
Why do people who exercise regularly get older? Doctor: 3 things that could be done wrong!

author:Dr Ho Health Talk
Why do people who exercise regularly get older? Doctor: 3 things that could be done wrong!

Disclaimer: The content of the article is for reference only, the storyline is purely fictional, intended to popularize health knowledge, if you feel unwell, please seek medical attention offline.

In the quest for health and vitality, exercise has always been seen as a magic key.

However, sometimes there is a confusing phenomenon: some people who exercise for a long time not only do not become stronger and younger, but appear weak and aging. What's going on here?

Why do people who exercise regularly get older? Doctor: 3 things that could be done wrong!

Let's talk about Brother Zhou's experience first. Brother Zhou is an enthusiastic courier who has been exercising for several years in order to maintain good physical condition.

But recently, he felt more and more tired, and his complexion was not as good as before. After going to the doctor, it dawned on me.

Doctors point out that if a person who exercises for a long time has a situation where his body is getting weaker and older, it may be that the following 3 things are doing it wrong.

Why do people who exercise regularly get older? Doctor: 3 things that could be done wrong!

First of all, overtraining is a common mistake. Exercising, while beneficial, can be counterproductive if it exceeds the body's capacity.

When we do excessive, high-intensity exercise, the body produces a lot of free radicals. Free radicals are highly oxidizing substances that can cause damage to cells and accelerate aging.

Also, overtraining can cause the body's stress hormones, such as cortisol, to continue to rise. Being in this state of high stress for a long time can affect the function of the immune system, making people more susceptible to illness and weakening the body.

Why do people who exercise regularly get older? Doctor: 3 things that could be done wrong!

Secondly, inadequate nutritional supplementation is also a key problem. Exercise consumes a lot of energy and nutrients, and if you don't replenish it in a timely and adequate way after a workout, your body will be in a deficit.

For example, protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, and if you don't eat enough, your muscles won't be able to recover and grow effectively, but will shrink gradually.

As another example, vitamins and minerals play an important role in energy metabolism, antioxidants, etc., and deficiencies in these nutrients can affect the normal functioning of the body, leading to fatigue and weakness.

Why do people who exercise regularly get older? Doctor: 3 things that could be done wrong!

In addition, it is equally undesirable to neglect rest and recovery. The body is like a machine, exercise is use, and rest and recovery are maintenance.

If you only focus on exercise and don't give your body enough time to repair damage and rebuild tissues, your body will be overwhelmed in the long run.

Sleep is an important period for the body to recover, during sleep, the body secretes growth hormone, which promotes cell repair and growth. If you don't get enough sleep for a long time, or don't get enough rest time after a workout, your body can't recover effectively, which affects your health and vitality.

Why do people who exercise regularly get older? Doctor: 3 things that could be done wrong!

Just like Brother Wang, he blindly pursues high intensity and long time when exercising, but ignores the importance of nutritional supplementation and rest.

Under the guidance of his doctor, he adjusted his exercise plan, increased his nutritional intake, and ensured adequate rest, and after a period of time, his physical condition improved significantly.

Why do people who exercise regularly get older? Doctor: 3 things that could be done wrong!

In short, exercise is to make us healthier and more energetic, but pay attention to the way and method. Avoiding overtraining, ensuring adequate nutrition, and paying attention to rest and recovery can truly achieve the goal of exercise and make us more and more stable on the road to health.