirst, and can absorb oxygen, which also means that as long as these saplings see the sun, they can grow and grow rapidly.

Even the secretary of the county party committee personally participated in the tree planting activities, and they all believed that as long as everyone worked together, as long as we had firm confidence and perseverance, we would definitely be able to plant a tree in Nagqu County.

So despite the difficulties, everyone did not give up, and everyone worked tirelessly to successfully plant the tree, until finally with the help of drones, a new discovery was made.

Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?

Through the aerial photography of the drone, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the black tree successfully planted in the county this time actually grew a tender green seedling, although it is a black tree tree, but it means that in the future, it will not only be able to plant black tree in Nagqu County.

Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?

This marks a great success in planting trees in Nagqu County, which also benefits future generations and allows them to live in a beautiful environment.

Planting trees is not easy, and everyone is responsible for environmental protection.

Behind the successful planting of trees, it is inseparable from the unremitting efforts and explorations of those scientific researchers in the county, and with their hard work, planting trees has become a common thing here.

Protecting the environment is to protect the homeland, and the homeland can give us a worry-free life, so everyone must be environmentally conscious.

Planting trees is not a one-time job, it requires long-term and unremitting efforts to maintain our ecological environment.

Clean air, clear rivers, and lush trees are the support of our people's life and the guarantee of our people's life.

The mountains and rivers of the motherland are our precious resources, which should be better cared for and maintained, so everyone should have a heart for environmental protection.

Protecting the environment not only depends on the efforts of the government and scientific researchers, but also requires the participation and efforts of every citizen.

Although our country is one of the fastest in the world in planting trees, we should not be ashamed of this, but should learn from the experience of other countries in the world and gather some strength to jointly protect our precious environment.

Although planting trees is an important part of environmental protection work, environmental protection work does not stop there, but also includes saving water, electricity and so on.

Everyone is the guardian of the earth, and we must do our best to protect the ecological environment, make our home more beautiful, and let the next generation survive and develop better.

Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?


Everyone is responsible for environmental protection, one side of the water and soil to support one person, let us join hands to build a green home.

Our efforts will not be ruined, because our future is worth having.

Nagqu County: A county in China that once had no trees, and not a single tree could be planted for thousands of years, what is the reason?

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