
When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

author:Dip the fish in the pot
When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

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Xiong Er wishes everyone a happy day and a hard time!

Today's topic: When a child says something weird, don't think it's a joke! #爆料 ##文章首发挑战赛#

Parents may not notice that the little ones are far less skilled in speaking than we adults. So, we sometimes unconsciously ignore their words.

This is a big mistake!

If you're not ready for anything, think twice about raising a child. Some netizens shared their stories, saying that if they don't take their children's words seriously, children can actually feel that adults are ignoring something.

But because they have a limited vocabulary, they can only repeat the same words over and over again. Parents who are not prepared may mistakenly think that this is just their child's fooling around, and end up missing what their child really wants to say.


Let's take a look at what netizens have to say:

I really didn't expect that there would be such a person, it's so funny!

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

This child knows that he is distressed when he is a child, and he is really a warm little padded jacket.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

It's obvious that they're wrong, and that's not to be said.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

No wonder every time I lit a fire in the kitchen, my cat was so anxious that he meowed loudly, because he thought I was playing with fire.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

This sign is a bit hairy to look at.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

Isn't the sun called the sun father? Today's Sun Father's enthusiasm is too much.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

The mother-in-law may have come to take revenge, and she can even light a newspaper that doesn't absorb oil, which is really unguardable.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

I remember a child who said, "There are teeth on the roof," but it was actually a thief who was smiling on it.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

Listening to the little ones, their "animist" views are really peculiar and funny.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

The girl is right, that's the reason.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

Fortunately, Sichuan people like to call shoes "children", otherwise it would be so embarrassing.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

From my sister's point of view, that scene must have made people feel extremely desperate.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

It's really trying my best, and the scene is so funny that people can't help laughing.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

The children's descriptions are always so innocent and direct.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

It's like my mom, seeing the "belt" on the ceiling, and it turns out to be a snake, which really makes people laugh and cry.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

Trains, oh, are the kind of big guys that clatter on the tracks.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold

The crane operation is so big that it looks like a Hollywood blockbuster.

When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold
When a child says something strange, don't think it's a joke! After reading it, my back is cold